Wednesday, May 1, 2024

11 things an emotionally immature woman will do when she doesn’t get her way

 3) She gives the silent treatment

Ever been on the receiving end of a stony silence? I have, and let me tell you, it’s not fun.

I once had a friend who would completely shut me out every time we had a disagreement. 

Instead of talking things out like adults, she’d go radio silent for days, even weeks. 
This was her way of punishing me for not aligning with her views.

The silent treatment, my friends, is a classic move by emotionally immature women.

It’s a manipulative tactic designed to make you feel guilty and ultimately give in to her demands. It’s certainly not the way emotionally mature adults handle disagreements or disappointments.

4, She uses manipulation tactics, 

When it comes to emotionally immature women, you might notice that they have a knack for pulling strings to get their way., 

This could show up in various forms like guilt-tripping you when they want something, gaslighting to make you doubt your own perceptions, or even playing the victim to garner sympathy and sway the situation in their favor., 

These tactics are often their go-to because they see them as the path of least resistance to get what they desire., 

Rather than sitting down for an honest chat about their needs and listening to others' perspectives, they opt for manipulation., And guess what? This reliance on manipulation instead of healthy communication can create a lot of drama and confusion in relationships, making genuine connections difficult.

6, She can’t handle criticism, 

I remember a time when I gave a friend some constructive feedback about a project we were working on together. Rather than taking it on board and seeing it as an opportunity for growth, she immediately became defensive and started to argue., 

It was as if I had personally attacked her, not her work., This is a common trait in emotionally immature women – they often can’t handle criticism, even when it’s meant to be helpful.

Read more in the link below:

"I once loved someone so much that I tried to fix them while they were breaking me."

"Narcissists have secret lives. They lie effortlessly. They are two-faced - appearing with a perfect public image that most people believe. In the shadows, when no one is looking, they do tremendous damage to family, friends, coworkers, and those who live with them."

"Are Women Less Aggressive than Men?

In my view, women are by no means less aggressive than men. Of course, they are victimized and disadvantaged by men avenging themselves for the beating they received from their mothers. But women avenge themselves for such victimization and physical cruelty by taking it out on their little children, thus breeding new generations of avengers who consciously love and honor their parents.

I see no real difference between the cruelty of women and that of men, because both sexes have learned such sadism at the hands of their parents and caregivers at the time when their brains were still in the process of formation. As children, they were subjected to cruelty and even perversion, but they not allowed to defend themselves. So later take out their repressed anger on other defenseless people, frequently in the same way their parents treated them when they were small. Women frequently vent this acquired sadism on their children. While men also give free rein to it by victimizing employees at work or lower military ranks, or else participating in orgies of violence like genocide or terrorist attacks. The causes invariable lie in the repressed and totally denied suffering of their childhood (though most of them will insist that they had wonderful parents). People who were not humiliated, tormented, or beaten in their early years are incapable of sadism.

Women can live out all kinds of covert perversion on their children and torment them with impunity as long as they call this behavior “good parenting.” Society idealizes mothers because people have never consciously realized that their own mothers treated them cruelly when they were small. Accordingly, women normally enjoy total immunity.

I see no sex-specific differences in the suicide bombers. I understand terrorism as an attempt to compensate for the humiliations these people were subjected to, but have never consciously perceived it as such, by means of a “magnificent deed” (such as sacrificing their own lives for the sake of a group).

Though it is not difficult to understand this dynamic, there are not many people who would allow themselves to give up their denial and look the truth in the face. The fear felt by the tormented children they once were can prevent this all their lives."
From the book “Free from Lies: Discovering Your True Needs” By Alice Miller Page 140



“If we hate hypocrisy, insincerity, and mendacity, then we grant ourselves the right to fight them wherever we can or to withdraw from people who only trust in lies. But if we pretend that we are impervious to these things, then we are betraying ourselves.” Alice Miller
Free from Lies: Discovering Your True Needs page 55

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