Saturday, June 25, 2022

We are being ruled by criminals!

When people debate abortion I feel their hands all over me. I feel so violated.  What I choose to do with my body is not up for debate and nobody has a saying on it. Abortion is a  women’s right and debating abortion is in itself a violation of my rights. Forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy to term against her will is 1000 times worse than rape. I'm the captain of my body.

Pro-lifers fight so hard for the unborn because unconsciously and compulsively they want an endless supply of innocent powerless beings to use, exploit and project their disowned parts. Carrying a pregnancy to term and giving birth to a new being we are not ready to nurture, take care of and protect, THAT, is soul murdering and contributes to the destruction of the world. Pro-lifers are soul murders and destroyers of life that is already born under the disguise of being pro-life.

It’s very sad when politicians unconsciously and compulsively are driven blindly by the dead hand of their own repression to create destructive laws to keep the public repressed and obedient.
People that idealize their childhoods and parents will keep having a limitless craving for scapegoats on whom they can avenge themselves for the fears and anxieties of childhood without having to re-experience those fears. 

Because of society's stigma on abortion, pregnant poor vulnerable women seeking an abortion make the perfect scapegoats to take revenge for the wrongs done to them by their own mothers or caregivers when they were defenseless little children. 

Pro-life people suffer and secretly enjoy seeing others suffer too, they want others to have the same fate as them. We need people with the courage to stand up to stupid laws politicians unconsciously create -- hiding behind their illusion of love for the unborn --  to suppress and be cruel to people already born -- the same way their own parents or caregivers were cruel to them when they were defenseless little children.
"In disbelief, one asks oneself:  Is it possible that the people behind such actions really are so clueless?  Do they not know that no less than one hundred percent of all seriously abused children are unwanted?  Do they not know what that can lead to?  Do they not know that mistreatment is a parent’s way of taking revenge on the children they never wanted?  Shouldn’t the authorities do everything in their power, in the light of this information, to see to it that the only children who are born are wanted, planned for, and loved?  If they did, then we could put an end to the creation and continuation of evil in our world.  To force the role of a mother on a woman who does not wish to be mother is an offense not just against her, but against the whole human community, because the child she brings into the world is likely to take criminal revenge for its birth, as do the many (mis)leaders threatening our lives.  All wars we ever had were the deeds of once unwanted, heinously mistreated children.  It is the right to lived life that we must protect wherever and whenever it is threatened. And it should never be sacrificed to an abstract idea.

Not everyone is capable of thinking in real, concrete terms.  Many seek refuge in religious beliefs.  In their weakness, they place their trust in “relics,” awaiting salvation at the hands of one stronger than themselves.  Anyone who claims to be a strong and knowledgeable authority for such people, and to be acting on their behalf, has the duty to be conscious of the appropriate facts.  If they aren’t, if they ignore or neglect that duty, claiming instead that their palpable lack of information and their abstract conceptions of “life” are sanctioned by God and practiced in the name of humanity, they are acting against life, by misusing the weakness and trust of the faithful and dangerously confusing them.  The injunction against abortion goes even further:  Consciously or unconsciously, it represents support for cruelty against children and active complicity in the creation of unwanted existences, existences that can easily become a liability for the community at large.

When I see the passion with which Catholic priests - men childless by choice - fight against abortion, I can’t help asking what it is that motivates them.  Is it a desire to prove that unlived life, as perhaps their own destinies suggest, is more important and more valuable than lived life?  Was that, perhaps, how the parents of those passionately committed to stopping abortion thought, though they expressed it in different ways?  Or is it a case of seeing to it that others share the same fate as oneself?  Both are possible.  Both are dangerous, when people are driven to blind and destructive actions by the dead hand of their own repression.

It is, in fact, not surprising to find that those who are both victims and apologist for the use of violence and severity against children are often those who most passionately proclaim their love of the unborn child, i.e., the kernel of life.  Abortion can, indeed, be seen as the most powerful symbol of the psychic annihilation and mutilation practiced since time immemorial on children.  But to combat this evil merely at the symbolic level deflects us from the reality we should not evade for a moment longer:  the reality of the abused and humiliated child, which, as a result of its disavowed and unresolved injuries, will insidiously become, either openly or aided by hypocrisy, a danger to society.

