Monday, December 26, 2016

This Article Sums it Up Pretty Good about Donald Trump and All of Us

My BF sent me this article Christmas morning -- THE TRUMP PRESIDENCY: AN INVITATION TO DIG DEEPER -- A must-read article; it sums it all up pretty well about Donald Trump and all of us.

Donald Trump and his supporters suffer from unresolved, deep-seated traumas that have been passed down from generation to generation. 

A, I hope you read the whole article in the link above. These are the reasons I was persecuted at my job for nine and a half years after I published my book. My book is a mirror, and they didn’t like their own reflections, and they would rather destroy me than look in the mirror and take responsibility for their own childhood repression. It sadness me beyond words that after working with me and with the evidence of what happened to me at Sxxxxxxxr -- you are still blind to these psychological mechanisms and let the dead hand of your own repression to vote into power to the highest office of the land, a very wounded man that has develop into a full-blown psychopath or sociopath,  in order to avoid to look in the mirror and face your own childhood repression.  Like it says in the article, it must shift, in one way or another, but I was hoping it would shift peacefully with the help of my book together with Alice Miller’s books and not with the devastation and destruction that Donald Trump will most likely take us, and of course, the most vulnerable will have to pay the highest price of all. Donald Trump is going to traumatize others in the same way he was traumatized as a child and like my childhood abusers and the sociopaths at Sxxxxxxxr tried to do to me. See dictators 

“According to biographers, Trump’s father was a workaholic, a ruthless, cold, and authoritarian man who believed life is a competition where the “killers” win.” He passed his public bigotry and trauma on to Donald, who was such a troublemaker that his father sent him off to military boarding school. We don’t usually have to dig too far to glean that it’s likely the unruly child has been damaged, unconsciously, to be sure, by the family. How many of us unwittingly pass off our trauma to our children, then deny it, then leave the confused child to try to figure it out, foreshadowing the seemingly inexorable continuation of generational betrayal and trauma. …

(By voting for Trump, you are showing me that as a small child, you had an authoritarian father who remained repressed in you, and now, with your vote, you help elect into power an authoritarian father figure to rule over others the same way your father ruled over you.)

 “Our avoidance in tackling our traumas is totally understandable. We are afraid to look in the mirror because of what we will see. It’s painful. Between the latent historical traumas and our personal childhood trauma, which so many of us have, we find ourselves at a tipping point. This state of affairs can no longer be endured. One way or another, it must shift.

Enter: Donald Trump, an extreme manifestation of our collective neglected trauma screaming for attention, desperate for acceptance, yet perpetually rejected. It’s not on purpose. It’s too painful to engage with, so we distract ourselves to avoid the truth that has become patently obvious: America, the world, is sick, the severity of the condition represented by President-elect Trump.

Whether you voted for him or not, his is the prevailing energy at this point in time. And everyone has a piece of it because nothing happens without the tacit/active approval of the people. At the extremes, which have become increasingly normalized, some of us hate along with Mr. Trump, and others just hate Mr. Trump. In the end, there is little difference between the two positions beneath the veneer.

…The result of this profound historical imbalance between the masculine and the feminine is a fearful, abusive, violent, misogynistic, racist, pornographic culture that has relegated community, compassion and empathy to sideshow status, leaving in its wake a traumatized and confused culture that escapes and survives via its cornucopia of addictions that have become normalized. …

… let’s try sending the President-elect some good vibes. Throw him a bone. He needs it badly. So do we all.”

I agree with everything written in this article, but I don’t agree with the last sentence. Sending good vibes and throwing him a bone will not stop him from destroying himself and many in the process. Just like I wrote in a text to my BF, “Donald Trump is going to do to America and the whole world what the sociopaths in Sxxxxxxxr did to me. It's heartbreaking that some people, after working with me and seeing what I went through at Sxxxxxxxr, still are emotionally blind and driven by the dead hand of their own repression to vote for a very damaged man like Donald Trump. I agree with everything written in the article. I only disagree with the very end. Because once we give power to a lunatic like America, people have given to this lunatic of Donald Trump, they will not give up power without their own destruction and the destruction of many. Throwing him a bone will not stop him NOW from destroying himself and many in the process. Just look into the history and how every dictator ended.”

This last sentence shows me the author is still blinded by the repressed emotions of the child he once was and still has the illusion that with good vibes, love, and throwing a full-blown psychopath a bone, we can make things better. The only way we can prevent future damage is by preventing giving power to people whose souls have been murdered in childhood in the first place because once they gain power, they don’t give it up without destroying themselves and many in the process.  

You wrote in a past e-mail, "I trust that when you had an abortion, you were making the best decision for yourself. I respect your choice, and it’s really none of my business what anyone does or doesn’t do with their bodies or their lives. I’m really not anti-abortion, and I definitely agree with you that every child that’s born should be protected and loved."

