Monday, December 26, 2016

The Propaganda Spread by the Established Media is the Most Damaging

5 Times Corporate Media Got Caught Publishing Fake News Causing the Death & Suffering of Millions

The propaganda or fake news spread by the established media is the most damaging. Most people in the established media are like vultures, just like I wrote in response to someone’s comment in the open letter to the media: “Thank you, Jekaterina. Connected stories like mine need to be told, but sadly most people in the media are only interested in disconnected stories of victims without resolution they can exploit for pure sensationalism, they are like vultures. And they feel threatened by connected stories like mine because stories like mine make people look in the mirror to question themselves, their own parents and people in power position standing in symbolizing their parents. AND WHO WANTS TO DO THAT? Most people are still scared little children afraid of being punished if they dare to speak the naked truth and expose the real state of affairs.”

If you like to read more about my experience with a mob of sociopaths also read my blog post Experienced Knowledge 

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Psychopaths/Sociopaths Belief that just like them Non-Psychopaths Can’t Change Either

How do we save humanity? By believing socialized psychopaths exist!

“To psychopaths, non-psychopaths are predictable suckers who can be repeatedly duped. And it’s a fun game for them. Psychopaths know they can’t change, but more importantly, psychopaths believe non-psychopaths can’t change either.” Read more here

The psychopaths/sociopaths belief that non-psychopaths, just like them, can’t change either, that’s what made the sociopaths/psychopaths at my job of nine and half years confident that they could discredit me and my book by manipulating me to self-destruct with their very well methodical orchestrated smear campaign, mind games and psychological warfare. 

They had never before encountered someone like me, they didn’t believe what I wrote in my book was true, that I truly had resolved my childhood repression and I'm no longer blinded by the repressed emotions of the child i once was and therefore I could see clearly the traps they were putting in front of me to trap me and that I could not be manipulated with their lies and mind games to hurt myself. 

These malignant people are among us everywhere and the numbers are growing every day. With the aid of technology these malignant people can cause a lot more damage. Our world is getting more dangerous every day. 

If you like to read more about my experience with a mob of sociopaths also read my blog post Experienced Knowledge 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Poor People Exist to Fulfill a Need of the Rich People

Sylvie Imelda Shene shared a memoryDecember 11, 2016
Yes, always will be poor people as long poor people remain blind that they are only fulfilling a need rich people have for poor people. Have anyone notice it that every sect out there, even the most exploitative ones, they all have charities to help the poor! They are helping themselves by giving the illusion they care about the poor to fool the public! It’s all about image, how would they create a good image for themselves without poor people. Wake up, people!!!
Anja Gustafsson You are such a wise person! Of course, poverty is needed by the rich!
Sylvie Imelda Shene I could see this so clear since I was a little girl that I never accepted help for any church or any charity institutions! If I could not make it on my own, I would rather die than give the satisfaction to these hypocrites to exploit my moment in need to feed their egos and brainwash me. I have been saying it forever the "helpers" are helping themselves by covertly contributing to the creation of poor people for later on to exploit and give the illusion of helping poor people.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

I Get a Little Satisfaction

Brrrrrrrrr... you will be shoveling snow pretty soon! 

Yesterday when i said people want to get rid of me, but they can't. I just mean sociopaths in gated communities, because I make friends in every community I work at and I always go back to the communities and they have to look at me! 

When I run into the sociopaths in Sxxxxxxxr, if looks could kill I would be dead right now, many times over! 

It gives me a little pleasure that i make them experience the helplessness of the child thy once were, because they can't destroy me and get rid of me! Just like the child they once were could not get rid of the abusive parents, but it's sad they only feel this helplessness with substitute figures that has nothing to do with the wrongs done to them when defenseless little children and not within the context of their own childhood, in order to protect their idealized parents and childhood. And endless stay stuck, because repression can only be resolved within the context of childhood and not with substitute figures or scapegoats. They are scared little children for eternity living in the state of confusion. But if you ever like to get rid of me, just say the word and I be out of your life just like that!