It is above all the children already born that have a right to life - a right to coexistence with adults in a world in which, with or without the help of the church, violence against children has been unequivocally outlawed.  Until such legislation exists, talk of “the right to life” remains not only a mockery of humanity but a contribution to its destruction." Alice Miller

Everything! It's a huge injustice against women like me. They want to turn us into criminals but they are the true criminals hiding behind religion, god, and the rule of law. These words written by Alice miller could not be more true "To force the role of a mother on a woman who does not wish to be a mother is an offense not just against her, but against the whole human community, because the child she brings into the world is likely to take criminal revenge for its birth, as do the many (mis)leaders threatening our lives.  All wars we ever had were the deeds of once unwanted, heinously mistreated children.  It is the right to lived life that we must protect wherever and whenever it is threatened. And it should never be sacrificed to an abstract idea."

The sociopaths at my job of nine and half years also with their mind games and psychological warfare were hoping I would react and they could turn me into a criminal like them, their goal is to corrupt, and be corrupted,  but exactly a year later we saw who were the true criminals. But now is a big cover-up and I will use every breath I take to  try to uncover this cover-up!  We are being ruled by criminals!

Any woman that votes republican has to suffer from Stockholm syndrome! And most men in the Republican Party deep down have to hate women, in reality, they hate their own mothers, but to keep their idealized image of their own mothers intact, with their vote, they take revenge on all other women.

It really pisses me off when men that want to be with me say they respect my right to choose if I want to carry a pregnancy to term or not, but they vote for politicians that would take my right away, they say that the reason they vote for those politicians, is because they are better for the economy, but the truth is both parties waste money on illusions, but even if those politicians were better for the economy what I hear is that money is more important to them than me! And they would throw me under the bus just to keep extra money in their pockets. I can’t be with a man that will throw me under the bus just to keep extra money in their pockets! What really pisses me off is when women throw other women under the bus just to secure their own survival.

"Here's the thing, guys. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter when life begins. It doesn't matter whether a fetus is a human being or not. That entire argument is a red herring, a distraction, a subjective and unwinnable argument that could not matter less.

It doesn't matter whether we're talking about a fertilized egg. or a fetus, or a baby, or a five year old, or a Nobel Prize winning paediatric oncologist.

NOBODY has the right to use your body, against your will, even to save their life, or the life of another person. That's it. That's the argument. You cannot be forced to donate blood, or marrow, or organs. even though thousands die every year, on waiting lists. They cannot even harvest your organs after your death without your explicit, written, pre-mortem permission.

Denying women the right to abortion means we have less bodily autonomy than a corpse."  It's sad to live in a world where I have less rights than a corpse 😥

Click on the link below to read more about abortion.

Have no doubt that laws repressing women will create more women like Amber Heard that resort to lies and manipulations to fulfill their needs and desires and will exploit and abuse the children they bring into the world -- raising the oppressors of tomorrow. So passing laws repressing women affects everyone.

This is what America has become.

The words below by Alice Miller could not be more true: 

"Are women Less Aggressive than Men?

In my view, women are by no means less aggressive than men. Of course, they are victimized and disadvantaged by men avenging themselves for the beating they received from their mothers. But women avenge themselves for such victimization and physical cruelty by taking it out on their little children, thus breeding new generations of avengers who consciously love and honor their parents.

I see no real difference between the cruelty of women and that of men, because both sexes have learned such sadism at the hands of their parents and caregivers at the time when their brains were still in the process of formation. As children, they were subjected to cruelty and even perversion, but they not allowed to defend themselves. So later take out their repressed anger on other defenseless people, frequently in the same way their parents treated them when they were small. Women frequently vent this acquired sadism on their children. While men also give free rein to it by victimizing employees at work or lower military ranks, or else participating in orgies of violence like genocide or terrorist attacks. The causes invariable lie in the repressed and totally denied suffering of their childhood (though most of them will insist that they had wonderful parents). People who were not humiliated, tormented, or beaten in their early years are incapable of sadism.

