Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Our Mental Health and well-being is very important

Yep! That's what they do. 

I agree 100%

No, they don't! Just walk away or keep your distance from these people as much as possible.

So happy to be free of these people, they are exhausting... 

Narcissists can't heal because they lack the courage to open their eyes to see and feel their own painful truths. They would rather kill and be killed than look in the mirror and face themselves, they are a bunch of cowards unconsciously and compulsively looking for scapegoats to exploit and use as poison containers to temporarily alleviate their own childhood repression and feel better. In The Drama of the Gifted Child, page 94: The Search for the True Self" by Dr. Alice Miller: --- "… The humiliation, self-disgust, and self-contempt trigger the past situation and, through the compulsion to repeat, produce the same tragic conditions for pleasure. Seen in this way, the compulsion to repeat is a great opportunity. It can be resolved when feelings in the present situation can be felt and clarified. If no use is made of this opportunity, if the message is ignored, the compulsion to repeat will continue without abating for the person's entire lifetime, although its form may change.
What is unconscious cannot be abolished by proclamation or prohibition. One can, however, develop sensitivity toward recognizing it and begin to experience it consciously, and thus eventually gain control over it…"

In this Interview "The Feeling Child" with Alice Miller by Diane Connors for OMNI Publications International March 1987 --- Dr. Alice Miller says:

"Pain is the way to the truth. By denying that you were unloved as a child, you spare yourself some pain, but you are not with your own truth. And throughout your whole life, you'll try to earn love. In therapy, avoiding pain causes blockage. Yet nobody can confront being neglected or hated without feeling guilty. "It is my fault that my mother is cruel," he thinks. "I made my mother furious; what can I do to make her loving?" So he will continue trying to make her love him. The guilt is really protection against the terrible realization that you are fated to have a mother who cannot love. This is much more painful than thinking, "Oh, she is a good mother, it's only me who's bad." Because then you can try to do something to get love. But it's not true; you cannot earn love. And feeling guilty for what has been done to you only supports your blindness and your neurosis.

I try to reach the child in the readers and allow them to feel. I see my style as ranking keys. Everybody can take one so that they can go open their own door to find something. Or they can say no, I don't want to go through this door; I will return the key. I try to evoke feelings, and images. In this way, I offer keys to your own experience. You can then go look at your children and learn from them, not from me. Because only from your own experience can you really learn.

In my first studies, I was very abstract; I wanted to understand the most abstract ideas -- of Kant, Hegel, or Marx. My dissertation in philosophy was very abstract. Now I see that each philosopher had to build a big, big building in order not to feel his pain. Even Freud.

If a child has been molested and the therapist doesn't deny this fact, many things can open up in the patient. The therapist must not preach forgiveness, or the patient will repress the pain. He won't change, and the repressed rage will look for a scapegoat." Please read the full interview HERE.

Covert malignant narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, assholes, or whatever you like to call these NOW evil people are great examples of the drama of the gifted child that Dr. Alice Miller explains beautifully in her book the Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search of your true self. These people have mastered to perfection the art of repression, projection, and transference into others all that they cannot face and accept in themselves. There are no good or bad people. It's the level of repression that makes some people very dangerous. 

I have compassion for the children they once were but I have no compassion for the monsters adults they have become. 

Don't make the mistake of labeling people as good or bad.

There is no such thing as good or bad people. 

There are unconscious or repressed people acting as if personality pretending to be good people, but are wolves in sheep's clothing, that can turn against you at any moment and do their evil acts behind closed doors without witnesses.

And there are unconscious people that can't act or pretend and they do their evil acts in the open and usually get caught and end up in jail. 

It's the level of repression that makes some people very dangerous! And some people are not as dangerously repressed and safer to be around.

And of course, there are a few of us that have taken responsibility for our own childhood repression and come from a place of honesty and authenticity. 

The conversation about the effects of childhood repression in our society needs to start happening in the stage of the world, sooner rather than later, if we want to save ourselves and humanity from falling off the cliff and committing mass suicide. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Narcissists are Quick to Dismiss the Feelings of Guilt and Shame

"The truth is that narcissists have fragile egos and a lot of repressed shame. But acknowledging shame requires giving up power and becoming vulnerable. Since they lack these abilities, narcissists find it incredibly difficult to face shame.

How Does a Narcissist Cope with Feelings of Guilt and Shame?

Narcissists frequently struggle to acknowledge guilt or shame due to their exaggerated sense of self-importance and lack of empathy. So, when confronted with situations that may trigger these unpleasant feelings, narcissists may use various defense mechanisms such as projection, rationalization, or blame-shifting.

Narcissists are Quick to Dismiss These Feelings However They Can

We may feel guilty or ashamed when we are aware of our misbehavior or inappropriate actions. While some narcissists may occasionally feel a pang of remorse or shame, this emotion is frequently transitory and shallow.

Or, more commonly, narcissists avoid individuals or circumstances that make them feel guilty or ashamed rather than dealing with those feelings directly.",dealing%20with%20those%20feelings%20directly.

Abusers are like: how dare you ruin my reputation by telling people the things I did and said

NARCISSISTS ONLY TELL HALF TRUTHS. Those half-truths are the ones that make them look good.

