Friday, June 23, 2023

Why AI Is So Dangerous & How It Could Destroy Humanity


Humanity everywhere is corrupted to the core and has passed the point of no return a long time ago. Humanity is insane and with the aid of technology, is going to destroy itself much faster.

I have a feeling many in the tech world it's their goal to get rid of most of humanity and are consciously programming algorithms to divide people to hate each other and kill each other, otherwise, why would they program the algorithms, as Facebook does, by suppressing the truth that can set humanity free but instead, allows the lies to spread like wildfire. Lies and misinformation feed all the violence and wars we witness in our world.

"Children who are told the truth and are not brought up to tolerate lies and cruelty can develop as freely as a plant whose roots have not been attacked by pests (in our case, lies)" Alice Miller 

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