Monday, December 19, 2016

Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America

What Donald Trump is doing to America is precisely what the sociopaths at my job of nine and half years did to me after I published my book. They wanted to manipulate me to self-destruct so they could declare me mentally unstable and discredit me and my book, to protect their own false images and go on with their projections, lies, and illusions as usual.
"There are people who sit on the sidelines and watch someone else being whipped. They could step in and demand that it stops. They have the power to do so. What do they do? Nothing. The narcissist depends on these weak-willed people. Abusing people isn't so much fun if it's only a party of two.
Not taking a stand to stop someone being hurt and bullied doesn't absolve you of guilt. On the contrary, you become an active participant, whether you consider yourself one or not. Enablers are guided by self-interest. They choose not to help the victim.
This is why enablers are not innocent. They have made a choice to support abuse." Read more here
While America is being gaslighted!
There is no hope for humanity. People who voted for Trump, even if you are not an abuser per se, with your vote silently, you are choosing to support abuse.
Not just gaslighting: Trump using abuser playbook to manipulate the country
"One might ask why the norms of political and presidential behavior don't hold the same kind of power to bring Trump's behavior into line, and I have a couple of possible answers for you.
Number one is that Trump explicitly ran as someone immune to social and political norms. I could not list everything he did in the primary and general election that would've immediately disqualified any other candidate.
But number two is that the Republican party, in general, has spent the last eight years deliberately tearing down political norms to gain power. It has now clearly concluded that they choose power in any choice between upholding norms and increasing their power. How else can one understand a party that claims to be for greater national security but is absolutely fine with Russia meddling with our election as long as it helped their candidate? How else can we interpret the decision to make the debt ceiling a political football? Or to prevent, for the first time in our nation's history, a sitting president from making a Supreme Court appointment during his term? Or a party that is fighting in North Carolina to overturn every avenue for the exercise of power by the duly elected Democratic governor before he takes office? These examples are all completely unprecedented, and these are just the ones I could list off the top of my head.
And, just as in an abusive relationship, this way of using and overturning norms leaves the victim in a double bind. In an abusive relationship, the target is stuck with the choice to either comply with the abuser or look like they are the ones in the wrong and face the resulting social blowback.
In this political scenario, the opposition party faces the choice of either putting up with the one-sided dissolution of norms and resulting power grab or has the option to join the fight by ignoring and overturning established norms to exercise their own power. The double-bind here is that it is strong institutions and norms that help prevent an autocrat from consolidating power, so overturning more norms, even if it brings temporary power for an opposition party, makes the future more precarious.
I don't have any great wisdom to share here about our way forward out of that double-bind, but I will say that we should be thinking about adding to the process of disintegrating our social and political norms and that I believe it is possible to defend them while not falling into Trump's trap. The first step, as with the example from the abusive relationship, is recognizing that it isn't an either/or, despite how the abuser is presenting it. Part of the abuser's manipulation is in making it seem like there are only two bad choices, and that the abuser's choice is the easier one at the moment. If you're able to break out of that framing, you can see the other options that exist." Read more here

If you would like to read more about my experience with a mob of sociopaths, also read my blog post, Experienced Knowledge 

Psychotherapist ELIZABETH MIKA (Aunt Emma): In order to not ever elect someone as deficient as Trump, a mistake human societies make time and again, we must learn to recognize and name this particular deficiency — because it has a name — to better understand the dangers it represents and ways to avoid it.

Narcissistic psychopathy, a.k.a malignant narcissism, is a character defect that manifests, mainly, in a severely impaired or absent conscience and an insatiable drive for power, adulation, and revenge.

Its other essential features are Machiavellianism — a tendency to deceive, manipulate and use people for one’s own gain; and sadism — a desire to inflict pain on others for one’s pleasure.

Narcissistic psychopathy is fixed (inflexible, unchangeable), permanent (won’t go away with time) and incurable. It is also inherently destructive.

This means that individuals affected with it, especially when in power, cannot be counted on doing the right and decent thing — on the contrary: they prove time and again that they live for destruction as it gives them a sense of power and pleasure.

Narcissistic psychopaths clamor for power and, if skilled and/or lucky enough, they achieve it. Once in power, they fully exhibit their pathology as they are no longer inhibited by the need to curb it to secure other people’s approval.

We call it decompensation, but it is actually the narcissistic psychopath coming into his own, unleashing the contents of his defective psyche on the world without any constraints

CONTINUED in thread below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

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