Monday, June 20, 2016

Repercussions of Abortion

A Jewish “Crisis Pregnancy” Group Follows Its Anti-Choice Christian Cousins

Nothing pisses me off more than lies and misleading information. The only repercussions of abortion are the ones people create in their own heads, but the repercussions of bringing new beings into this world that we are not in a position to take care of physically, emotionally and psychologically are massive. 

Schiavonne words are so true: “When it comes to protesting abortion, I notice that anti-abortionists usually have pictures of fully developed babies. That is very inaccurate since abortions usually involve zygotes, embryos, and fetuses. Besides, they are potentials, not actual people. To say that abortion is human murder is like saying that eating scrambled eggs is chick murder. (No offense to vegetarians/vegans who are against eating egg products.)

I also see the hypocrisy when it comes to conservative Christians and Catholics. Since they believe that people are born evil, it's funny how they called potential people "innocent", but once they are born, they are suddenly labeled "evil" and are punished in horrible ways to have this "innate evil" driven out of them and these poor children grow up to do the same to their own offspring or other scapegoats. This is one of the reasons why I left religion four years ago and lost belief in God in general. A god who bribes you with heaven and punishes you with hell and who basically is a ripoff of older outdated deities is not a god worth believing in.

A few years ago, I thought I would feel guilty if I had an abortion. Now I would feel guilty if I brought a child into the world and couldn't meet his/her needs. I'm relieved that so-called pro-life organizations like this are exposed for their truly harmful agendas."
Posted by Schiavonne on Saturday, June 19, 2010 - 5:06 PM 

Schiavonne, thank you for writing, your observations are so truthful and you articulate it so beautifully. I always enjoy reading your comments. You’re a breath of fresh air. Congratulations on giving up the illusion of religion, morality and god.

As Alice Miller says: “…Morality and performance of duty are artificial measures that become necessary when something essential is lacking. The more successfully a person was denied access to his or her feelings in childhood, the larger the arsenal of intellectual weapons and the supply of moral prostheses has to be, because morality and a sense of duty are not sources of strength or fruitful soil for genuine affection. Blood does not flow in artificial limbs; they are for sale and can serve many masters… …The artificial nature of moral laws and rules of behavior is most clearly discernible in a situation in which lies and deception are powerless, i,e., in the mother-child relationship. A sense of duty may not be fruitful soil for love but it undoubtedly is for mutual guilt feelings, and the child will forever be bound to the mother by crippling feelings of guilt and gratitude…” 

Also, these words by Alice Miller to one of her readers are so true: “unwanted children are usually mistreated. But there exist as a rule also a huge amount of people who were "wanted" indeed, but only for playing the role of the victims that their parents needed to be able to take revenge on. They were wanted to give their parents what the parents never had gotten from their own parents: love, adoration, attention and so many other things. Otherwise, why would so many people have five or more children when they have no time for them? Why do they adopt children if their body refuses to give them what they apparently "want?"
The never acknowledged, never felt pain of their childhood calls for being avenged. They go to church, they pray, they honor their parents, forgive them everything – and they mistreat their children at home, often in a very cruel way, AS IF THIS WERE THE MOST NATURAL THING, because they learned this so early. Their children learn this perverted behavior, also very early, and will later do the same; and so this perverse behavior continues for millennia. Unless people are willing to SEE the perversion of their parents and are ready to consciously refuse to imitate it.
You are not being "sickeningly sarcastic," you only dared to speak out the truth that most people are afraid of seeing or talking about."

I could not agree more! “Someone asked me what I thought about men's reproductive rights and if I was "pro-choice for men" as well as for women. Answer: Yes, I am pro-choice for all humans. And as far as men's reproductive rights go, here's a handy-dandy guide to how males reproduce and what men can do to exercise their reproductive rights.

The thing some men (not all, of course) fail to understand, is that men already have complete control over their own bodies on a legal and social level. Is that to say men are never abused? Not all. But if one is willing to look at the facts and admit male privilege exists, it is clear that women are systematically controlled by legal and social spheres, and are still fighting for their autonomy and their right to decide what happens to their own damn bodies.

Do we, as a society, attempt to control what men do with their sperm through legislation? No. Why should society and the government control what women do with their uteri?

Anja Gustafsson Yes, I've always said this myself, that long before the invention of birth-control, MEN were the ones that decided how many babies would be born in a family. He had the full control, since he could control his ejaculation. In families where the men didn't want so many children, women did not have to bear them, in families where the men wanted many children, women had to bear many children. And nobody EVER talks about how men always have had the opportunity to abort their children, even after they're born. My father aborted me for example, I never heard peep from him in all my life. To him I don't exist. My mother didn't have THAT choice, since she couldn't deny my existence.

Sylvie Imelda Shene Anja, You are a 100% correct! I am sorry your biological father never acknowledged you. Some men unconsciously and compulsively take revenge on women for the wrongs done to them when they were defenseless little infants and children and unconsciously contribute to the creation of new beings to have the same fate as them.