Women can live out all kinds of covert perversion on their children and torment them impunity as long as they call this behavior “good parenting.” Society idealizes mothers because people have never consciously realized that their own mothers treated them cruelly when they were small. Accordingly, women normally enjoy total immunity.

I see no sex-specific differences in the suicide bombers. I understand terrorism as an attempt to compensate for the humiliations these people were subjected to, but have never consciously perceived as such, by means of a “magnificent deed” (such as sacrificing their own lives for the sake of a group).

Though it is not difficult to understand this dynamic, there are not many people who would allow themselves to give up their denial and look the truth in the face. The fear felt by the tormented children they once were can prevent this all their lives."
From the book “Free from Lies: Discovering your true needs” By Alice Miller Page 140

The present judges in the USA Supreme Court proves and are a great example that having an education and being well spoken means nothing and doesn't liberate anyone.
Actually, education alone is just another illusion. Resolving childhood repression is the only long-term solution for people to stop following blindly political leaders. And that is a lot more difficult!!! 

"I wonder how the high colleges managed to produce so many high asses." Paracelsus

As long people's childhood repression goes unresolved -- they will be shackled into the chains of compulsion  repetition -- and it doesn't matter how well anyone articulates very nice ideas... The problem is not lack of knowledge and educated people, there are plenty of educated people with intellectual knowledge, the problem is an emotional blockage with the so-called “professionals” or “educated people” hiding behind their rationalizations and seductive theories to protect themselves from having to face and feel their own emotional pain.  It takes courage to see, face and feel our painful truths, intelligence alone is not enough; but it rather helps create seductive, rationalizations, theories, illusions, and lies. 

Alice Miller explains beautifully  in her book For Your Own Good: hidden cruelty in child-rearing and the roots of violence page 42 and 43: "Just as in the symbiosis of the "diaper stage," there is no separation here of subject and object. If the child learns to view corporal punishment as "a necessary measure" against "wrongdoers," then as an adult he will attempt to protect himself from punishment by being obedient and will not hesitate to cooperate with the penal system. In a totalitarian state, which is a mirror of his upbringing, this citizen can also carry out any form of torture or persecution without having a guilty conscience. His "will" is completely identical with that of the government.

Now that we have seen how easy it is for intellectuals in a dictatorship to be corrupted, it would be a vestige of aristocratic snobbery to think that only "the uneducated masses" are susceptible to propaganda. Both Hitler and Stalin had a surprisingly large number of enthusiastic followers among intellectuals. Our capacity to resist has nothing to do with our intelligence but with the degree of access to our true self. Indeed, intelligence is capable of innumerable rationalizations when it comes to the matter of adaptation. Educators have always known this and have exploited it for their own purposes, as the following proverb suggests: "The clever person gives in, the stupid one balks." For example, we read in a work on child raising by Grünwald (1899): "I have never yet found willfulness in an intellectually advanced or exceptionally gifted child" (quoted in Rutschky). Such a child can, in later life, exhibit extraordinary acuity in criticizing the ideologies of his opponents--and in puberty even the views by his own parents-- because in these cases his intellectual powers can function without impairment. Only within a group--such as one consisting of adherents of an ideology or a theoretical school--that represents the early family situation will this person on occasion still display a naïve submissiveness and uncritical attitude that completely believe his brilliance in other situations. Here, tragically, his early dependence upon tyrannical parents is preserved, a dependence that--in keeping with the program of "poisonous pedagogy"--goes undetected. This explains why Martin Heidegger, for example, who had no trouble in breaking with traditional philosophy and leaving behind the teachers of his adolescence, was not able to see the contradictions in Hitler's ideology that should have been obvious to someone of his intelligence. He responded to this ideology with an infantile fascination and devotion that brooked no criticism.”

It's sad to witness all the time people falling for the illusions that formal education, talents, money, and fame is the path to freedom -- these things alone just reinforce the walls of people's emotional prisons

Having special talents is wonderful and it’s okay to cash in your talents for a living, but when people hide behind their talents, fame, and money to hide their own personal truth and keep themselves and others distracted from the truth and facts -- then you are misusing your talents -- and contributing for the lies to spread and silently or covertly you are part of all the violence and atrocities we are witnessing in our world. So if people think they are better than others, because they have special talents, they are being delusional. 

