Saturday, September 7, 2024

10 Reasons Narcissists Hate You

 1. Hate when others are praised.

2. Hate when you don't take the bait.

3. Hate when you are autonomous.

4. Hate when they are called out on bad behavior.

5. Hate when you show empathy for those considered 'less than' the narcissist.

6. Hate when you don't praise them, laugh at their jokes, use dark humor on others, enable them.

7. Hate when you overcome the fear of confrontation and exercise boundaries.

8. Hate when you remain loyal to those they want to put a wedge/isolate you from.

9. Hate when you don't do everything they want you to do.

10. Hate when you investigate their claims or attacks on someone.

You didn't fall in love with the Narcissist. You fell in love with the fantasy the narcissist put in your head. Now it's time to wake up and see the narcissist for who they really are: a fake and phony. 


Yes, I made myself vulnerable by publishing my book A Dance to Freedom sharing my life experiences and psychological discoveries. But I don't regret it because it showed me how dangerous humanity's repression really is and how many people have grown to full blown malignant narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths.

"Every war was first a war against children. Every act of terror was first the terrorising of a child. Every mocking and offensive cartoon was first an emotion of shame and violation." Robin Grille

I could not agree more with the author Robin Grille. Until society as a whole makes the connection that every terrorist was once a terrorized child that he is telling his true story to the world unconsciously and compulsively by reenacting it in the stage of the world. A child that his soul/feelings were murdered as an adult will kill others, himself or both. As Alice Miller said:

The Roots of Violence are NOT Unknown

Yes, they are symptoms. Since I was a child I have being saying to everyone that tells me is part of the culture to fxck the culture. I am sick of people hiding behind culture and religion to spread their psychological viruses of violence, hypocrisy, greed and ignorance.

Je suis L’ENFANT

"...Do this as an experiment. Look anywhere in the world where the culture is heavily patriarchal and the family dynamic is authoritarian. Tell me if such a culture doesn’t produce more violence than its neighbours. Tell me if the anthropologists and the brain scientists have been wrong all along.

As long as authoritarianism and patriarchy exist, there will be guns, bombs, petrol engines, coal stacks, chain saws. Violence is always given a brand. Islam. Capitalism. Etcetera. At the core, the driver is always the same. War and terrorism, (if we insist on making those distinctions) are not ideologies: they are SYMPTOMS.

...Children’s rights must trump cultural rights, or we all suffer. Conservatives are punitive. But liberals are not much help either, when they accept and defend culture for culture’s sake." Robin Grille

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