Thursday, September 21, 2023

Russell Brand is in the Hot Seat

First of all, I have never been a fan of Russel Brand because he is just another very articulate charlatan casting himself as a cult leader. I have always felt behind his talent that something dark lies hidden... 

But, It's very possible that the media no longer protects him because he became too critical of the established media and became a threat to the status quo, and now they are no longer protecting him and exposing his past crimes to silence him. I always say that the past always catches up with us in our relationships with others and especially with our children if we have any.

From my experience, if the status quo feels threatened by you, they will start looking for something they can use against you and if they can't find anything, they will start a very well-orchestrated psychological warfare to manipulate you to make a mistake so they can point their fingers at you to take the focus out of them to cover up their own crimes and wrongdoing. It's a very dirty game they play.

We need to believe former victims and investigate because if these allegations are true he needs to be accountable. 

I too I'm a former victim of sexual abuse when I was 17 years old by the famous psychiatrist Dr. Julio Machado Vaz in Portugal. I have been trying to tell my story for over 20 years, and I'm still waiting to be heard. Now the question is: why does the media in Portugal protect this famous doctor?! Obviously, he must be a puppet to the media and so they protect him.  

In the book Boundaries: Where You End And I Begin, Anne Katherine states, “A therapist is entrusted with his or her clients’ deepest secrets. A minister bestows sanctions from the highest power in the universe. The potential for harm is overwhelming. For a person in such a role, essentially that of a guardian, to cross sexual boundaries is a grave violation. A child, a client, a patient, a follower or a worshiper are vulnerable and usually approach authority out of need. A sexual action by a guardian is very confusing, even to a very strong and healthy individual. For someone vulnerable and in need, such an action can be devastating. When a parent is sexual toward a child, the violation reverberates for decades. Trust is broken, the child takes on responsibility for the act, sexuality is affected, and the bond is damaged. When a therapist, physician, attorney, or clergy person is sexual with a client or worshiper, it is also incest. A trust is broken, a bond is perverted. The person who sought care was used to meet the needs of the caregiver.”33 

"The emperor's new clothes" is a fairy tale. In reality, the kid that points out that the emperor is naked will get murdered.

This is why I have been harassed, prosecuted, and ostracized by very bad players most of my life, starting with my first-grade teacher and especially in the workplace, since I published my book because with my book I point out that the emperors of the world are naked. In this world seeing and feeling people are the most discriminated against, no matter what color or background. I have been the target of bad players in every color and background.

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