It is a great mistake to imagine that one can resolve traumas in a symbolic fashion. If that were possible, poets, painters, and other artists would be able to resolve their pain through creativity. This is not the case, however. Creativity helps us channel the pain of trauma into symbolic acts; it doesn't help us resolve it. If symbolic revenge for maltreatment received in childhood were effective, then dictators would eventually stop humiliating and torturing their fellow human beings. As long as they choose to deceive themselves about who really deserves their hatred, however, and as long as they go on feeding that hatred in symbolic form instead of experiencing and resolving it within the context of their own childhood, their hunger for revenge will remain insatiable (see Miller 1990a).” read more here

Monday, June 20, 2022

Denying the inner child

We understand a lot about human motivation once we realize one thing -- ninety-nine percent of humanity spends ninety-nine percent of their time trying to avoid facing and feeling painful truths.


Alice Miller: I am sorry for the confusion; there were many letters at the same time with similar questions concerning the philosophy and practice of Ingeborg Bosch so  that my team made a mistake.

It is possible that most of us do not have any experience with the existence of the inner child because the fear of their parents didn’t allow them to listen to his voice and to understand his language, not even in their body symptoms. 

Finally, they succeeded almost in killing it. But to declare then that NOBODY can listen to the inner child and that it DOESN’T EXIST at all is like saying that everybody must be blind because I have been made blind. 

This position is tragic but can be found very often. For that reason, our discovery of the tormented child that gives us messages through our bodies (illnesses) and speaks to us about the suffering he had to endure AND to witness is still not shared and not understood by so many. It is covered up by the self-blame. But you seem to see through this mechanism, and once you do it, you will find out much more.

Above answer from Alice Miller - Readers' Mail

Denying the inner child? - Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ingeborg Bosch - Past Reality Integration Therapy

Book Review - Rediscovering The True Self by Ingeborg Bosch, 2002, pps. 288, Published by Ingeborg Bosch, PRI b.v.

From Rage to Courage

Answers to reader’s letters

Alice Miller Index

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Depression: Compulsive Self-Deception

Depression is caused by the unresolved repressed emotions of the child you once were. And all addictions are a form of escapism... find the courage to face and resolve your childhood repression and you know true freedom that cannot be bought with money and cannot ever be stolen.

Depression: Compulsive Self-Deception

"The categorical denial of the pain we suffered at the beginning of our lives is harmful in the extreme. Suppose someone setting out on a long walk sprains an ankle right at the outset. That person may decide to ignore the pain and to soldier on because he/she has been looking forward to the outing, but sooner or later others will notice that they are limping and will ask what has happened. When they hear the whole story they will understand why this person is limping and advise him/her to go for treatment. But in connection with the sufferings of childhood, which play a similar role in our lives to a sprained ankle at the beginning of a long hike, then things are different. Those sufferings cannot be "played down," they will leave their mark on the whole enterprise. The crucial difference in this case is that normally no one will take any notice. The whole of society is, as it were, in unison with the sufferer, who cannot say what has happened. It may well be that, despite the violation of their integrity, people who have been injured in this way really have no memories. If they have to spend their whole lives with people who play down the traumas of childhood, then they have no choice but to connive in this self-delusion. Their lives will progress in much the same way as the outing of the hiker who has sprained his ankle but pretends that nothing has happened. Should they, however, encounter people who know about the long-term effects of childhood traumas, then they will have the chance to abandon their denial and good prospects of healing the wounds they have been carrying around with them." -- Alice Miller

Above excerpt from the article Depression: Compulsive Self-Deception

by Alice Miller

What is addiction really?

“Recovery From Self-Betrayal: What is addiction really? It is a sign, a signal, a symptom of distress. It is a language that tells us about a plight that must be understood.

The drug business would not flourish if there were not so many people who, in refusing to acknowledge their wounds, are in a permanent state of self-betrayal.

Thus, people work to get rid of symptoms instead of searching out the cause.