 With your vote you are not respecting my decision, otherwise, you would never vote for a man that wants to punish women for having abortions and want to pass laws to restrict women's access to having an abortion. And if you agreed with me that every child should be protected and loved, then you would be voting for politicians that will make it easy for women not ready to have a child to access birth control and abortion. Again with your vote you tell me different.  

 Merry official Christmas
Hope you're having a nice day!

Sylvie: Thank you! I hope you, too, are having a nice day!
I'm working, besides guests visiting family, it's pretty quiet! I'm reading the article you sent me! That article does sum it up pretty well. Thank you for sending it.

Says a lot of the things that you and Alice Miller say, and I bet you thought I didn't pay attention LOL

Sylvie: Where did you find that article?! You have no idea how much you made my day to see that you pay attention and truly understand these psychological mechanisms. Having someone in my life who understands me is the best Christmas gift I could ever have. Thank you!

It's inspiring me to write a blog. People People are afraid to look in the mirror. That's why I was targeted by a mob of sociopaths at my work because my book is a mirror, and they didn't like their own reflections. They would rather destroy me than take responsibility for their own childhood repression. Financially, they did put me in a real bind, but as long I have health, my finances will eventually recover sooner or later. Seeing this scenario played on a grand scale on the world's stage is breaking my heart.

Donald Trump is going to do to America and the whole world what the sociopaths in Sxxxpxxxr did to me. It's heartbreaking that some people, after working with me and seeing what I went through at Sxxxxxxxr, are still emotionally blind and driven by the dead hand of their own repression to vote for a very damaged man like Donald Trump. I agree with everything written in the article. I only disagree with the very end. Because once we give power to a lunatic like America, people have given to this lunatic of Donald Trump, they will not give up power without their own destruction and the destruction of many. Throwing him a bone will not stop him now from destroying himself and many in the process. Just look into the history of how every dictator ended.

These words by Alice Miller go right to the heart! "Kafka was hardly aware that the main sources of his imagination were deeply hidden in his early childhood. Most writers aren't. However, the amnesia of an artist or writer, though sometimes a burden for their body, doesn't negatively affect society. Readers simply admire the work and are rarely interested in the writer's infancy. However, the amnesia of politicians or leaders of sects does afflict countless people. It will continue to do so as long as society remains blind to the important connections between the denial of traumatic experiences in early childhood and the destructive, criminal actions of individuals.” Read more here

Here is another must-read article by Rolling Stone, Trump and the Pathology of Narcissism

Diagnosing the president was off-limits to experts – until a textbook case entered the White House

The most current iteration of the DSM classifies narcissistic personality disorder as: "A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts." A diagnosis would also require five or more of the following traits:
1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., "Nobody builds walls better than me"; "There's nobody that respects women more than I do"; "There's nobody who's done so much for equality as I have").
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love ("I alone can fix it"; "It's very hard for them to attack me on looks because I'm so good-looking").
3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions ("Part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich").
4. Requires excessive admiration ("They said it was the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the Super Bowl").
5. Has a sense of entitlement ("When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy").
6. Is interpersonally exploitative (see above).
7. Lacks empathy, is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings
and needs of others ("He's not a war hero . . . he was captured. I like people that weren't captured").
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her ("I'm the president, and you're not").
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes ("I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters").
NPD was first introduced as a personality disorder by the DSM in 1980 and affects up to six percent of the U.S. population. It is not a mood state but rather an ingrained set of traits, programming of the brain that is thought to arise in childhood as a result of parenting that either puts a child on a pedestal and superficially inflates the ego or, conversely, withholds approval and requires the child to single-handedly build up his or her own ego to survive. Either way, this impedes the development of a realistic sense of self and instead fosters a "false self," a grandiose narrative of one's own importance that needs constant support and affirmation – or "narcissistic supply" – to ward off an otherwise prevailing sense of emptiness. Of all personality disorders, NPD is among the least responsive to treatment for the obvious reason that narcissists typically do not, or cannot, admit that they are flawed.
Trump's childhood seems to suggest a history of "pedestal" parenting. "You are a king," Fred Trump told his middle child, while also teaching him that the world was an unforgiving place and that  it was important to "be a killer." Trump apparently got the message: He reportedly threw rocks at a neighbor's baby and bragged about punching a music teacher in the face. Other kids from his well-heeled Queens neighborhood of Jamaica Estates were forbidden from playing with him, and in school, he got detention so often that it was nicknamed "DT" for "Donny Trump." When his father found his collection of switchblades, he sent Donald upstate to New York Military Academy, where he could be controlled while also remaining aggressively alpha male. "I think his father would have fit the category [of narcissistic]," says Michael D'Antonio, author of The Truth About Trump. "I think his mother probably would have. And I even think his paternal grandfather did as well. These are very driven, very ambitious people." Read more here

If you would like to read more about my experience with a mob of sociopaths, also read my blog post, Experienced Knowledge 

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