Just as I wrote in my book A Dance to Freedom: Your Guide to Liberation from Lies and Illusions page 83, 126 and 127 "People who idealize their childhoods, or otherwise ignore their pain, have limitless cravings for scapegoats on whom they can avenge themselves for the fears and anxieties of childhood. This is why some people have a lot of children, because unconsciously they want to make sure they have an endless supply of vulnerable, defenseless new victims. ...The unhealthy, cult-like devotion they invested in the group was actually getting in the way of their true happiness because the group was just filling in for their parents and keeping them blind to the truth. In an email to a reader, Alice Miller writes that “even smart people become stuck in confusion for years if the ‘healers’ demand from them the same as the parents did from the child: to stay blind, to forgive, to make amends, not to make troubles. The fear of the parents, stored up in the body, can make a person obedient and sick forever. I hope that you can overcome this fear by seeing through the hypocrisy of your helpers.”62 “It is a great mistake to imagine that one can resolve traumas in a symbolic fashion,” Alice Miller writes in The Drama of the Gifted Child. “If that were possible, poets, painters, and other artists would be able to resolve their pain through creativity. This is not the case, however. Creativity helps us channel the pain of trauma into symbolic acts; it doesn’t help us resolve it. If symbolic revenge for maltreatment received in childhood were effective, then dictators would eventually stop humiliating and torturing their fellow human beings. As long as they choose to deceive themselves about who really deserves their hatred, however, and as long as they go on feeding that hatred in symbolic form instead of experiencing and resolving it within the context of their own childhood, their hunger for revenge will remain insatiable.”63 Abstract techniques like yoga and meditation only serve to repress our anger and fear, even more, making us completely dependent on mantras or daily affirmations every time our anger gets triggered. Don’t you think it would be better to ask where our anger and fear come from? What are their real roots? And how can we deal with the causes and resolve them for good? Wouldn’t it be nice to free up your energy for real living, instead of wasting it on tools that seem helpful but only keep your anger and fear repressed?"

If you like to read more about my experience with a mob of sociopaths also read my blog post Experienced Knowledge 

Everyone Wants to Change the World

Comments on a Facebook post

Sylvie Imelda Shene: He is wrong. Mothers and fathers unresolved childhood repression harm children, just as Alice Miller wrote in her article The Ignorance or How we Produce Evil:

"Every dictator torments his people in the same way he was tormented as a child. The humiliations inflicted on these dictators in adult life had nothing like the same influence on their actions as the emotional experiences they went through in their early years. Those years are “formative” in the truest sense: in this period the brain records or “encodes” emotions without (usually) being able to recall them at will. As almost every dictator denies his sufferings (his former total helplessness in the face of brutality) there is no way that he can truly come to terms with them. Instead he will have a limitless craving for scapegoats on whom he can avenge himself for the fears and anxieties of childhood without having to re-experience those fears."

Laura Camp Tell it like it is!! Awesome post!

Sylvie Imelda Shene: Yes, Alice Miller tells it like it is, based on facts and evidence, but very few people want to hear it and everyone just wants to change the world without looking at the root causes -- without dealing with the root causes everything we do will just be a superficial and temporary fix --- and this is why humanity remain endless stuck going from one extreme to the other.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Using Abortion as Hook to Manipulate


Thank you for writing. You are right, an unintended pregnancy means not desired and every time someone is born that is not desired, planned and wanted for the rights reasons, it’s a very sad and tragic beginning indeed and because most people cannot face and feel the tragedy of their own history, they hang onto their illusion of love and this explains the hypocrisy that governs our world. 

This is why I fight so hard for the women’s right to choose to carry or not to carry a pregnancy to term and give birth to a new being. 

I am also doing all I can to remove the stigma from abortion, so if women find themselves pregnant with an unintended pregnancy --she will not feel pressure -- to carry a pregnancy to term and give birth to a new being she does not want and feels ready to love and in this way prevent from more unwanted children from being born to just suffer-- and as an adult -- because of these disowned and unresolved childhood injuries will become openly and aided by hypocrisy a danger to society, allowing this insanity and suffering to go on until the end time. 

You are right many women unconsciously have a baby just to trap the father and takes advantage of the stigma of abortion in our society to force fatherhood on her partner, but sadly these women don’t realize that they are really trapping themselves and the innocent new being they bringing into the world to use as a tool of manipulation, because in most cases men just walk away and the worse it can happen to them, is that they have to throw money at what they see as a problem, triggering the mother’s unresolved repressed rage of the child she once was, because the instrument she created “the child” to use as a tool of manipulation didn’t work and now feels trapped and blames the child for her plight and starts taking it out on the child that has nothing to do with it, and this is another reason why I want to do all I can to remove the stigma from abortion and put the stigma where it belongs, because if it should be a stigma somewhere, it should be on those that bring children into the world to unconsciously to use and exploit.

