Thursday, April 18, 2019

Dr. Johnnie Barto, a sexual predator pediatrician, gets up to 158 years in prison

Dr. Johnnie Barto, a sexual predator pediatrician, gets up to158 years in prison

“He held himself out as a pillar in his community — a family pediatrician, an elected member of the school board, a regular attendee at church,” the state attorney general said. Read more HERE

Just like the prestigious Dr. Julio Machado Vaz in Portugal. I wonder if he will ever be also held accountable for his sexual crimes?

I have been trying to tell my story of sexual abuse since the year 2000, way long before the ‘me too movement” and I’m still waiting to be heard. 

Just like Dr. Barto had many enablers -- Dr. Julio Machado Vaz has a whole country enabling him. “Erika Brosig, who said she was 12 when Barto molested her in 1994, said the doctor had enablers who also need to be called to account.”  Yes, I agree enablers need to be called to account also.

I know without a doubt I’m not the only woman the prestigious Dr. Julio Machado Vaz in Portugal sexually abused and have to be many, many more women in Portugal that have been also sexually abused and brainwashed by him, just like I was. I wonder if any ever find the courage to come forward and tell their stories too?! 

“If we hate hypocrisy, insincerity, and mendacity, then we grant ourselves the right to fight them wherever we can or to withdraw from people who only trust in lies. But if we pretend that we are impervious to these things, then we are betraying ourselves.” Alice Miller
Free from Lies: Discovering Your True Needs page 55

Also, read Open letter to the Prestigious Dr. Julio Machado Vaz

Abuse on the couch Silenced transgression

Will more Women in Portugal Find the Courage to Report Dr. Julio Machado Vaz Sexual Abuse?

A Facebook friend sent me the article in the link below of the prestigious Dr. Julio Machado Vaz in Portugal. So I posted this comment on his article: I wonder if Dr. Julio Machado Vaz deep down knows he is a fraud also like Dr. Johnnie Barto was here in America.…/dr-johnnie-barto-sexual-…
I wonder how long my comment will last there without being deleted!…/a-relacao-medico-doente-o-simpl…
SAPO Público Semanário SOL Antena1

Ester Santos So is this the Portuguese pedophile doctor everyone respects? What a sick cunt !! Messing up with the country 's populations. The cunt must be reported and have his license removed from him!

Sylvie Imelda Shene Dr. Julio Machado Vaz has many enablers protecting him. 

Most people are repressed at very dangerous levels. I have come to the conclusion humanity is very dangerous and we have to be constantly on the lookout. If you trigger people’s repressed emotion
s, they will lash at you viciously and try to make you their scapegoat. 

Most people are unconsciously and compulsively looking for scapegoats to temporally and superficially alleviate pent up repressed emotions. 

People in the mental health field are the most deceiving and dangerous with their sharp intellect and memorized intellectual knowledge -- they say all the right things -- to manipulate public perception -- and make you believe are safe -- but are wolves in sheep's clothing -- they have mastered the art of manipulation to perfection.

These words Alice Miller wrote to me come truer everyday: AM: I have learned over the years of my work on the internet that there are readers who SEEM to understand SOME of what I have written, at least intellectually, but they are still so afraid of their very cruel parents and of their repressed FEELINGS of rage towards them that they are constantly looking for scapegoats.

They thus live in a continual confusion pretending that they are healed and even offering help and empathy to others. But eventually they use unconsciously other people (even the ones who are quite friendly to them) as a poisonous container like their parents did to them, and if the offended people begin to defend themselves they can become very mean.

I can only urge you to trust your feelings and do NOT offer your empathy and interest to everybody just because they say they read and understood everything I have written. In most of the cases, it is a lie. To understand my books means to overcome the fear of one’s parents, to honestly feel the justified rage TOWARD THEM and to no longer use others to getting free from the accumulated rage. 

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