Like many journalists who write about the intersections of gender and politics, I was asked to draft an essay in advance of election night about the meaning of Hillary Clinton’s expected victory. I felt a superstitious unease—despite the pollsters’ assurances, I had always been terrified about the outcome—but I banged something out. The piece, excruciating to read now, discussed the significance of Clinton running on an explicitly feminist platform and winning thanks to women’s votes. I wrote about her promise to assemble a half-female Cabinet. “Her victory is a sign that the gender hierarchy that has always been fundamental to our society—that has always been fundamental to most societies—is starting to collapse,” I wrote just before Nov. 8. “In America, men no longer rule. Obviously, I was very wrong. Instead of the year that the highest glass ceiling shattered, 2016 might go down as the year the feminist bubble burst. In America, men have always ruled, and right now, I wonder if they always will. Read more here
Under Trump is going to be a lot more discrimination in the workplace: “With colleges no longer worried about federal action on campus rape, enforcement will loosen up, and college men will realize they can emulate the president of the United States with impunity. The same will happen in many workplaces. Trump will be able to appoint a new chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the agency where a woman would file a complaint if she’s fired for getting pregnant or if her boss, say, grabs her by the pussy. As avenues of redress for sexual discrimination and harassment close off, men who’ve been stewing about political correctness will discover a pleasing new latitude in their relations with women. Women who’ve fallen out of the habit of survival flirting will relearn it.” Read more here
Yes, 2016 is the year the feminist bubble burst because they refuse to look at the root causes that all of our troubles begin with the mother. Until the feminists can see this painful truth, they will never be able to stop the vicious cycle of some men AND some women taking revenge on other women for the wrongs done to them by their own mothers when they were defenseless little children. Like Alice Miller wrote: thank you for your letter, I am so glad for you that you have widely open your eyes and have the courage to check the courage of the therapists you are talking to so that you will not become a victim of illusions. You can check 20 of them, and you will probably get the same answers, full of avoidance, but maybe you will eventually find somebody who will answer your questions honestly. If not, you learned a lot and can benefit from this experience. Concerning feminist therapists, I agree with you completely. I wrote already 30 years ago that females can abuse their babies, infants, and small children with total impunity, and nobody controls them. They can take on their children all the humiliations they suffered from men in our society. Later, their sons who “love” their mothers can transfer their rage onto their daughters or other women or make war and rape women but still adore, defend, and respect their mothers because what they suffered as small children stays unconscious and totally repressed. Many of us seem to need the illusion of having had a wonderful mother for a long time. You are right, the tragedy begins with the mother that is protected by all societies and honored in most religions as the innocent sainte. In German, some books have already broken this taboo, but for English publications, you must look at Google. The book by Bass and Davis is very helpful for victims of sexual child abuse, but unfortunately, the authors, who are feminists, write that only very few women abuse children. That is absolutely not true. There are apparently also women pedophiles who live with boys of 10 to 12 years old and say that this is (for them!!!) a beautiful ”relationship.” Not being aware of using children to revenge their own trauma and ruining their lives is not only the attitude of men but of both genders as long as child abuse remains an issue avoided by the whole ignorant society. Read more here
Matriarchy? Patriarchy? Thank you for sharing your experiences with women in their positions as teachers or girls at school. I am very sorry that you suffered so much from their cruelty, and I don’t doubt, even for a while, that things happened in the way you describe them. But I don’t think that gender makes a difference when it comes to cruelty. Active cruelty is the effect of endured violence and perversion in childhood and nothing else. Feminists dislike my statements very much when I write in many books (such as The Drama, Banished Knowledge, Breaking Down, and others) that the space society gives to men to rage and destroy life with impunity is the war and to women their home where they can do whatever they want to their babies and toddlers to teach them to obey. What they do in this way, never controlled, never punished, is to cripple millions of people who will never accuse them of their crimes because every child loves her/ his mother and would never, never put her in trouble. Rather, they would hate the whole world or all women, but their own mother must stay protected from their hatred forever. In this way, we turn into a vicious circle of blindness. A brutally beaten child will, as an adult, prefer becoming a serial killer to accusing his mother of brutality. And the same is true for crazy dictators who even become “heroes” for whole nations because people learned so early to love and admire the persons who were cruel to them – no matter what they really did. Read more here
The price for protecting the Mothers. Your quotations from Bass and Davis show how the profound denial of the mother’s role could camouflage the truth and sometimes block the path to effective therapy. I observe everywhere how ideologies hinder us from seeing simple facts. Why stay many buttered women for years with their husbands and try to help them because (as they say) they “love” them if they KNOW that tomorrow they will be hit again? I think these are the women who had to learn in the very first years of their lives to accept beatings from their mothers and never protest against this terror but indulge it with love. There was no other choice.” Read more here
Everyone Wants to Change the World, but no one wants to face and feel the root causes!
Just as Alice Miller wrote in her article The Ignorance or How We Produce Evil:
"Every dictator torments his people in the same way he was tormented as a child. The humiliations inflicted on these dictators in adult life had nothing like the same influence on their actions as the emotional experiences they went through in their early years. Those years are “formative” in the truest sense: in this period, the brain records or “encodes” emotions without (usually) being able to recall them at will. As almost every dictator denies his sufferings (his former total helplessness in the face of brutality,) there is no way that he can truly come to terms with them. Instead, he will have a limitless craving for scapegoats on whom he can avenge himself for the fears and anxieties of childhood without having to re-experience those fears."
"Every dictator torments his people in the same way he was tormented as a child. The humiliations inflicted on these dictators in adult life had nothing like the same influence on their actions as the emotional experiences they went through in their early years. Those years are “formative” in the truest sense: in this period, the brain records or “encodes” emotions without (usually) being able to recall them at will. As almost every dictator denies his sufferings (his former total helplessness in the face of brutality,) there is no way that he can truly come to terms with them. Instead, he will have a limitless craving for scapegoats on whom he can avenge himself for the fears and anxieties of childhood without having to re-experience those fears."
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