Abortion can also be used by women to unconsciously manipulate the man in their lives. I know a case of a young woman with a lot of unresolved childhood injuries that became pregnant and her partner did not feel ready to be a father and talked her into having an abortion, which she did, but then she used unconsciously the abortion, to make her partner feel guilt and have control over him by accusing him that he had turned her into a murderer and blaming all her problems on the abortion, of course society stigma on abortion gives unconscious very sick women reins to use abortion as the hook to control men, and then to alleviate their guilt feelings they decide to have a child, conceiving a child out of guilt instead out of love to use as a medication to alleviate their guilt feelings, by many hours talking with this lady it was revealed how she used the abortion as the hanger to hook on the partner’s unresolved guilt feelings from his own childhood traumas to have control over him. 

I am wondering if you were trapped into fatherhood. Anyway this young man was very angry at his, now ex-partner, for deceiving him, because besides using his unresolved guilt feelings to control and manipulate him, she also had several affairs during their 20 years of marriage and confessed to never have loved him, but that she married him to take revenge on him, she also came to see clear that she was taking revenge on this man for the wrongs done to her by her own father when she was defenseless little girl, of course, today they are divorced, because their marriage was not real and they decide to become real and not live a lie anymore, but he is very angry and feeling all his anger at his ex and of course she deserves some of his anger, because she deceived him too, but who deserves most of his anger is his mother, because his mother was the first women that deceived him and used him as a tool of manipulation to force his father to marry his Mather, if he had a mother that truly loved him and never used him as an instrument of manipulation to get what she wanted, he would not ever had fallen in love in the first place with a very damaged women that would exploit and deceive him like his mother did when he was a defenseless little boy, as a child he could not leave his disturbed mother and father, but as an adult can gather the courage to face and feel the tragedy of his own childhood and leave a woman standing in symbolizing his mother, but he still has difficulty in feeling his feelings within the context of his own childhood and stays stuck, because as long the repressed feelings are not seen and felt within the context of our own childhood, they blind us and they drive us into repetition compulsion to reenact our childhood drama sooner  or later in one form or another and sadly I am seeing him repeating or reenacting his childhood drama all over again with a new woman he is getting involved with.

I agree that we need to do all we can to help young girls become conscious of their childhood traumas before having children, so they do not pass their own traumas into their children, just like Alice Miller says: “This incapacity to love from the outset occurs much more often than we imagine. It is not the fault of the mothers but of the ignorance of society. In a progressive maternity ward, a woman having her baby should have access to enlightened assistance in perceiving and becoming fully aware of the body memories within her. This would prevent her from passing on the traumas of her own childhood (abandonment, violence, and so on) to her baby."

"If the repression stays unresolved, the parents’ childhood tragedy is unconsciously continued on in their children” Alice Miller (The Drama of the Gifted Child: The search for the True Self) Page 23

I don’t think it’s a good idea to make mandatory or force vasectomy into young men, because I don’t think nothing should be forced on anyone, but I do agree it’s a great idea and should be encouraged for young men to volunteer for the procedure to protect themselves from women that might try to get pregnant just to trap them into fatherhood and to prevent unintended pregnancies altogether!

Men are not included in the punishment for abortions for the same reason the bible asks for women to be stoned for adultery and men go Scot free. Because these laws and the bible were written by men!!! 
Yes,  it's about control and abortion is the perfect hook.

Yes,  it's about control and abortion is the perfect hook.

Also, read my answer to S in the blog titled  Removing the reins of guilt

Monday, November 14, 2016

Liberating the Child Within

The words written by Alice Miller in the answer below to one of her readers could not be truer! We can preach all we want about the dangers of child abuse, but until people liberate the child within of the strong repressed bitterness, the compulsion to repeat will continue in one form or another sooner or later. People that can't consciously feel the authentic repressed feelings of the child they once were, within the context of their own childhoods, are dangerous to themselves and others and can't be trusted, because sooner or later in one form or another will be driven by the repressed legitimate hate towards their parents or parents substitutes to use others as scapegoats or poisonous container to temporarily relieve repressed hatred. I rather be alone than being someone's scapegoat! 

