Monday, October 7, 2024

Repressed Fears

Your voice is powerful. Your voice has meaning. If it didn't, people wouldn't work so hard to try to silence you.

Care about what other people think, and you will always be their prisoner. Lao Tzu

If your voice held no POWER they wouldn't try to silence you.

People may try to silence others for various reasons, often rooted in power dynamics, fear, or differing beliefs. Here are some common motivations:

  1. Power and Control: Individuals or groups may seek to maintain their authority or status by suppressing dissenting voices. This can be seen in political contexts where regimes censor opposition.
  2. Fear of Exposure: Those who have something to hide may attempt to silence critics to avoid scrutiny or accountability, particularly if the criticisms reveal wrongdoing.
  3. Ideological Conflict: People may feel threatened by ideas that challenge their beliefs or values. Silencing opposing viewpoints can be a way to protect their worldview.
  4. Social Pressure: In some communities, there may be a strong social norm against speaking out, leading individuals to silence themselves or others to conform to group expectations.
  5. Desire for Harmony: Some may believe that silencing dissent can prevent conflict and maintain social cohesion, even if it comes at the expense of open dialogue.
  6. Misinformation: In cases where misinformation is prevalent, individuals may attempt to silence those who provide accurate information that contradicts popular but false narratives.

These dynamics can occur in various settings, including personal relationships, workplaces, social media, and broader societal contexts. The implications of silencing can lead to a lack of diversity in thought and hinder social progress.

If someone thinks it's about them I'm referring to in my blogs and threatens me with a lawsuit, don’t they see that if they decide to file a lawsuit against me, they will be revealing their true identity and exposing themselves to the general public?!

Lawsuits become a public record! If I remove a blog post is because  I'm respecting a person's wishes and not because of threats with certain laws. 

Filling a lawsuit is not in their best interest if they want to protect their anonymity and privacy, otherwise, the sociopaths at my job of nine and a half years would have done it already. If people don't like my writings don't come to my blog, that's that simple. Will people ever learn that by attacking me and coming after me, they end up exposing themselves, self snitching...

When people try to silence you, it can often mean they feel threatened by your voice or perspective, which could be interpreted as a fear of your potential influence or the truth you might speak; therefore, there is some validity to the idea that silencing someone is sometimes motivated by fear. 

If someone is voicing opinions that contradict a dominant narrative or power structure, those in power may try to silence them to maintain control. 

Speaking out against wrongdoing or highlighting issues can make those in positions of power feel vulnerable and exposed, leading them to try to shut down the criticism. 

New ideas or perspectives can be unsettling, and those resistant to change might attempt to silence dissenters to maintain the status quo. 

People with less power might be silenced more easily, making it crucial to analyze the power imbalance in a situation.  

Beyond direct censorship, silencing can also happen through subtle means like gaslighting, ignoring, or discrediting someone's opinions. 

If you put 100 black ants and 100 red ants in a jar, nothing will happen. But if you shake the jar hard, the ants will start killing each other. The red ants will consider the black ants their enemies, and the black ants will consider the red ants their enemies. The real enemy is the one who shakes the jar. The same thing happens in human society. So before we attack each other, we should think about who is shaking the jar! [Now I always see very clearly who shakes the jar! So instead of getting mad at me try to find out who is going around shaking the jar and jet mad at her instead!] 

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