Saturday, October 29, 2022


 When you set a new standard on how you expect to be treated, you'll be surprised at those who disappear from your life. It's a hard pill to swallow, when you realise how many people benefited from your lack of self-love and boundaries. It's also a great way to filter your circle.

Scientists can be very sadistic psychopaths too. Anyone that likes to understand why mad people do cowardly acts read the article Unlived Anger in the link below. It's quite a long article; here is the part where Dr. Alice Miller talks about a mad scientist.

“Sadism is not an infectious disease that strikes a person all of a sudden. It has a long prehistory in childhood and always originates in the desperate fantasies of a child who is searching for a way out of a hopeless situation.

An American professor, for example, has been conducting experiments for years with brain transplants. In an interview with the magazine Tele, he reports that he has already succeeded in replacing the brain of one monkey with that of another. He does not doubt that in the foreseeable future it will be possible to do the same thing with human beings. 

Readers have a choice here: they can be thrilled at so much scientific progress, or they can wonder how such absurdity can be possible and what purpose such pursuits can serve. But a piece of seemingly unimportant information may produce an "aha" reaction in them, for Professor White speaks of "religious feelings" connected with his endeavor. Questioned by the interviewer, he explains that he had a very strict Catholic upbringing and in the opinion of his ten children had been raised like a dinosaur. I don't know what is meant by this, but I can imagine that this image refers to antediluvian methods of child-rearing. What does that have to do with his scientific work? Perhaps this is the unconscious background for Professor White's experiments: by devoting all his energy and vitality to the goal one day being able to transplant brains in human beings, he is fulfilling his long-harbored infantile wish to be able to replace his parents' brains. Sadism is not an infectious disease that strikes a person all of a sudden. It has long prehistory in childhood and always originates in the desperate fantasies of a child who is searching for a way out of a hopeless situation."
From the book: “For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence” By Alice Miller

Most people are still living the lie and they will try to destroy anyone that tells the truth and tries to expose the real state of affairs or the facts and evidence. 

I have compassion for people that unconsciously and compulsively believe in lies and repeat those lies, but I have little compassion for people with sadistic tendencies that take pleasure in the suffering and misfortunate of others

"The narcissist will build you up in an effort to stroke their own egos by association, manipulate you and to get you indebted to them so that you prove yourself that you're worthy of their time once they start devaluing you. The narcissist will be putting in overtime trying to woo you. However, don't be mistaken: the wooing is NOT to make YOU feel good, it is about mirroring. They will prance, dance, flatter, cajole, impress, charm, and seduce you into liking them; because when you like them, they get to feel like they're looking in the mirror and seeing themselves smiling back."

Now that I'm no  longer blinded by the repressed emotions of the child I once was I see the lies and the games people play very clearly AND they cannot fool me anymore! I'm staying happy, joyous, and free.

"In families with several children, one may be chosen to reflect the narcissist's best qualities. They get the most attention, praise and support, but are also under the most pressure to perform. Another child may be a target for the parent's blame and shame, and scapegoated as a burden that can never do anything right compared to the chosen child. They may also be blamed as the reason that a narcissistic parent is forced to act in an abusive way. Both projections are two different sides of a narcissist's personality, but the chosen child and the scapegoat will have two very different childhoods, and this pits them against each other, even into adulthood." -Craig Malkin

Two sides of the narcissistic personality. In my family, I was the scapegoat!

If i moved back to Portugal today and moved close to the family, they would try to make me thier scapegoat all over  again. And as you witnessed recently people at my last job of nine and half years tried very hard to make me thier scapegoat. You have to be on the alert constantly because most people are unconsciously and compulsively looking for scapegoats to use to temporally and superficially alleviate thier own childhood repression.

This is exactly what happened with some people at my last job of nine and half years. I was aware of what they were doing the whole time!!! They didn't fool me, they were only fooling themselves!!!

Never expect a sane response from an insane system

The reason the whole humanity is drowning is because of people's fears of facing childhood repression and they are hanging together like drowning people. They don't realize it that all are drowning together! If we want to save ourselves, we have to gather the courage to stand alone on our own two feet and face our fears of facing and resolving our own childhood repression.

RBG was getting too old and fragile and i felt it in my heart she would not survive another presidency and if Democrats didn't win we would be in this situation and in big trouble, she should have retired when Obama had a good chance to nominate a Supreme court judge that would protect our rights and now we will pay the price for her lack of self-awareness.

Childhood repression is the root problem. Capitalism or addiction to money is just a symptom...

Will I ever see the day when politicians learn that my body is not public property and is not up for debate? I am the captain of my body and only me make decisions affecting it.  

"We have been educated, for a long time, to fit within domination structures: to do what authority says. When you want people to be nice, dead people and do what authority says, the last thing you want them to be conscious of is the life within them. You cannot make a good slave out of somebody who is fully alive...."

I have given up on humanity. Most people will always refuse to look at the root causes of how we got here. There is a lot of money to be made in all types of therapeutic businesses and treating symptoms. But, as long we keep ignoring the root of the problem we only fix our problems temporarily and superficially.  

 Most people can't change because they can't bear to face the painful truths in their lives and feel the pain.

People around the world are driven by the dead hand of their own repression to destroy everything beautiful in this world.

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