Wednesday, May 20, 2020


I made a comment on the YouTube video OUT OF SHADOWS OFFICIAL

And someone left a comment with the link below:…/fall-cabal-vide…

If you want to understand the cult of trumpism you have to watch the videos. The brainwashing and mind control is so powerful! If I didn’t see things clearly I would have become a trumpist!

Here is the comment I left in my response to watching all the videos.

@rowingtothedream: I watched all the videos except number 5 because it has been removed by YouTube. It was very interesting to watch!

I know the words written by Vi king are true because since I published my memoir sharing my life experiences and psychological discoveries, I have been ostracized, harassed, persecuted and the target of psychological warfare. 

If I had written a book with same old recycled pretty lies and illusions passed down to us for millions of years, like many best-selling authors out there, that all they do is hide the real state of affairs. 

I would still be loved at my job of nine and half years and most likely promoted with a big raise – and maybe my book would have become a bestseller already. By the way, Oprah is the biggest charlatan promotor out there!

Charlatans all help each other and kiss each other's asses by promoting each other’s BS to exploit the emotionally blind public. Nothing ever is what it seems.…/communities-are-micros-o…

In our society, if you speak the naked truth and expose the real state of affairs of what really goes on behind closed doors, those with power, they will mobilize all the forces at their command to try to silence you.…/big-cover-up-by-sociopat…

When it comes to politics, the left, and the right, they are both just different ends of the same stick; they both are fighting for power and money. And, they both use half disconnected truths mixed with pretty lies, pretty illusions and catchy slogans for brainwashing and mind control to mobilize the masses to join their political cults and vote them into power. 

And if they feel threatened by a person that can expose their pretty lies and dirty games, they will join forces to destroy a person, a common enemy, they fear can expose their lies, illusions, and dirty games, like I was, they were people from the left and the right working together very hard with a very well-orchestrated psychological warfare to try to silence me and discredit me and my book, so they could go on with their lies and illusions as usual.

As long most people in our society are blind by the repressed emotions of the child they once were, always, will be just two choices to vote for, pure evil and the lesser evil. 

The fight we are witnessing in the stage of the world is not between good and evil, it’s between pure evil and the lesser evil, and they both are just driven by the repressed fears of the child they once were to gain as much power and money to escape from having to re-experience the powerless and the fears of the child they once were!

 Most people rather kill and be killed than face and feel their own childhood repression. We live in a world of puppets and puppeteers.…/the-media-creates-false-…

The biggest threat to humanity -- is people's repressed emotions of the child they once were blinding them. If people were not emotionally blind, they would be able to see the lies, illusions, and all the traps society constantly putting in front of them. And yes, an emotionally blind humanity with the aid of technology will destroy itself much faster. As we are witnessing…

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