Monday, December 30, 2024

Narcissists Choose Darkness

  1. 1.
    cruel and bitter criticism.
    "her mother's sudden gush of fury and vitriol"
  2. 2.
    sulfuric acid.
    "it was as if his words were spraying vitriol on her face"

Narcissists choose darkness because they are cowards too afraid to face and feel their own painful truths. In the dark they can carry on with their wicked mind games.

"What Is “Your Light”?
Your Light is your authentic self.

What does this mean?

It means your Inner Being’s natural state, without trauma, limitation and “darkness”. The narcissist must work with your “shadows” [what this author calls "shadows" is the unresolved repressed emotions of the child you once were. The narcissist's projections and transferences joined together with your triggered unresolved repressed emotions is how narcissists manipulate you to act out their evil acts] to control you and have the upper hand. These are your inner emotional “gaps”, making you feel like the narcissist’s opinion and behavior are shaping your inner and outer life.

Without initially understanding this (perfectly understandable in the “fog of war”), these are the bullets you are handing the narcissist to shoot you with.

In extreme contrast, if you do the inner work to shore up these inner wounds and dependencies – if they no longer exist and you are no longer triggered. You are simply and powerfully yourself, unaffected by the narcissist’s words and antics, rather than being sucked into “darkness”.

Rather you just stand as a bright LIGHT.

Meaning a shining Truth that plays no part in the narcissist’s narrative. You have no need to argue, justify or participate anymore at all. You are just being and generating a life representing health, truth and sanity.

How Dark Is The Narcissist’s Darkness?
Your Light is the VERY opposite of the darkness that the narcissist’s False Self is.

Let’s look at just how dark and perverse the narcissistic psyche is. It contains things like ego attachments to significance, notoriety, stuff, sex, addiction to attention, promiscuity, depravity, manipulation, cruelty, exploitation of others, revenge, envy … and so much more.

If you are a “Light” against this darkness, the narcissistic garbage becomes “Not Your Reality“. You are beaming your Light and creating your life regardless of what the narcissist is or isn’t doing.

This is achieved by honouring your emotional self – your Inner Being. It is done by turning inwards to load up and release all the terrible triggered traumas accompanying narcissistic abuse.

These are things like the disbelief of such evil and maliciousness and the heartbreak that someone who is supposed to love you can treat you like the enemy with absolutely no conscience or clemency. The narcissist becoming “Not Your Reality” is achieved by releasing YOUR darkness – any negative emotion – including fear, confusion and any other internal feeling of dense energy that is NOT Light.

The narcissist loves it when you are in fear, pain, insecurity, confusion and trauma (darkness). Because then you are on the narcissist’s dark battlefield. This is “hell on earth” where the narcissist is a demon – incredibly comfortable operating and energised by negative emotions and your bleeding emotional wounds, just as sharks are when in a feeding frenzy.

Here, in this “hell”, you cannot fight back. You would literally have to sell your Soul to beat a narcissist in their “lair” and be prepared to go to every length to do so – and what would you ultimately lose by doing so?

The answer is your Soul.

(A narcissist would usually rather die than be wrong.)

Click on the link below to read more 

The only way to save our souls and protect ourselves from these now evil people, we must not engage with them, cut our losses, and grieve our losses. Walk away and let them be to meet their own future and destiny. 

Use the grey rock method 

"The grey rock method is where you deliberately act unresponsive or unengaged so that an abusive person will lose interest in you.

Abusive people thrive on emotions and drama. When you act indifferent and don’t show your emotions, they may lose interest and stop bothering you. This is known as “grey rocking.”"

We only can save ourselves. Doing our emotional work to resolve childhood repression is the most important work in our adult lives. And the vaccine against narcissists, sociopaths, assholes or whatever you like to call these now evil people. 

"The unconscious compulsion to revenge repressed injuries is more powerful than reason. That is the lesson that all tyrants teach us. One should not expect judiciousness from a mad person motivated by compulsive panic. One should, however, protect oneself from such a person." Alice Miller -- Breaking Down the Wall of Silence page 82 

Using our triggers productively 

“The key to effective therapy is learning how to use your present triggers productively. They can help us clarify, understand, and consciously feel our intense emotions within the context of our own childhoods without losing our adult consciousness. A good therapist can help us regain our adult consciousness if we lose it and encourage our autonomy, so we can deal with present issues from an adult perspective.

 Just remember this: If particular people or circumstances trigger excruciatingly intense feelings inside you, just keep telling yourself that these are the repressed feelings of the child you once were. Feelings don’t kill anyone no matter how intense they are. Only actions kill. So if you ride your intense feelings into shore, direct them at the real culprits who hurt you when you were a defenseless child and avoid taking any actions you may regret later, you’ll be free and no one will get hurt. As an autonomous adult, you do have some control over the people you let into your inner circle, and you may have to make some relationship adjustments as you do your emotional work. I took a lot of extra time to be with myself in solitude because most of the people in my life just didn’t understand what I was going through. When you’re trying to resolve your repression, being around unconscious people who are doing everything they can to avoid their own truths puts you at risk of relapsing into playing your old roles.” From my book A Dance to Freedom: Your Guide to Liberation from Lies and Illusions pages 129, 163, and 164:

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