"Yes, it would be wonderful if we could initiate a powerful movement towards more awareness. In fact, by understanding the emotional needs of children we would come to understand OURSELVES too, the basis of our existence, of our own Being as responsible adults. But this is impossible without liberating the strong bitterness of the abused child we hide deeply in our bodies because of the fears of our parents. Unfortunately, ALL religions FORBID this emotional liberation, they rather allow wars, some of them even consider wars as sacred because they have never understood that feeling the legitimate rage PROTECTS us from acting out in wars and criminality. The last are organized exactly by people who DON’T feel."
Read more here

The Past Always Catches up with Us

People that preach that focusing on the past is a waste of time and unhealthy and  we only need is to forgive and forget, they don’t realize that we can’t live in the present and look forward into the future without first looking into our past and face and feel the repressed feelings of the child we once were. As long the repressed feelings of our painful past remain repressed, we will be driven by them to unconsciously and compulsively reenact the painful dramas of the past. They are clueless that they have fallen into a trap that makes them feel better temporally and superficially and now unconsciously are alluring others into their traps, so they can feel superior and be in power over others to protect them from having to face and feel their painful past and they don't realize they are stuck in the past. This is how cult leaders are born. Until we face our past, the past will keep catching up with us in our relationship with others, especially with our children, if we have children.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

White supremacists urge trolling Clinton supporters to suicide

White supremacists urge trolling Clinton supporters to suicide

Comments from the  Facebook post of the sharing of the article in the link above. 

Sylvie Imelda Shene This was the same strategy the sociopaths at my job of nine and half years were shooting for, they wanted me dead, in jail or mental hospital!  Read Open Letter to the Media

Elizabeth Laren wtf is WRONG with people?

Sylvie Imelda Shene They are very sick people.. this election revealed that most people in America is much more sexist than it is racist. People blinded by the repressed hatred of the child they once were towards their own mothers or mothers substitute were driving by the dead hand of their own repression to vote for a man that will lead them to commit mass suicide. Read  Driven by the dead hand of their own repression to create stupid laws

Elizabeth Laren Exactly. My go-to response when people were throwing around Clinton invective was "Please get therapy for your mommy issues." Freud was on the right track but got it wrong.

Sylvie Imelda Shene Yes, Freud was on the right track, but could not deal with society's backlash and created the theory of oedipal complex that blames the child instead of the parents in order to be accepted by the masses. The funny thing is that this group of people would like us to commit suicide and don't realize they themselves are committing mass suicide.

"For political leaders in the Hitler mold, the jubilation of the masses is as indispensable to still their effective craving as a drug is for an addict. The millions of cheering supporters do not realize that they are needed for the purpose and that purpose alone. Read  
Gurus and Cults Leaders How They Function

David Feeney Very interesting stuff. Makes it a little easier to forgive bad actors even monsters like Hitler. Not that they shouldn't be removed from circulation.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Secret by James Arthur Ray -- Fatal Retreat

The exchange of our last texts brought to mind the followers of The Secret by James Arthur Ray, that because they didn't listen to the messages of their bodies, but instead listened to the stupid guru of the stupid book The Secret, they lost their lives. I am sure his followers were very well behaved children and did what their parents asked of them and now they do what people symbolizing their parents ask them to do, even if their lives are in danger. And never question themselves why they feel something is missing in them? And they allow themselves to be exploited by charming gurus or cult leaders, just like they were exploited when they were defenseless little children.

My experience is the same as Alice Miller, it has taken me all my life! " … It has taken me all my life to allow myself to be what I am and to listen to what my inner self is telling me, more and more directly, without waiting for permission from others or currying approval from people symbolizing my parents… Successful therapy should shorten this long journey. It should liberate us from our ingrained adaptation strategies and help us learn to trust our own feelings - something our parents have made difficult, if not impossible. Because it was prohibited, and hence feared, right from the beginning, many people find it impossible to embark on such a journey. Later, the role played initially by our parents is taken over by teachers, priests, society, and morality, all of them conspiring to cement this fear. And cement, as we know, is very difficult to soften.” The Longest Journey 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

On the spot not to spank

"A child cannot be raised to be loving---neither by being beaten nor by well-meaning words; no reprimands, sermons, explanations, good examples, threats, or prohibitions can make a child capable of love. A child who is preached to learns only to preach and a child who is beaten learns to beat others. A person can be raised to be a good citizen, a brave soldier, a devout Jew, Catholic, Protestant, or atheist, even to be a devout psychoanalyst, but not to be a vital and free human being. And only vitality and freedom, not the compulsions of child-rearing, open the wellspring of a genuine capacity to love."
--Alice Miller

