Sunday, March 9, 2014

Deep-seated Trauma

Something I keep witnessing --- people with unresolved deep-seated trauma, that it has been transmitted from generations to generations, either overtly through abuse or covertly with the illusion of love aided by the hypocrisy of a political or religious cult, they are obsessed with politics or religion or both, so they don’t have to face, see and feel their deep-seated trauma.

Comments from the sharing of this post on Facebook:

Petra Helm I'm going to translate it into Spanish and share it! Thanks for being one of the few authentic people! 

Fred Koepke Recent studies show that mental distress can be transmitted genetically.....sigh

Sylvie Imelda Shene Thanks Petra, for the translation! Maripaz, Armando, Eduardo y Lole te puede interesarte. "Algo que sigo observando --- personas con un trauma profundamente arraigado que ha sido trasmitido de generación en generación, o abiertamente a través de abusos o encubierto por la ilusión de amor y con ayuda de la hipocresia de un culto político o religioso. Se obsesionan con la política o la religión , o ambos, para que no tengan que encararse, ver y sentir su trauma profundamente arraigado." de mi amiga Sylvie Imelda Shene

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