Monday, April 17, 2023

Narcissists Punishment

Narcissists are trapped in the mind of a two-year-old, and they possess no cognitive ability to reason, to negotiate, to cooperate, to give and take, to love, to empathize. Rather their lives consist of ultimatums, demands, greed, egocentric thinking, bullying, temper tantrums, silent treatments, and a plethora of 'I WANTS' and 'GIVE ME'S'.

Sociopaths target amazing people. They are parasites. They need a strong host with values, beliefs, and loyalty. They seek and snare commitment-minded men and women who bring a lot to the table. A sociopath needs us to prop up and propel their fake and sickening, weak lives forward. They need people who will defend them when past shit hits the fan as it inevitably does. - Loving a sociopath is loving a monster - The shell of a human being housing a remorseless maniac.

The narcissist punishment is living all of their lives and dying in an emotional prison.

"You can’t concentrate on external things and status symbols and be happy. You can’t be happy and abusive at the same time. You can’t mistreat and manipulate others and be happy. That’s not what real happiness is about.

Real happiness comes from within, from a strong sense of self, from growing as a human being, and from being a decent person. So if your core self is rotten, if you are severely disconnected, if you are not growing, and if you are a hurtful person, it’s impossible to be genuinely happy. The best you can do is desperately manage your shaky and skewed false self.

So what’s a malignant narcissist’s punishment? It’s their existence. It’s their inner prison. It’s waking up every day into their life that—despite possessions, power, and status symbols that they may have—they hate deep down. And then one day they die, and it’s all over. That’s the sad reality of a wasted and miserable life. And that’s their natural punishment." 
This is my ex's punishment and all the sociopaths in the workplace constantly targeting me since I published my book. All the money in this world cannot save them!
This is why they are so jealous and envious of me and they came after me so viciously --- trying to destroy me and rob me of my freedom -- what I have cannot be bought with money and cannot be stolen and they can't stand it --- I'm free -- and I'm staying free! In spite of all their money --- they are living and dying in an emotional prison! I know it kills them with jealousy and envy...

Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses. ~Plato~

FAQ: How to find the right therapist

I know how difficult it is to find the right therapist but I still believe that it is possible if you know what you need. So I try to answer here some questions that may encourage you to check the attitude of the candidate for your therapist, but please take this text as a draft and don’t hesitate to make comments or additions. (I decided to speak of the therapist as a “she,” but of course both genders are meant.)

    1. What do I need to overcome my plight?

You need an empathic, honest person who would help you to take seriously the knowledge of your body, a person who already succeeded to do the same for herself because she had the chance to have found this kind of help that you are looking for.

    1. How can I know if a therapist is this kind of person?

By asking many questions.

    1. This idea scares me. Why don’t I dare to ask questions?

As a child you were probably punished for asking questions because they might have shaken your parents’ position of power. Your questions were often ignored or you were given lies instead of true answers. This was very painful. Now, you are afraid that this might happen again. It CAN happen that you will not be understood or that your questions trigger the fears and defenses of a therapist but you are no longer the helpless child without any options. You can leave and look for another therapist. The child could not leave, so he tried to change his parents, some people do it (symbolically) their whole life. But as an adult you have options. You can, with the support of the forum, recognize the lies, the poisonous pedagogy, and the defenses. You must only take seriously what you hear, not deny your uneasiness, and not hope that you will be able to change this person (the parent) later. You will not. She will need therapy herself, and this shouldn’t be your job as long as YOU pay the honorary.

    1. I feel guilty because of my mistrust. If I can’t trust I will never find what is good for me.

Your mistrust has a history and your need for SPECIAL understanding too. Your caregiver didn’t deserve your trust and the child felt this very strongly because his body knew the truth. It couldn’t develop trust. Now, trust your body signals, it is the silenced child who is speaking, who starts to talk and needs your truthfulness. If you don’t feel good with a person, take your feelings seriously, don’t push them away, and try to understand these feelings. Once you feel truly and deeply understood by someone, your body will let you know this immediately and very clearly, it will be relaxed without any special exercises.

    1. What do I risk by asking questions from the beginning?

Nothing. You can only win. If the answer is hostile or very incomplete or defensive, you can gain much money and time by leaving. On the other hand, if the answer you got is satisfying, you will feel encouraged to ask more. And this is what you should do.

    1. Which kind of questions am I allowed to ask?

Whatever you need to know. But above all don’t forget to ask the candidate for your therapist about her childhood and her experiences during her training. Where did she get her training, what was helpful to her, and what was not? How does she feel about the defeats, does she have the freedom to see what was wrong or does she protect people who damaged her? Does she minimize the damage? Was she beaten as a child? How does she value this experience? Is she really aware of its consequences for her later life, or is she denying its importance? Does she avoid the confrontation with her own pain? In the last case, she will do everything to silence you, not always visibly.

    1. Is it a good sign if she tells me that she has read Alice Miller’s “Drama?”

It doesn’t say anything. Ask you how she FELT about “For Your Own Good” and the other books, also ask about her criticisms. What helped her personally, and what didn’t? What is in her opinion the main healing factor? Is she capable of deep feelings or does she prefer an intellectual analysis to keep distance? This you may even find with primal therapists who makes you feel the helpless child for years and years so that they can “help” you, but without being themselves able to feel on a deeper level. Then you may end up in a dependence on them and on your feelings of a helpless, unchangeable rage against your parents without being able to free yourself for what YOU really need. A good therapist must help you to find and fulfill YOUR OWN needs, neglected for such a long time, needs for free expression, for being understood, respected and taken seriously. When you begin to look for fulfillment and to protect the child, the rage and hatred will leave you, they will fade. They are alarm signals of your repetition of parental neglect and contempt; they do not have the therapeutic quality we are so often told they have.

    1. Am I not intrusive when I ask so many questions?

Not at all. You have the right to be sufficiently informed and she must have the courage, the awareness, and the honesty to answer you in a proper way. Otherwise, she is not the right person for you.

    1. With this position, am I then looking for an ideal that doesn’t exist?

I don’t think so. You see on the forum our that honesty, awareness, compassion, courage, and openness DO EXIST. Why should these qualities not be expected from your therapist?

Narcissists Who Seek The Authoritarian Position

How Narcissists Build A Case Against You

3 Small Words That Greatly Threaten A Narcissist

Narcissists will do this to break you if you keep refusing their demands
Having this will make it hard for narcissists to replace you 

A Narcissist's Deepest Craving And How They Consistently Sabotage It

The Curse That Accompanies The Narcissistic Way Of Life

10 Behaviors That Give Supply To A Narcissist

A Narcissist's Provoke-Then-Accuse Game

Post-Traumatic Stress Caused By A Narcissist

There's No Victim Like A Narcissistic Victim

Schemes Narcissists Use To Slowly Create Trauma Bonds

Once You Begin Yielding To A Narcissist

What Happens When You Don't Fear The Narcissist

7 Things Narcissists Fear The Most

4 Reasons A Narcissist Cannot Cope With You

What Drives The Vindictive Narcissist?

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