There are plenty of means to combat symptoms of distress: medications, sermons, numerous "treatments," "miracles," threats, cults, pedagogical indoctrination and even blackmail.

They can all work for a while, but only because they reinforce the repression and reinforce the fear of resolving it.

However, many people who become abstinent this way are driven into another addiction because the real reasons for becoming addicted must be kept hidden.

A lot of money and fame comes from this business of repression because it satisfies the longing of so many grown-up children: to be loved as a good child (I am blind as you want me to be. I am ready to forget all your cruelty, even at the cost of my life. Can you love me now?).

In the long term, we have to pay a high price for this repression. The repressed story continues to try, again and again, to be heard at long last. Thus your plight will look for other symptoms, another language, until it is taken seriously enough. An addiction is an attempt by a person in despair, who is not allowed to be in despair, to get rid of his or her memory, to forget his or her plight.

Of course, this "solution" is no longer needed if the goal is exactly the opposite, if you want to remember, if you want to feel your plight and to understand its reasons, if you slowly become aware of why you were so afraid of acknowledging the reasons.

This can happen once you decide to stop running away, to stop betraying yourself, to allow the truth to enter your consciousness.

You decide to do so because you finally understand that everything else is useless and because you no longer want to watch your life go by before having even begun to live. You decide to stop betraying yourself because you understand that only you can give yourself the love and care you never received and that you can't do that as long as you deny the truth.” Breaking Down The Wall Of Silence: The Liberating Experience Of Facing Painful Truth by Alice Miller, page 126

Not Developing to Feel Empathy for Ourselves and Others is the Ultimate Tragedy

Things will never turn around and evil will never be extinguished in our world as long as childhood repression is a taboo in our society.

The conversation about the effects of childhood repression in our society needs to start happening in the stage of the world, sooner rather than later, if we want to save ourselves and humanity from falling off a cliff and committing mass suicide. 

I recommend for people to read Alice Miller's books if they want to educate themselves about the dangers of childhood repression in our society. Not developing to feel empathy for ourselves and others is the ultimate tragedy that happens to a lot of people in our world.

Alice Miller died on April 14th, 2010, at the age of 87, She was born in Lemberg and studied in Warsaw and Basel. The Swiss woman pleaded for a loving and non-violent education. One of her thesis says: even in the cruelest dictator, serial killer or terrorist there is, without any exception, a hidden, severely humiliated child, that only survived due to the complete denial of his or her feelings. The Drama of the Gifted Child and the Search for the True Self , from 1979, is her most popular book. In an interview in "Kulturzeit" ( a cultural program) she said in 2001: "When a child is permanently beaten and punished, as it was the case with Hitler and Stalin, he or she must deny the pain and is not allowed to feel and , as a result, will not develop the innate capacity to feel empathy.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Gun Violence and Mass Shootings

So many people don't understand their triggered repressed emotions, most likely triggered by a present betrayal or traumatic experiences, and are driven by the unresolved repressed emotions to hurt themselves, others, or both. 

Our society is in desperate need of enlightened witnesses, but the media is run by weasels like my friend’s neighbor at FOX news, that block enlightened witnesses that can help the public see. 

The media’s objective is not to enlighten the public, but to keep it blind so they can manipulate the public in any direction they want and exploit these senseless acts of violence for pure sensationalism and ratings so they can gain more power over others and make more money for themselves. 

The media says that these are not terrorist attacks, but don’t be fooled. The psychological dynamics of terrorists are the same as these shooters. These shooters let their unresolved repression turn them into terrorists.

I’m so tired of listening to all the talking heads blaming mass shootings on mental illness. The shooters were not mentally ill, they were driven by the repressed emotions of the child they once were to hurt themselves and others.  I’m all for gun control, but all it prevents is the number of people they hurt at one time and they will still go on hurting others on a smaller scale, even if they only hurt one person or an animal at a time, it’s still bad, why we only pay attention when is a mass shooting?! Society needs to ask why young men are so angry and where this anger comes from and why?!

