Thursday, March 28, 2019

College Admissions Scam

The college admissions scandal just proves what I have been saying for a very long time! And this is one of the reasons I'm hated by some "educated" and financially well off people at the gated community where I worked for nine and a half years --  because what I have – you can’t buy it, bribe, steal it or cheat your way to it!

If you can buy it or cheat to get it, it means it’s an illusion and sooner or later all illusions will burst.

It's sad to witness all the time people falling for the illusions that formal education, talents, money, and fame is the path to freedom. These things alone just reinforce people’s fears and the walls of their emotional prisons.

Having special talents is wonderful and it’s okay to cash in your talents for a living, but when people hide behind their talents, fame, and money to hide their own personal truth and keep themselves and others distracted from the truth and facts -- then you are misusing your talents -- and contributing for the lies to spread and silently or covertly you are part of all the violence and atrocities we are witnessing in our world. If people think they are superior to others, because they have special talents, they are being delusional.

At a University most a person gets is a bunch of abstract knowledge, but they don’t get any self-knowledge -- the most important knowledge of all --  because without self-knowledge -- we just deceive ourselves and others and with a degree from a University, it’s just like getting a ticket to go into the world to corrupt and be corrupted by spreading a psychological virus to the masses under the disguise of helping -- and this is why we live in a world with emotionally blind people with degrees in power positions making decisions that put all of us in danger. And this is why the world is such a mess. 

It’s sad to witness everyday people using their sharp intellect to run from looking at the facts and see fundamental psychological mechanisms. It takes courage to see fundamental psychological mechanisms, intelligence alone is not enough -- it rather helps create seductive lies and illusions 

Thanks to writing and publishing my book A Dance to Freedom I learned most people’s objective in life is not freedom for themselves and others. Most people’s objective is to one day own their own slaves.  And this is for what most people cheat, bribe, lie and work so hard for. They don’t understand that being a gatekeeper to prevent others from finding freedom – it keeps them also in an emotional prison. And is always the chance someone might come along and take them from the position of being a gatekeeper, gain power over them and put them in a cell. Once you have truly liberated yourself from lies and illusions -- you can never be taken back to a cell.  And this is why many people hate me. 

The ignorance of the parents in this scandal brings to mind these words by Alice Miller: "I think that violent teenagers are demonstrating what happened to them emotionally when they were small. I have no doubt about that. It might not always be a harsh discipline but in most cases, there is emotional neglect, lack of authentic communication, of warm, friendly contact. If this lack is also covered by what is called "spoiling" (buying a lot of expensive objects to replace love), the child is often unable to detect the neglect and stays bound to denial. Anyway, every child must deny the pain in order to survive. Only in adulthood is it possible to realize the truth. But the more the childhood history is repressed, the more its cruelty denied, the less these young people are able to feel, to confront the actual reasons of their distress, the stronger they feel urged to act destructively. They have not always conscious memories of what happened in their childhood, especially in infancy, but this knowledge is stored up in their body's cells and, amazingly enough, they threaten others exactly the same way as they were threatened in the beginning of their life. Unfortunately, the common, ever-present avoidance of the issue "childhood" doesn't make things easier. I discuss this problem in my book Paths of Life, 1999, and The Truth Will Set You Free, 2002.

Also, these words by Alice Miller are so true:
“…society we live in continue to turn a blind eye to the facts of child abuse in all its forms. Among thousands of professors at hundreds of universities, there is not one single university chair for teaching about child abuse and cruelty to children. Why? Because that cruelty successfully masquerades as parenting and education” Alice Miller, taken from the book “The Truth Will Set you free” page, 101

Read my blog Experienced Knowledge about my experience with emotional harassment in the workplace.

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