In 2003 I went to Portugal to inform people of the dangers of spanking children. Of course, I encountered much resistance, even from the children! One day I was babysitting my niece’s little 4-year-old girl. We played a game that she was the mother and I was her daughter. She spanked me because I did not do what she wanted.
“Why are you spanking me?” I asked her.
She said: “You are a bad girl, you are not doing what you were told.”
“Do your parents tell you that? Do they spank you?”
She said yes.
I tried to explain to her that spanking is not OK and that the reason she is being spanked is that her parents when they were little, were spanked by their parents. This upset her and she told me, with tears in her eyes: “you don’t understand, sometimes I am a very bad girl.”
I told her: “you are not a bad girl, you are just a little child, and it’s not your fault.”
She was very hyper because of the abuse she lived with and the constant fear.
Later we were walking in a very busy street on the way to my sister’s house near Porto. Testing me to see how I would handle her if she misbehaved, she refused to hold my hand and wanted to walk alone. This was a very dangerous street with extremely narrow sidewalks; if she fell into the street she could be run over by a car. But she kept letting go of my hand.
Of course, my first impulse was to spank her, because that’s what was done to me when I was a child. But I witnessed my impulse and why it was there and I resisted it. I looked for a nonviolent way to solve the problem. So I held her and sat on the step of a store and I told her: “I am not moving until you hold my hand” and I explained to her why. We sat there for a while and she kept wanting to go. I said: “I am only moving from this step if you promise to hold my hand until we get to Elza’s house.”
After a while, she got tired of sitting and promised to hold my hand and we enjoyed walking and talking the rest of the way, without having to resort to any violence.
Another day, I was at my nephew’s office with his three-year-old boy. The little boy grabbed one of the employee’s calculators and wanted to take it with him. I could feel everyone tensing up, wanting to grab the calculator from the little boy and give him a slap on the hand. But they restrained themselves because I had been telling everyone the dangers of hitting children.
The employee told my nephew he could take it home and bring it the next day. But this wasn’t an honest solution either. The calculator was his, not the little boy’s, and it was not a toy for children.
I took charge, sitting on the floor with the little boy holding the calculator in his hands. I told him: “I know this is going to be painful not to be able to take the calculator that you like so much, but it is not yours and we will not leave here until you give it back.”
I told him: “we cannot always have what we want and I also feel disappointed when I don’t get what I want and it’s ok to feel this way.”
I helped him accept his feelings and after about 20 to 30 minutes he understood what I said. Tears ran down his face and again I told him that I understood his pain and that it’s ok to feel sad, and then he gave the calculator back.
I accomplished all that without violence. Of course, I could have grabbed the calculator out of his hands, but that would have not taught the real lesson. Instead, it would have taught him the lesson of violence to pass to the next generation. The circle of violence is hard to break because the compulsion to repeat is great. But I was able to break it and this is the achievement in my life I am most proud of.
That day in my nephew’s office, I gave everyone there an example how to solve a problem with a child without violence. Of course to accomplish this took time. It would have been much faster to do it the old way with violence, but that would not have helped the little boy to learn to be and feel his own painful feelings when disappointed.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Word "Safety" with Regard to Women

No, I don't want safety if it means losing myself and my freedom. I will risk it any day!

Since I can remember has been a constant fight for my freedom, independence, and autonomy. People trying to repress me always say is to keep me safe and to protect me! The sociopaths at my job of nine and half years, when they came up with the messy abusive package procedure, they also said to me that was for my protection! I was offended that they were too emotionally blind to see that I could see clearly that the package procedure they came up with was to set me up for failure so they would have something to pin me down with and put the little woman in her place.  As you can see by the words I wrote in an email  to another resident and I published in my blog Sunday, July 5, 2015 "I Guess the Shoe Fits Him":