Anger it’s not a dangerous emotion, it only becomes dangerous when it’s repressed and directed at scapegoats. The words written below by Alice Miller in her article What is Hatred? Are so true: 

“We tend to associate the word hatred with the notion of a dangerous curse we need to free ourselves of as quickly as we can. An opinion also frequently voiced is that hatred poisons our very being and makes it all but impossible to heal the injuries stemming from our childhood. I take a very different view of this matter, and this has led to frequent misunderstandings. Accordingly, my attempts to cast light on the phenomenon of hatred and to subject the concept to more searching scrutiny have not yet been very successful.
I too believe that hatred can poison the organism, but only as long as it is unconscious and directed vicariously at substitute figures or scapegoats. When that happens, hatred cannot be resolved. Suppose, for example, that I hate a specific ethnic group but have never allowed myself to realize how my parents treated me when I was a child, how they left me crying for hours in my cot when I was a baby, how they never gave me so much as a loving glance. If that is the case, then I will suffer from a latent form of hatred that can pursue me throughout my whole life and cause all kinds of physical symptoms. But if I know what my parents did to me in their ignorance and have a conscious awareness of my indignation at their behavior, then I have no need to re-direct my hatred at other persons. In the course of time, my hatred for my parents may weaken, or it may resolve itself temporarily, only to flare up again as a result of events in the present or new memories. But I know what this hatred is all about. Thanks to the feelings I have actively experienced, I now know myself well enough, AND I HAVE NO COMPULSION TO KILL OR HARM ANYONE BECAUSE OF MY FEELINGS OF HATRED.

We frequently meet people who are grateful to their parents for the beatings they received when they were little, or who assert that they have long since forgotten the sexual molestation they suffered at their hands. They say that in prayer they have forgiven their parents for their "sins." But at the same time, they feel a compulsion to resort to physical violence in the upbringing of their children and/or to interfere with them sexually. Every pedophile openly displays his "love" of children and has no idea that deep down he is avenging himself for the things done to him as a child. Though he is not consciously aware of this hatred, he is still subject to its dictates.

Such LATENT hatred is indeed dangerous and difficult to resolve because it is not directed at the person who has caused it but at substitute figures. Cemented in different kinds of perversion, it can sustain itself for life and represents a serious threat, not only to the environment of the person harboring it, but also to that person him/herself.

CONSCIOUS, REACTIVE hatred is different. Like any other feeling, this can recede and fade away once we have lived it through. If our parents have treated us badly, possibly even sadistically, and we are able to face up to the fact, then, of course, we will experience feelings of hatred. As I have said, such feelings may weaken or fade away altogether in the course of time, though this never happens from one day to the next. The full extent of the mistreatment inflicted upon a child cannot be dealt with all at once. Coming to terms with it is an extended process in which aspects of the mistreatment are allowed into our consciousness one after the other, thus rekindling the feeling of hatred. But in such cases, hatred is not dangerous. It is a logical consequence of what happened to us, a consequence only fully perceived by the adult, whereas the child was forced to tolerate it in silence for years.

Alongside reactive hatred of the parents and latent hatred deflected onto scapegoats, there is also the justified hatred for a person tormenting us in the present, either physically or mentally, a person we are at the mercy of and either cannot free ourselves of, or at least believe that we cannot. As long as we are in such a state of dependency, or think we are, then hatred is the inevitable outcome. It is hardly conceivable that a person being tortured will not feel hatred for the torturer. If we deny ourselves this feeling, we will suffer from physical symptoms. The biographies of Christian martyrs are full of descriptions of the dreadful ailments they suffered from, and a significant portion of them are skin diseases. This is how the body defends itself against self-betrayal. These "saints" were enjoined to forgive their tormentors, to "turn the other cheek," but their inflamed skin was a clear indication of the extreme anger and resentment they were suppressing.

Once such victims have managed to free themselves from the power of their tormentors, they will not have to live with this hatred day in, day out. Of course, the memories of their impotence and the horrors they went through may well up again on occasion. But it is probable that the intensity of their hatred will be tempered as time goes on. (I have discussed this aspect in more detail in my recent book "Our Body Never Lies - The Lingering Effects of Cruel Parenting", Norton, New York).