Narcissists make you look crazy. They will purposely get you to react by prodding and probing and doing things to upset you or set you off. They will treat you with such a lack of respect that you have a hard time holding back, and then you explode. Screaming and acting crazy and saying awful things back to them. Appearing like you are the one out of control. Don't fall for it. Don't react, respond. Either walk away or calmly respond. They want you to react in an out-of-control manner, so they can point the finger at you and say, He/she is crazy. -Maria Consiglio

A gentle reminder: You don't have to be the "bigger person." You don't have to accept insincere apologies. You don't have to tolerate relationships that drain you. You don't have to spend your whole life showing up for people who have no interest in showing up for you. --Michell C. Clark

A narcissist wants to convince you that your reactions to their actions are the problem when, without their actions, there would be no reactions. E.S.

Narcissists use rivalry and jealousy to create a theatre of conflict, ensuring their victims stay apart and their ego remains inflated. E.S.


Saturday, September 7, 2024

10 Reasons Narcissists Hate You

 1. Hate when others are praised.

2. Hate when you don't take the bait.

3. Hate when you are autonomous.

4. Hate when they are called out on bad behavior.

5. Hate when you show empathy for those considered 'less than' the narcissist.

6. Hate when you don't praise them, laugh at their jokes, use dark humor on others, enable them.

7. Hate when you overcome the fear of confrontation and exercise boundaries.

8. Hate when you remain loyal to those they want to put a wedge/isolate you from.

9. Hate when you don't do everything they want you to do.

10. Hate when you investigate their claims or attacks on someone.

You didn't fall in love with the Narcissist. You fell in love with the fantasy the narcissist put in your head. Now it's time to wake up and see the narcissist for who they really are: a fake and phony. 


Yes, I made myself vulnerable by publishing my book A Dance to Freedom sharing my life experiences and psychological discoveries. But I don't regret it because it showed me how dangerous humanity's repression really is and how many people have grown to full blown malignant narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths.

"Every war was first a war against children. Every act of terror was first the terrorising of a child. Every mocking and offensive cartoon was first an emotion of shame and violation." Robin Grille

I could not agree more with the author Robin Grille. Until society as a whole makes the connection that every terrorist was once a terrorized child that he is telling his true story to the world unconsciously and compulsively by reenacting it in the stage of the world. A child that his soul/feelings were murdered as an adult will kill others, himself or both. As Alice Miller said:

The Roots of Violence are NOT Unknown

Yes, they are symptoms. Since I was a child I have being saying to everyone that tells me is part of the culture to fxck the culture. I am sick of people hiding behind culture and religion to spread their psychological viruses of violence, hypocrisy, greed and ignorance.

Je suis L’ENFANT

"...Do this as an experiment. Look anywhere in the world where the culture is heavily patriarchal and the family dynamic is authoritarian. Tell me if such a culture doesn’t produce more violence than its neighbours. Tell me if the anthropologists and the brain scientists have been wrong all along.

As long as authoritarianism and patriarchy exist, there will be guns, bombs, petrol engines, coal stacks, chain saws. Violence is always given a brand. Islam. Capitalism. Etcetera. At the core, the driver is always the same. War and terrorism, (if we insist on making those distinctions) are not ideologies: they are SYMPTOMS.

...Children’s rights must trump cultural rights, or we all suffer. Conservatives are punitive. But liberals are not much help either, when they accept and defend culture for culture’s sake." Robin Grille

Friday, September 6, 2024

What's Hatred?

There was another senseless school shooting by a lost 14-year-old boy. It is amazing how no one ever asks the fundamental question of why so many young people are so angry? And from where does this anger come from and why? 

Many people, especially many young boys are walking around with time bombs in their brains that can be triggered at any moment to destroy themselves, others, or both. I think it should be a prerequisite for everyone in high school and in the workplace to read Alice Miller’s books and my book!  

Anger it’s not a dangerous emotion, it only becomes dangerous when it’s repressed and directed at scapegoatsAnyone who would like to understand why mad people do cowardly acts read the article Unlived Anger in the link below.

“Sadism is not an infectious disease that strikes a person all of a sudden. It has a long prehistory in childhood and always originates in the desperate fantasies of a child who is searching for a way out of a hopeless situation."

“a person we are at the mercy of and either cannot free ourselves of, or at least believe that we cannot. As long as we are in such a state of dependency, or think we are, then hatred is the inevitable outcome. It is hardly conceivable that a person being tortured will not feel hatred for the torturer. If we deny ourselves this feeling, we will suffer from physical symptoms.” 

No, there isn't. You have to grieve your losses, especially the wasted time, and move on. 

"The grandiose person is never really free; first because he is excessively dependent on admiration from others, and second, because his self-respect is dependent on qualities, functions, and achievements that can suddenly fail." Alice Miller (The Drama of the Gifted Child: The search for the True Self) Page 36

When it's too good to be true is because it's too good to be true! 

Good point. 

No, is not. I'm glad I took the risk because it removed all the fake people from my life. 

I have! Free at last!

I don't try to take their masks off. With the publishing of my book A Dance to Freedom, they discover I can see behind their masks and it triggers their fears of exposure. I become their number one enemy that they must destroy. Everywhere I go if they are malignant narcissists present the moment they discover I'm a seeing and a feeling person I get a target on my back, but coming after me they end up exposing themselves. Resolving childhood repression and becoming a seeing and a feeling person is like a double-edged sword, it protects you, but also makes you a target.

Nobody loves to say "You Have Issues" more than a Covert Narcissist who's threatened by you and wants everyone else to think you're crazy.

You disrespect yourself every time you let something slide that doesn't sit right with you, so I've buckled down on my boundaries as a form of self-love. My time is valuable, my feelings are valid and those who love me will respect it. I desire nothing more, and will take nothing less.