Thursday, December 28, 2017

Abuse on the couch Silenced transgression

I just read a very good Spanish article about sexual abuse by health care professionals -- written in August 8, 2015 -- “Abusos en el diván la transgresión silenciada (Abuse on the couch Silenced transgression)” By Elena Cabrera.

Below is a quote from the article translated with the help of Google Translate -- where the author mentions -- my experience with sexual abuse  -- with the prestigious Portuguese psychiatrist and sexologist Júlio Machado Vaz:

""When the press reported the accusations against Dr. Criado, the Portuguese Sylvie Imelda Shene was reflected in what they were saying. In her book 'A dance to freedom', published in the United States in 2014, she claimed to have been the victim of sexual abuse by the renowned psychiatrist and sexologist Júlio Machado Vaz. In the 70s, Shene went to a young doctor Machado to help her overcome childhood trauma. "His methods made me worse," she says in her blog, where she also says that it took her 20 years to acknowledge that he had been the victim of sexual abuse. Referring to the case of Matilde Solís, Shene asks if "Portugal will also someday find the courage to investigate Machado Vaz".

The Portuguese psychiatrist, 65, is a commentator on several radio and television programs, author of more than a dozen books, and vice president of the Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology. Paradoxically, he was called to testify as an expert in the most mediatic trial that Portuguese society experienced in 2011. A former patient had sat on the bench psychiatrist João Vasconcelos Vilas Boas, who had been a student of Machado. Vilas Boas was accused of raping a patient, eight months pregnant and emotionally fragile." If you know Spanish read the full article HERE

Comments form the sharing of this post on my author's page on Facebook:

Ana Rego 20 anos para se dar conta de que tinha sido sexualmente abusada? Ou percebi mal?

Translation into English: 
20 years to realize that she had been sexually abused? Or did I misunderstand?

Sylvie Imelda Shene  I posted the comment below with my personal page Sylvie Imelda Shene in response to Ana Rego's comment, but she or someone else marked my comment as spam. My comment is not spam: She or whoever marked my comment as spam must belong to Dr. Julio Machado Vaz's cult and is trying to silence me.

"Are you questioning my experience? I feel your judgment and others people’s judgments are not of my concern. 

But to answer your question: I always felt at the core of my being that what Dr. Julio Machado Vaz did to me was not right and all these years I blamed myself for what took place because I could have run away or left like always have done when something doesn’t feel right to me. But I went along with him and all these years I blamed myself for not leaving. 

He was very charming and I was manipulated by him to think what we were doing was normal. It took me over 20 years to find an enlightened witness to side with me and help me see -- that it was not my fault -- and put the blame where it belongs --- In #JulioMachadoVaz--- and say it out loud that what happened to me when I was a vulnerable young 17 years old -- was indeed sexual abuse!

He was in a position of power posing as a" mental health care professional" that was supposed to help me, but instead created more confusion and took me over two decades to resolve and find freedom from this huge labyrinth he helped create. 

In the book Boundaries: Where You End And I Begin, Anne Katherine states, “A therapist is entrusted with his or her clients’ deepest secrets. A minister bestows sanctions from the highest power in the universe. The potential for harm is overwhelming. For a person in such a role, essentially that of a guardian, to cross sexual boundaries is a grave violation. A child, a client, a patient, a follower or a worshiper are vulnerable and usually approach authority out of need. A sexual action by a guardian is very confusing, even to a very strong and healthy individual. For someone vulnerable and in need, such an action can be devastating. When a parent is sexual toward a child, the violation reverberates for decades. Trust is broken, the child takes on responsibility for the act, sexuality is affected, and the bond is damaged. When a therapist, physician, attorney, or clergy person is sexual with a client or worshiper, it is also incest. A trust is broken, a bond is perverted. The person who sought care was used to meet the needs of the caregiver.”33 

I included the quote above in my book and you are welcome to read, if you like, in the link below a small excerpt where I share more of my experience with Dr. Julio Machado Vaz" 

Ana Rego Acabei de ver a sua resposta ao meu comentário pela primeira vez. Garanto-lhe que se alguma das suas respostas foi marcada como spam, a autora dessa acção não fui eu. Por outro lado, para além de partilhar com o Dr. Júlio Machado Vaz a nacionalidade, nada mais me liga ao dito senhor: nem a área de trabalho nem a cidade em que vivemos (penso que ele vive no Porto...) e nunca o conheci pessoalmente... Peço desculpa pelo meu espanto com o facto de alguém só se ter apercebido de que tinha sido vítima de assédio sexual... Consigo entender que a pessoa esteja vinte anos sem contar a ninguém tal facto. Em todo o caso, penso que o seu novo texto lança alguma luz sobre o que se passou.
E creia que a minha solidariedade vai toda para as mulheres molestadas e nunca para os agressores. Daí que tenha algum cuidado em entender as situações para distinguir as que são de facto agressões (ainda que encapotadas...) das que são apenas relacionamentos que correram mal...
Espero que encontre a sua paz e que o(s) culpado(s) do seu sofrimento tenha a penalização devida...

I just saw your response to my comment for the first time. I assure you that if any of your answers were marked as spam, the author of this action was not me. On the other hand, apart from sharing with Dr. Júlio Machado Vaz the nationality, nothing else connects me to the said person: neither the work area nor the city in which we live (I think he lives in Porto ...) and never I met him personally ... I apologize for my astonishment that someone only realized that I had been the victim of sexual harassment ... I can understand that the person is twenty years without telling anyone that fact. In any case, I think your new text throws some light on what has happened.
And believe that my solidarity goes all out to the molested women and never to the aggressors. So take some care in understanding the situations to distinguish those that are in fact aggressions (even if hooded ...) from those that are just relationships that have gone wrong ...
I hope you find your peace and that the culprit (s) of your suffering has the due penalty

Sylvie Imelda Shene #MeToo #TIMESUP #OurVoicesOurTime  Thank you, Ana Rego! I appreciate your support and I’m glad my comment shined the light. Another reason -- we victims of abuse -- don’t come forward sooner is because we are afraid we will not be believed and listened to. I have been trying to get someone to listen to my story since the year 2000. But I can’t get anyone to listen and pay attention -- like a reader of my book written in a review: ““I read this book – nothing but respect and admiration for the author!! I can’t imagine why anyone would feel differently. It really is a compelling story --- and needs to be heard” 
I’m so sorry for assuming it was you marking my comment as spam. It must have been a follower of #JulioMachadoVaz or he himself, because I know he comes to my pages and spies on me. One time he clicked like and dislike in one of my posts as a mistake or to try to intimidate me into silence.

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