Hatred is only a feeling, albeit a very strong and assertive one. Like any other feeling, it is a sign of our vitality. So if we try to suppress it, there will be a price to pay. Hatred tries to tell us something about the injuries we have been subjected to, and also about ourselves, our values, our specific sensitivity. We must learn to pay heed to it and understand the message it conveys. If we can do that, we no longer need to fear hatred. If we hate hypocrisy, insincerity, and mendacity, then we grant ourselves the right to fight them wherever we can or to withdraw from people who only trust in lies. But if we pretend that we are impervious to these things, then we are betraying ourselves.”

 Also these words from Alice Miller’s book “For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence” in the chapter Unlived Anger could not be truer: “In October 1977 the philosopher Leszek Kolakowski was awarded the Prize of the German Booksellers' Association. In his acceptance speech, he spoke about hatred, with special reference to the event that was on many people’s minds at the time, the hijacking of a Lufthansa plane to Mogadishu.

Kolakowski said that time after time there have been instances of people who are completely free of hatred and who therefore offer proof that it is possible to live without it. It is not surprising for a philosopher to talk like this if he identifies humanness with consciousness. But for someone who has been confronted with manifestations of unconscious psychic reality on a daily basis and who sees over and over again how serious the consequences of overlooking this reality are, it will no longer be a simple matter, of course, to divide people into those who are good or bad, loving or hate-filled. Such a person knows that moralizing concepts are less apt to uncover the truth than to conceal it. Hatred is a normal human feeling, and a feeling has never killed anyone. Is there a more appropriate reaction than anger or even hatred in response to the abuse of children, the rape of women, the torture of the innocent---especially if the perpetrator’s motives remain hidden? A person who has had the good fortune from the beginning to be allowed to react to frustration with rage will internalize his empathetic parents and will later be able to deal with all his feelings, including hatred, without the need for analysis. I don’t know if such people exist; I have never met one. What I have seen are people who did not acknowledge their hatred but delegated it to others without meaning to and without even knowing they were doing it. Under certain circumstances, they developed a severe obsessional neurosis accompanied by destructive fantasies, or, if this did not occur, their children had the neurosis. Often they were treated for years for a physical illness that was really psychic in origin. Some suffered from severe depression. But as soon as it became possible for them to experience their early childhood hatred in analysis, their symptoms disappeared, and with them the fear that their feelings of hatred might cause someone harm. It is not experienced hatred that leads to acts of violence and destructiveness but hatred that must be warded off and bottled up with the aid of ideology, a situation that can be examined in detail in the case of Adolf Hitler. Every experienced feeling gives way in time to another, and even the most extreme conscious hatred of one’s father will not lead a person to kill---to say nothing of destroying a whole people. But Hitler warded off his childhood feelings totally and destroyed human life because “Germany needed more Lebensraum,” because “the Jews were a menace to the world,” because he “wanted young people to be cruel so they could create something new”---the list of supposed reasons could go on and on.”

Just as Alice Miller says in an answer to one of her readers about the Virginia Tech shooting. “The Virginia Tech story is a flight from its own history with the help of drugs. They only help to flee and not to see. I am so glad for you that you dared to feel.”

I agree with Johnny Depp

Totally agree with Johnny Depp's statement above. I'm glad Johnny won in the court of law and in the court of public opinion because he was the real victim here. 

Falling in love and sexual attraction means that we have found the perfect person to trigger us, rise to the surface, all that was repressed in us; no one can trigger in us what is not already in ourselves. 

Once we have faced our repression and felt the excruciating feelings of the child we once were within the context of our own childhood. We don’t fall in love anymore and have sexual attractions. We are in love; and if we meet another person in love, and if we choose to stay together, then we'll be two people in love together. 

We find love when we are love. Falling in love is more dangerous than most people are willing to admit. If we knew falling in love meant going into all the dark chambers of the soul, none of us would risk it. To become a real lover in life involves opening up our whole being.

Amber heard is a full-blown malignant narcissist that went out of her way to hurt him just like the property manager - a woman -  did at my job of nine and a half years.


