Friday, September 20, 2024

Signs Someone Does'nt Want The Best For You

Signs Someone Does'nt Want The Best For You:

When you share good news, they quickly change the topic or downplay your success.

They compete with everything you do. 

Instead of celebrating your wins, they turn it into a competition and try to outshine you.

They highlight your failures. When you make a mistake, they're quick to point it out, often in front of others, to make you feel small. 

7 things people take a lifetime to learn:

Feeling sad after making a decision. That doesn't mean it was the wrong decision.

Life is not tiring. Wanting life to be a certain way but not having the confidence to make it that way is tiring.

 Self-awareness is realizing that there is no opponent --- you're fighting against yourself.

Sometimes saying "goodbye" doesn't mean you don't love something. It just means you love yourself too.

That lesson will repeat itself until you learn it.

If you keep one hand on your past and one hand on your future. You'll never have either. To embrace tomorrow you must let go of yesterday.

The world starts and ends entirely inside your mind. No matter where you end up., no matter how rich or successful you become, you won't enjoy any of it if you get here at the expense of your mental wealth.


1. Many stay in toxic relationships out of fear of being alone.

2. People would rather ignore the truth than change their opinion about someone.

3. when you share feelings with someone who doesn't care, your feelings are nothing but drama.

4. Some people live as if every moment is a scene in a reality show.

5. Being forgetful might actually mean you're more intelligent.

How To Recognize A Toxic Person In Your Life

1. You leave feeling emotionally exhausted after an encounter with them.

2. You feel as though you're walking on eggshells around them frequently.

3. They fail to take responsibility for their actions and often play the victim.

4. You feel isolated or cut off from friends and family because of them.

5. You or others are blamed for the negative feelings and circumstances in their life.

6. They struggle with empathy and are unable to understand or validate your feelings.

7. Your gut feeling consistently tells you something is off in your interactions with them.

"If you get on the wrong train, be sure to get off at the first stop. The longer you stay on, the more expensive the return trip is going to cost you. They weren't talking about trains." That's exactly how I did most of the time in my life the moment I realized I was on the wrong train I got off at the first chance. Martin is the only train it took me the longest to get off,10 long years! He pushed me out because he discovered I had him figured out and he could not manipulate me any longer.

Signs of High Vibration

1. People stare at you.

2. Kids like you

3. Animals feel safe around you.

4. Strangers tell you their life stories.

5. The room's energy shifts when you walk in.

6. You irritate toxic people by being authentic.

7. People envy you


1. You're responsible for how people treat you

2. Health is wealth

3. Actions speak louder than words

4. It's okay to say 'no'

5. Validation comes from within

6. Never feel bad about putting yourself first

7. Failure brings you one step closer to success

8. Relationships should fuel you, not diminish you

9. You're in charge of your own success

10. Stay true to yourself, no matter what

11. Your intuition is always right

4 sentences that will change your mindset.

1. It's about who stands in the rain with you when they have the choice to be dry.

2. You tried something. It wasn't right. But at least now it won't exist as a what-if.

3. You think the grass is greener somewhere else. In reality, the grass is greener wherever you water it.

4. If it costs you your peace, it's too expensive.

Narcissists often underestimate those who find peace in being alone.

A narcissist never identifies a problem with their anger. However, if you get angry they'll have lots of problems with you to fire back at you. The narcissist believes they are the privileged ones when it comes to anger. They allow it for themselves but you should never dare to be angry back.

 Stupid is the man who always remains the same.

 If you are a friend to everybody, you are an enemy to yourself

 It's impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others.

 Your biggest enemy and critic is none other than you

 Think of yourself dead, Now take what's left and live it properly.

Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.

Whenever you can't decide which path to take choose the one that leads to change. 

Living with a peaceful mind is true success [yes it is! I consider myself very successful because I have achieved emotional freedom and peace. I measure success how peaceful and emotionally free someone is and not how much money they have.]

Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.


