Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Narcissists are Quick to Dismiss the Feelings of Guilt and Shame

"The truth is that narcissists have fragile egos and a lot of repressed shame. But acknowledging shame requires giving up power and becoming vulnerable. Since they lack these abilities, narcissists find it incredibly difficult to face shame.

How Does a Narcissist Cope with Feelings of Guilt and Shame?

Narcissists frequently struggle to acknowledge guilt or shame due to their exaggerated sense of self-importance and lack of empathy. So, when confronted with situations that may trigger these unpleasant feelings, narcissists may use various defense mechanisms such as projection, rationalization, or blame-shifting.

Narcissists are Quick to Dismiss These Feelings However They Can

We may feel guilty or ashamed when we are aware of our misbehavior or inappropriate actions. While some narcissists may occasionally feel a pang of remorse or shame, this emotion is frequently transitory and shallow.

Or, more commonly, narcissists avoid individuals or circumstances that make them feel guilty or ashamed rather than dealing with those feelings directly."


Abusers are like: how dare you ruin my reputation by telling people the things I did and said

NARCISSISTS ONLY TELL HALF TRUTHS. Those half-truths are the ones that make them look good.

Narcissists make you look crazy. They will purposely get you to react by prodding and probing and doing things to upset you or set you off. They will treat you with such a lack of respect that you have a hard time holding back, and then you explode. Screaming and acting crazy and saying awful things back to them. Appearing like you are the one out of control. Don't fall for it. Don't react, respond. Either walk away or calmly respond. They want you to react in an out-of-control manner, so they can point the finger at you and say, He/she is crazy. -Maria Consiglio

A gentle reminder: You don't have to be the "bigger person." You don't have to accept insincere apologies. You don't have to tolerate relationships that drain you. You don't have to spend your whole life showing up for people who have no interest in showing up for you. --Michell C. Clark

A narcissist wants to convince you that your reactions to their actions are the problem when, without their actions, there would be no reactions. E.S.

Narcissists use rivalry and jealousy to create a theatre of conflict, ensuring their victims stay apart and their ego remains inflated. E.S.


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