Wednesday, December 7, 2022

It's the destination after all

Whoever said it’s the journey, not the destination, they have not arrived, sure the journey was an adventure, sometimes very hard and painful and sometimes a lot of fun! But the destination is pure ecstasy!

When reading a book, an article, or talking with people, the moment I spot the lie, I lose interest...

Once lit, the flame of truth will never go out. Plato

My only dream in this world is to make a safer world for children and animals. But it's not possible when most people are sociopaths, psychopaths, malignant narcissists, assholes, or whatever like to call these evil people, that don't care about anyone else but themselves. They only want good things for themselves and have pleasure in the suffering of others. Their sadism and hypocrisy are disgusting.

There are two kinds of people, those that think: I don't want others to suffer as I did. And those that think: I suffered and I want others to suffer too.

A reminder of how shitty life can get. Life isn't exactly a * Gift *

Life can be fun if we manage to liberate ourselves from the emotional prison we were born in

"Psychopaths are bullies who do not like when people stand up to them. They feel perfectly entitled to push boundaries, criticize, abuse, and lie. But god forbid someone to call them out on this behavior, suddenly you become enemy #1. In order to divert the blame, they'll immediately twist it around on you, so suddenly you're on the defense and the focus is shifted away from them. Their hypocrisy will be so unbelievable that you won't even know where to begin. They'll accuse you of doing things they're actually doing, all in an attempt to drag you into a chaotic distraction. Psychopaths are bullies, and bullies are too cowardly to fight fair battles."

"Resolving childhood repression is the vaccine against the charlatans of the world who exploit those who are still emotionally blinded by the unresolved, repressed emotions of the children they once were."
-- Sylvie Imelda Shene quote from my book A Dance to Freedom: Your Guide to Liberation from Lies and Illusions page 172

Nothing will ever change in this world as long people believe the pretty seductive lies of charlatans

Until people resolve childhood repression, will always be the same shit different asshole!

The true tragedy of life comes from those who manipulate, swindle and use others' empathy and compassion as an opportunity to benefit themselves.

I know evil! I see it everywhere masquerading as human, acting as if personality, pretending to be good, caring, and loving. Only shows its true colors when no one is watching...

"There's no job better than another...every honest job is worthwhile..." 

Some people, if they had everything taken away from them, and had to start life again at 46 years old, as I did, would rather kill and be killed than walk away, start over and be free!

Most people are full of illusions, and money by itself is the biggest illusion of them all...

It's sad to witness on the stage of the world so many symbolic fights but no single person mentions CHILDHOOD  REPRESSION as the root of all our problems

“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain

“If we were always punished by our parents for the slightest offense, then we integrated a very different kind of knowledge: that owning up to our mistakes is dangerous because it loses us the affection of our parents. The legacy from this experience can be permanent feelings of guilt.”  Alice Miller

All cult leaders political or non-political are followed by emotionally blind people.

The red flags are always there warning me, so when people decide to show their true colors, I'm not too surprised!

People feel scandals about pop stars simulating sex on the stage of the world, but don’t feel scandals about the violence in our world by people in power positions that lie to them and block the truth that could really help humanity pierce through their own repression. This quote by Alice comes to mind: “It is not true that evil, destructiveness, and perversion inevitably form part of human existence, no matter how often this is maintained. But it is true that we are daily producing more evil and, with it, an ocean of suffering for millions that is absolutely avoidable. When one day the ignorance arising from childhood repression is eliminated and humanity has awakened, an end can be put to the production of evil.” — Alice Miller, Banished Knowledge, p. 141

Totally! “we do not write as we want but as we can” ― W. Somerset Maugham

Until we understand to the core of our being that one man/woman or another will never be the answer to our difficulties, we will remain prisoners of our own patterns of addictive relating. Life improves in direct relation to the degree to which we become more true to ourselves. The less we need a partner, the better partner we become.

It's so annoying when people are so emotionally blind, that they can't see, I am a seeing and a feeling person, and therefore I know when someone is speaking from the heart and when they are just getting some nice words or quotes out of their asses.

People are driven by the repressed emotions of the child they once were to sooner or later, in one form or another unconsciously and compulsively reenact their painful childhood dramas, and this is why they are not able to live the teaching of any religion and end up being a bunch of hypocrites... if children are born into love and experience love as little children, they will grow up into compassionate loving adults.