Mr. K, the resident in the chair of security that I shared with the article about sociopaths, thinking he might help me. The security company said in the letter that he assumed I was calling him a sociopathI guess the shoe fits him! Because as we NOW know, he was in on the plotting too. Once while back, he came to the gate and I had the TV on, it was on the CNN channel that was talking about the terrorism in the Middle East and he mentioned to me that the terrorism is solved by bombing all the Middle East, including women and children, kill everybody! And I told him: They think the same thing about us -- unless the whole society deals with the roots of what breeds terrorism here and aboard, always will be terrorism no matter how many wars we create and how many people we kill. Isn't this the talk of a sociopath?!  When they created the abusive and messy package receiving procedure, Mr. K came to the gate and I tried to explain to him how flawed their system was and he says to me: I am trying to protect you! Trying to protect me my ass. I knew he was lying then and now there is proof that he was lying. Every time someone tells me they are trying to protect me, it really means: I am trying to control you and repress you to manage my own fears. Just like I said in my blog They are Allergic to my Aliveness:  “And like my family they are using the same tactics by saying that is to protect me, but what they want to do is to put me in my place and show me who is in charge to manage their own fears and keep their own image, repression and little illusions intact. Just as Alice Miller says: “Conditioning and manipulation of others are always weapons and instruments in the hands of those in power even if these weapons are disguised with the terms education and therapeutic treatment.” For Your Own Good, P. 278

I share the same article with another resident and this person didn’t assume I was calling her a sociopath, as you Know XX was not part on the plotting to destroy me. As you see by XX’s words below, she thanked me for sharing the article about sociopaths with her.
“This [article] is very interesting and thank you.  I started to tell you this morning that when she told ME who she would distribute, that irritated me… …I may also mention that in the 25 years I've been a S resident, we have never had our guard gate run as efficiently as it is at the present time.  I will ask him if the evidence of package abuse supports the severe response by the board  --- how many requests for a tighter process has he received from residents -- etc.  I will also suggest that since this action defies sanity, could there possibly be another motive somewhere lurking in the shadows?  It simply makes no sense unless they have info I've not rec'd!  Well, we'll see -- hugs, X”
Also, the words I wrote below in another e-mail  and i published in my blog, February 14, 2015  "Cowards always get Others to do the Dirty Work for Them-- talking about  the property manager that was really the one that started the very well methodical orchestrated smear campaign came to mind:
Reading the quote above, the property manager at the community where I worked comes to mind. She was very jealous of me and she and the board manipulated by her came up with a messy packages abusive procedure, but then I came up with a package procedure that was really efficient and she comes up to me saying: I heard you created a very efficient package procedure and I just ignored her, because I knew she was full of it and then she says: I am trying to give you a compliment! She was trying to give me a compliment my ass, she was seeing what else she could come up with to bring me down. She has everyone fooled, but she never had me fooled from day one, I knew I could not trust her. These words from an article I just read could not be truer: "13. Suspect Flattery
Flattery and compliments are different, and you should learn to tell them apart. Sociopaths use flattery as a tool for manipulation." Read more HERE 
Yes, I can tell when someone is genuine and authentic or when someone is trying to create a smoke screen to blind me and manipulate me.  
The quote below also articulates exactly what the property manager did. Totally she wanted to destroy me! And she got the new guy and the Security Company to finished the job she started, she is talented!!! 

Yes, they were very sneaky and very good at hiding, doing their evil acts behind closed doors.
To read more about my experiences with the mob of sociopaths or narcissists at my last job read my blog Experienced Knowledge  

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Translation of the words "I don't agree with you"

Sylvie Imelda Shene shared a memory.

Translation of the words "I don't agree with you". I am a person that sticks to the facts and evidence, so when someone says to me: I don't agree with you, it means that the person can’t handle facing the facts and evidence at the moment. If necessary I have learned to walk away from anyone that don’t have the courage to open their eyes to see and feel the facts and evidence. I am done hitting my head against walls. Life is too short to waste with people that lack the courage to open their eyes to see and feel. Free at last!

Roger W.: True, intelligence can hide lots of faults, but only being close to people who always agree with you keeps you insulated. Being insulated from other points of view isn't healthy either.

Sylvie Imelda Shene It's not about agreeing about ideas. It's about being a seeing and feeling person. I have wasted enough time with unfeeling people in my life. Sorry but I am not wasting another minute of my life with unfeeling people. You either are a seeing and feeling person and emotionally honest and an authentic person or not.

Roger W.: Your original post seemed to indicate if someone didn't agree with you then they were a "person who can’t handle the facts and evidence"...