1. Live life before life leaves you

2. Be good, but never waste your time to prove it.

3. Efforts are always better than promises.

4. In the end, we all become memories and stories.

5. You are your home, take care of yourself.

6. If it's heavy, let it go.

7. You never fail, only learn.

8. Work on you, for you.

9. Life is full of unexpected goodbyes.

10. It's hard to find real love in this fake world.

11. Some changes are painful but necessary

12. React less, observe more.

13. Sometimes we lose people because we over-love them.

If you put 100 black ants and 100 red ants in a jar, nothing will happen. But if you shake the jar hard, the ants will start killing each other. The red ants will consider the black ants their enemies, and the black ants will consider the red ants their enemies. The real enemy is the one who shakes the jar. The same thing happens in human society. So before we attack each other, we should think about who is shaking the jar! [Now I always see very clearly who shakes the jar!]

How To Read Someone's Emotions Like A Pro:

1. Pay attention to micro-expressions; they reveal true feelings.

2. Observe eye movements; upward glances can indicate thinking, and downward can show guilt.

3. Look at their mouth; a tight-lipped smile can hide frustration.

4. Focus on their posture; slumped shoulders often indicate sadness or fatigue.

5. Notice the speed of their speech; faster-talking can mean excitement or anxiety.

6. Watch their hands; clenched fists may reveal anger or stress.

7. Pay attention to their breathing; shallow breathing often accompanies stress or fear.


The Hot and Cold...

This involves alternating between affection and distance. He/she might shower you with attention one minute and then go radio silent the next. It creates confusion and makes you question their feelings, ultimately seeking their approval.

The Jealousy Game...

He/she might casually mention other women or men, bringing up attractive coworkers or friends, to gauge your reaction and insecurities. It's a way to manipulate your feelings and feel desired.

The Disappearing Act...

This is when he/she becomes unreachable, not returning calls or texts, leaving you worried and unsure. It could be to test your loyalty or gain control by making you chase after him/her.

The Damsel in Distress Act...

He/she portrays himself/herself as needing constant help or reassurance, making you feel responsible for his/her happiness. This keeps you focused on him/her and avoids him/her taking responsibility for his/her own emotions.

The Mixed Messages...

His/her words and actions contradict each other. He/she might say he wants a committed relationship but avoids commitment itself. This creates confusion and makes it hard for you to understand his/her true intentions.

When you look back what did that narcissist really ever do for you? Jack shit except build up your own dreams in your head by misleading you. A narcissist is fake as fuck and good riddance. Stop mourning over someone who never existed.


1. They withhold information or manipulate the truth to create doubt and confusion and pretend as if they do not understand what you are saying or decline to hear.

2. They twist your memories to see it their way or by questioning yours, even though you remember it correctly so that you start questioning your sanity.

3. They use their kindness/charm to change the subject or divert your attention so they don't have to take responsibility for their wrongdoings.

4. They invalidate your feelings and thoughts, They will blame you for being too sensitiv, even if your concern and emotions are valid.


• You have only 1 birthday, the rest are congratulations for surviving.

• The seats you choose in class decide your life.

• The number of people older than you never go up, it only goes down.

• Confidence is not "they will like me" it's "I'll be fine if they don't".

• The world wasn't better when you were young, you were just too young to notice its flaws.

There are far too many people in the world that don't know how they're the bad guy.

Nobody has more contacts than a narcissist who's pretending to be a somebody and is actually a nobody with No real friends.

Abusers expect an explanation for everything. If you provide an explanation they will then proceed to discredit your stance and point out why your views are irrelevant. They want you to explain yourself so they can invalidate you and create justification to not consider any other view than their own.

Nobody's more stupid than a Narcissist who thinks they can play their mind games on anybody, till they play them on the wrong person and they get their head knocked off.

Why do we always make the narcissist more important than what they should be? They're a toxic damaged person whose opinion means shit. Who cares what they think or say. Close that chapter.  By far one of the best mental health tips I've ever heard:

Things that lead to burnout:

• Listening to people complain about the same thing

• Doing your best with little appreciation for your work

High expectations at work, home, or in relationships

"The Purpose of Propaganda is to make one set of people forget that other sets of people are human." Aldous Huxley

"Women get addressed by Miss, Mrs., or Ms. because society deems it important to know if she is single, married, or widowed. Men are only addressed by Mr. because their relationship to women does not affect their social status."

"Can a Covert Narcissist control their emotions? Absolutely. That's their forte. This is how they fool you."

Do you know?

If you fall in love because of their appearance, it's called attraction.

If you fall in love because they care for you, it's called appreciation.

If you fall in love because of their generosity, it's called respect.

If you fall in love because of their wealth, it's called desire.

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