Love cannot be taught and this is why all religions are a fraud. Anyone preaching and teaching love is nothing but a con artist and a charlatan cashing in on people's emotional blindness. Those of us that had the courage to face and feel the painful truth that we were born into families incapable of loving us, and learned to love ourselves instead by walking away from everyone that believes and tells us lies -- lies are poison -- poison our soul -- trying to confuse us --  then we can become authentic loving adults incapable of hurting ourselves and any other living being.

"Genuine feelings cannot be produced, nor can they be eradicated. We can only repress them, delude ourselves, and deceive our bodies. The body sticks to the facts and never lies. ...If the repression stays unresolved, the parents’ childhood tragedy is unconsciously continued on in their children” -  Alice Miller

"The attempt to be an ideal parent, that is, to behave correctly toward the child, to raise her correctly, not to give too little or too much, is, in essence, an attempt to be the ideal child---well behaved and dutiful---of one own parents. But as a result of these efforts, the needs of the child go unnoticed. I cannot listen to my child with empathy if I am inwardly preoccupied with being a good mother; I cannot be open to what she is telling me. This can be observed in various parental attitudes."  Alice Miller

What we have known in our family of origin will always be most comfortable to us, no matter how unhealthy that family of origin was.

"Yes, we can say this without any hesitation. Every behavior that is directed against the health of a person, that hinders the healthy functioning of the body and mind, is a repetition of once-endured mistreatment, neglect, confusion, lies, betrayal, perverted practices, and the exploitation of the child." Alice Miller

People want to build walls to protect themselves from external evil and they don't realize, that they will be destroyed by the evil within.

"Without memories of childhood, it is as if you were doomed to drag a big box around you, though you don’t know what’s in it. And the older you get, the heavier it becomes, and the more impatient you are to finally open the thing." ---Jurek Becker 

If you are afraid of being alone, be aware of spending too much time with people. If you are afraid of people be aware of spending too much time alone.

David B: "Were you rejected as a child? Beware of attracting people that will reject you. Were you verbally abused as a child? Watch out for verbally abusive people: they will inject you with addictive endorphins. Were you sexually abused as a child? Watch out for predators: they will tempt you with the self-medication of surviving them."

Nancy D: Endorphins and also the self-actualization drive, i.e. the opportunity to try to recover the subconscious emotional memory of similar-style trauma in your past, which you probably can't readily recover without the assistance of someone else?

David B: I personally never experienced the self-actualization drive as you define it-- my entire life up until fairly recently was a repetition or recreation of childhood traumas, or more precisely situations that allowed parts of myself to exert control over the emotions I HAD to control as a child. I do think an empathetic witness is absolutely critical in recovery.

Nothing pisses me off more than lies coated with a little bit of truth, those lies are the most dangerous of all, because they ring like truth, but are only to manipulate and confuse emotionally blind people.

Let's make it clear if you are an adult and you feel abandoned when another person leaves you. You are stuck in childhood without realizing it because only children are abandoned -- adults are left not abandoned -- If we are able to understand and consciously feel this feeling of feeling abandoned within the context of our own childhood -- we will grow ourselves up into a conscious mature adult -- and we will never again suffer when people leave or ignore us.

Great comment by Anja G: "In a woman's world, it would be like that, except that there would be no "adult xxx entertainment" places for men. In this comic strip, it is also obvious that what the women REALLY say is: "Your sperm belong to us!" "We want full disposition of your sperm". And in my mind, that is what the male politicians that are against abortions really say: "Your uteruses belong to us!" Because if they were really "pro-life" as they say, they would be very much more concerned with the children and mothers that are alive already, to give them good life quality so that the risk of their premature death would not be so great as it is today in America."

It’s so nice when toxic people stop talking to you. It’s like the trash TOOK ITSELF OUT.

Very few people are able to look in the mirror and take responsibility for their ignorance/evil; the answer Alice Miller gave to one of her readers is so true. It seems everywhere I go I see people pretending or faking it to have healed. It comes to mind when I use to go to al-anon and codependents anonymous and the elders use to say: “fake it until you make it” I could tell they all were pretending and faking it and I use to think to myself: you can’t pretend and fake it forever and you going to have to face it sooner or later. I share a little tiny bit of your optimism; otherwise, I would give up completely.

AM: You write: "My main point in the allegory is that by necessity none of us are passengers anymore. Everybody's crew." I agree with you. But to become aware of the fact that our obedience learned in childhood doesn't allow us to think freely needs probably more than many hundred years. I am not sure if the tortured planet leaves us the necessary time to understand this fact, to protest against it, and to become a conscious, responsible members of the crew.

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