Sylvie Imelda Shene Usually when people say to me: I don't agree with you, they mean: the facts and evidence you are putting in front of me are too painful for me to face and feel. I totally understand because I know how hard it is to feel, but I don't have time for people that lack the courage to face and feel their own painful truth. People that are not capable of genuine feelings, they deceive themselves and others and they can become dangerous and that's why we live in world of lies and is a dangerous world because very few people are capable of feeling and seeing.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Wall of Silence is Everywhere

Oh yeah, the wall of silence is everywhere, and why would it be any different online?! And yes, self-censoring means a lot of important information never gets shared, but seductive lies and illusions with disconnected half-truths, and feel-good stories that work like medication to keep us numb, they get a lot of sharing. 

People love to be distracted from their own painful truths and from doing the most important work in their lives -- doing their own emotional work. 

“This kind of self-censoring can mean that important information is never shared. Some had hoped that social media might provide new outlets that encourage more discussion and the exchange of a wider range of opinions. But we see the opposite – a spiral of silence exists online, too.”

Pew study warns about ‘spiral of silence’ in US discussion of Edward Snowden’s NSA online surveillance revelations

The wall of silence in our society is very hard to break through, especially in the media!
In the year 2003, I traveled to Portugal and tried to contact the media there. I wanted to go public with my experiences and to bring awareness about all forms of child abuse, dyslexia, and the untreated professional. I never got a response. Portugal is a very secretive country, and the media is afraid to talk about secrets, especially if it involves a famous doctor. The media in Portugal protects people in power. As Alice Miller in her book Breaking Down the Walls of Silence: The Liberating Experience of Facing Painful Truth says: “… Rather than take the risk, they prefer to forgo information that might be of life-death importance for coming generationsSo in order not to have to call their own parents into question for a single moment, they cling to outdated, destructive opinions. …Clearly, the prospect of confronting one’s own personal history, in this case, is an alarming experience. And, as always, the fear of facts is stilled by a fascination with intellectual terms and abstractions aimed at concealing and masking the truth—the truth of facts that appear so threatening… At every attempt to share the new discoveries I made with the public, I ran up against the most determined resistance on the part of the media. It is true I can go on publishing these discoveries in my books because my publishers are already aware of the growing interest in this topic. But there are other people who have important things to say, and they are dependent on the press. They and their readers rely on essential information not being torpedoed. All too often, however, the media buttress the wall of silence against which all those who have begun to confront their own childhood rebound.”
In 1998 through 2000 I tried to help by volunteering at the Perryville Women’s Prison in Goodyear, AZ, visiting inmates in prison for alcohol and drug violations. As Alice Miller said in her book The Truth Will Set You Free: Overcoming Emotional Blindness and Finding Your True Adult Self“Every criminal was humiliated, neglected, or abused in childhood, but few of them can admit to it.”
I have also been a sponsor of a Twelve Step meeting for teens. I was forced to quit because of the other sponsor, who was very controlling and domineering. Being with this sponsor was just like being with my family of origin. I was there really trying to be helpful to the teens.
The other sponsor had a hidden agenda, which seemed to be all about wanting to make herself look good. She had also a teen daughter who went to these meetings. She was there to see what her daughter had to say and what she would share at the meetings. Interestingly enough, her daughter would only share in the meetings if her mother for some reason could not attend. One of the reasons for two sponsors was in case one sponsor couldn’t attend, the teens would still have a meeting.
One day after I shared some of my experiences about being a teen, a teen in the group identified with me and started to open up. The other sponsor interrupted him because he broke the rule that, we were supposed to go around and wait for our turn to share, I said, “its okay, let him share,” but she insisted on following the rules. I let it go. Of course, when the turn came for him to be able to share, he passed.
After the meeting I talked to the other sponsor and let her know that by enforcing the rules by interrupting the teen when he was sharing, she blocked that teen’s expression of his feelings, only resulting in him being more repressed. I explained that rules are created to help create order when there is chaos and that is important to know when it’s okay and even important to break the rules. Otherwise, the rules created to help us will keep us, prisoners. I also told her that probably we should look for another sponsor to take her place because the Twelve Steps Program suggests that mother and daughter should not attend the same meeting. She said that a Twelve Steps meeting is just a program of suggestions.
At this, I pointed out that when it’s convenient to her, she says it’s a program of suggestions; but when she wants to be controlling, she calls it rules. The next meeting she came with some of her friends from the program to give her support against me. I felt alone like I used to feel in my family of origin.
The next meeting I let everyone know that because of personal reasons I no longer was going to be a Twelve Steps teen sponsor. I also communicated that if any teen wanted to talk to me they could call me at home. Some of them did call and told me the only reason they were going to our meeting was because of me and said they no longer were going to the meeting. I heard soon after I left, the meeting died.
That’s the last time I went to Twelve Steps meetings. The Twelve Steps refuse to look at the real causes, putting only focus on changing people behavior and what I have witnessed in Twelve Steps meetings is that People change one addiction for another. Just as C.G. JUNG and ALICE MILLER says:
“Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering.” – C.G. JUNG
“Problems cannot be solved with words, but only through experience, not merely corrective experience, but through a reliving of early fear (sadness, anger).” – ALICE MILLER
This article by Dr. Alice Miller “The Longest Journey” articulates very well the traps of Spirituality/Religion/Morality. My experience it has been the same as Dr. Alice Miller’s, it has been a very long Journey, it has taken me also all of my life to finally free myself of all the crutches and get two healthy legs to stand on.
If we want to free ourselves we have to face, acknowledge, articulate and feel our painful truth.
Sylvie Shene