*Narcissists are dangerous because they destroy and corrupt the Victim's self-identity, self-concept, and self-worth. The Victim no more identifies him or herself and takes years to rebuild their personality. Going through narcissistic abuse is the total annihilation of everything a person has ever known.

*The gaslighting, projection, cognitive dissonance, future-faking, love-bombing, false promises, eroded boundaries, inability to empathize, and mind-fuckery are all enough to drive one crazy.

*Narcissists are true parasites. The only reason they stay with you is that they need supply and need to feed on you. They see you as an object.

*Lack of meaningful remorse or guilt-to the point of complete indifference. 

*They leave a trail of destruction wherever they go. They take pleasure in their Victim's pain. It gives them a sense of being in power and control."

I still for a brief moment get annoyed when someone or event reenacts my childhood drama or reminds me of it, but NOW I am able to keep adult conscious to take care of myself and deal with present situations with lucidity without having unresolved repressed emotions of the child I once threw me off balance. 

I no longer allow anyone in my life to stand in as a substitute parent figure to rule in my life.

When people's repression is triggered and go to mental health professionals to help them with their painful emotions, sadly,  most professionals “the helpers” standing in as substitute parent figures have not done their own emotional work and the only help they going to give to people is to repress them all over again with the aid of medication and manipulative tactics and people lose the great opportunity for true liberation. 

These words from Alice Miller’s book “The Drama of the Gifted Child” come to mind: “Because of his early experiences with his mother, he cannot believe that this need not happen. If he gives way to this fear and adapts himself, the therapy slides over into the realm of the false self, and the true self remains hidden and undeveloped. 

It is therefore extremely important that the therapist not allow his own needs to impel him to formulate connections that the patient himself is discovering with the help of his own feelings.

 Otherwise, he is in danger of behaving like a friend who brings a good meal to a prisoner in his cell, at the precise moment when that prisoner has the chance to escape --- perhaps to spend his first night hungry and without shelter, but in freedom nevertheless. 

Since this first step into unknown territory would require a great deal of courage, the prisoner may comfort himself with his food and shelter and thus miss his chance and stay in prison.”

Sadly this is what I see happening with most people. Also, these words by Alice come to mind: "Pain is the way to the truth. By denying that you were unloved as a child, you spare yourself some pain, but you are not with your own truth. And throughout your whole life, you'll try to earn love. In therapy, avoiding pain causes blockage. Yet nobody can confront being neglected or hated without feeling guilty. "It is my fault that my mother is cruel," he thinks. "I made my mother furious; what can I do to make her loving?" So he will continue trying to make her love him. The guilt is really protection against the terrible realization that you are fated to have a mother who cannot love. This is much more painful than to think, "Oh, she is a good mother, it's only me who's bad." Because then you can try to do something to get love. But it's not true; you cannot earn love. And feeling guilty for what has been done to you only supports your blindness and your neurosis." Read more in the link below:

  The intended Profile

“It's a dark, cool, quiet place. A basement in your soul. And that place can sometimes be dangerous to the human mind. I can open the door and enter that darkness, but I have to be very careful. I can find my story there. Then I bring that thing to the surface, into the real world. ” ― Haruki Murakami

Going into the dark chamber of our soul alone or with the wrong witness can be sometimes very dangerous because sometimes we can kill ourselves, others, or both, like so many mass shooters. We need a true enlightened witness like Alice Miller to help us navigate through the dark chambers of our soul, so we can face and feel the true story and bring it to the surface safely without putting ourselves and others in danger with unconscious disastrous enactments

Like so many mass shooters do, most were under psychiatric care, but obviously, the doctors were not able to see clearly how much trouble these young men were in and now sadly they lost the opportunity forever to break free from the emotional prison of their own childhood, if they survive their own acts or orgy of violence, they will forever live in an emotional prison without the possibility of liberating themselves, the prison guards playing the substitute parents figures and them endless in the role of the child. And the people they killed also will never have a chance to find true freedom. So many lives are wasted all the time. 

“I've spoken of the patient Peter who was obsessively forced to make conquests with women, to seduce and then to abandon them, until he was at last able to experience how he himself had repeatedly been abandoned by his mother.”

― Alice Miller, The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self