If you like to read more about my experience with a mob of sociopaths also read my blog post Experienced Knowledge 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Brain Trauma

Brain trauma studied in domestic abuse victims resembles that of NFL players
I always knew, one of the reasons, for my poor memory was caused by being hit with a stick in the head by my first-grade teacher and that's why I could not do well in school, because school work is all based in memorization.

"How can anyone possibly believe that youngsters will benefit from being beaten, particularly at a time when they are still growing and their brains are developing? One might perhaps assume that the advocates of corporal punishment have never heard of the fact that the human brain is still at the development stage in the first three years of life, and that it is precisely in this period that violence is learned by example. But what explanation is there for such ignorance? After all, this knowledge is not a closely guarded secret. At least educated people like teachers, priests, or lawyers (politicians, statesmen, ministers) must surely have been confronted with the facts of the matter at some point.
Reports on cruelty to children have been common knowledge for at least 20 years, yet there are still no signs of revulsion and horror at this ruthless exploitation of the helpless situation children find themselves in. Cruelty of this kind serves one single purpose: the discharge of the feelings of hatred pent up in adults, parents, and so-called caregivers. But what do we say when we hear a child has been beaten? “So what? That’s quite normal, isn’t it?” -- Alice Miller
Above excerpt from the article Taking It Personally: Indignation as a Vehicle of Therapy by Alice Miller

Monday, August 22, 2016

Grieving is Essential to Move Forward

A reader sent me this article: Everything Doesn't Happen For A Reason. I could have written it. The author articulates beautifully how I see and feel, too.

So true “Some things in life cannot be fixed. They can only be carried.” And some losses are so big that they will always be carried and felt until the end of time.

“I hate to break it to you, but although devastation can lead to growth, it often doesn't. The reality is that it often destroys lives. And the real calamity is that this happens precisely because we've replaced grieving with advice. With platitudes. With our absence.” 

Sadly in most cases, devastation doesn’t lead to growth, but, actually, it destroys lives precisely because we refuse to face our childhood repression and take time to grieve our losses.  

Like I wrote below in response to Gala’s comment on my story:  “Hello Sylvie ~ Although painful, the challenges you faced from childhood are a gift ... for now you have the wisdom to be ... Best of the Season!" Gala

Gala, Thank you for writing. The experience of abuse in childhood is not a gift --they are a tragedy-- the gift was leaving Portugal and finding Alice Miller’s books. Every time a child is abused, it is a tragedy, not a gift. Because if that child does not find an enlightened witness; the child will be lost forever. We all know how our society lacks true enlightened witnesses. Please read the article The Essential Role of an Enlightened Witness in Society

Grieving our losses is the only way to the path to freedom and to experience authentic joy. All the bullshit about forgiveness and others myths are prostheses that keep us stuck and trapped.  Just like my enlightened witness Alice Miller wrote in her book “For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence” page 83 “Morality and performance of duty are artificial measures that become necessary when something essential is lacking.  The more successfully a person was denied access to his or her feelings in childhood, the larger the arsenal of intellectual weapons and the supply of moral prostheses has to be, because morality and a sense of duty are not sources of strength or fruitful soil for genuine affection.  Blood does not flow in artificial limbs; they are for sale and can serve many masters.”