Anja Gustafsson That was actually very close to a feminist suggestion I heard, I don't remember if it was serious or if it was some kind of satire, but it was that what if every 15-16 year old young man were to leave a couple of sperm samples and then got mandatory vasectomies? Nobody could then father children by mistake and no woman could be fooled by men who claim they've had vasectomies but lie to avoid condoms. And since the sperm is at its best quality around that age anyway... 
Sylvie Imelda Shene François, you made some very good points and I have been saying this all of my life, that women and men are in the same boat, we come from the same place, one is not better than the other, we might react differently and express our pain differently, but the pain is the same for both sexes. My only issue is: why are men allowed to enjoy sex freely and are allowed to live unconsciously in our society, but women are not allowed to enjoy sex freely and society go after women with a vengeance, the double standards drive me up the wall, why men are allowed to throw away their live sperm, but oh my goodness if a woman gets rid of her fertilized egg, she is called every name in the book! Also, it’s the same with some heterosexual people that think are superior and better than homosexuals and go after them with a vengeance and discriminate against them, one is not better than the other, just like men are not better than women. It makes my blood boil when I hear people that are against abortion, tell women to keep their legs closed and my answer is: why can’t men keep their penises in their pants, for the same reason: women like sex as much as men. Let’s have the same demands for everyone! Just like Alice said to one of her readers: AM: Why do people expect and demand more from homosexuals than from heterosexuals? Why do the latter ones have the right to live unconsciously (with the image of their happy childhood and a wonderful mother) more than the first ones? Homosexuals do even less harm to society because they don't produce children to exploit them, abuse them, and teach them violence. Of course, they CAN abuse children and do much harm when they force them to keep silent. But many heterosexuals do the same, too, even if they are parents of own children. So what is the matter with our demands? Do we question why millions of religious people say that beating children is right because of Salomon's wisdom? No, we don't do anything and see this as normal. Do we ask why millions of women let their daughters become sexually mutilated? No, we think that their religion is demanding that. But even the Koran does not demand this at all. It MAY be (I don't know it for sure) that the repressed rage of some men who were beaten as children by their mothers or sisters unconsciously wants to take revenge when they are adults for what they had to endure in childhood. They honor their mothers and punish their daughters instead. So they feel good with this tradition and support it with their whole might. But be careful and don't give such information to anybody who does not ask you for. They would kill you rather than accept the truth that they suffered abuse in childhood. You know how much time it takes to confront oneself with one's own childhood. So don't try to be a healer in telling people what they definitely don't want to know. You can only heal yourself, and this is much, very much.”

Sylvie Imelda Shene Anja, here is the article you were talking about earlier, I used Google translate and saved it in my blog.

Sylvie Imelda Shene I am Sorry Anja, most of us are here because our parents were unconscious and now it’s in our hands to become conscious and take responsibility for our childhood wounds. I usually tell people we either find the courage to face and feel our repression or continue unconsciously and compulsively to pass it down into the next generation like a psychological virus. “We never know how a child will and must react to the injustice he or she has suffered,” Alice Miller writes. And because of this, we should do all we can to prevent bringing more traumatized children into the world in the first place, because trauma is so hard to heal, especially once a person has become a teenager or an adult and the powerful enablers in our society don’t help. And this is why I want to do all I can to remove the stigma from abortion so I can prevent from more traumatized new beings from being born in the first place and if a women wake up pregnant and know in her heart she is in no position to bring a child into the world, I want her to know it’s nothing wrong with abortion, but bringing a child into the world we are not in place to take care of and protect the repercussions are massive.
Why someone didn’t choose abortion can be so many, maybe the young woman never felt loved by anyone and fall into the illusion having a baby will guaranty she will have someone, at last, that will love her once and for all or the pressure of family, society, and religion or the unconscious desire to create a new being to use as scapegoat or poisonous container for repress effect. This quote by Alice Miller comes to mind: “The need to split off the disquieting parts of the inner self and project them onto an available object. The child’s great plasticity flexibility, defenselessness, and availability made it the ideal object for this projection. The enemy within can, at last, be hunted down on the outside. Peace advocates are becoming increasingly aware of the role played by these mechanisms, but until it is clearly recognized that they can be traced back to methods of child raising, little can be done to oppose them. For children who have grown up being assailed for qualities, the parents hate in themselves can hardly wait to assign these qualities to someone else so they can once again regard themselves as good, “moral,” noble, and altruistic. Such projections can easily become part of any Weltanschauung.” Alice Miller

Feeling the repressed anger of the child we once were at our mother is the most difficult anger to feel, because we are high wired to love our mothers no matter what and feeling our anger towards our mothers causes us to feel guilty and the pressures of society that idealizes mothers don’t help either and most men unconscious take revenge on all women for the wounds suffered when they were defenseless little children at the hands of their own mothers and women unconsciously hate all other men and most women and men are stuck in their hate and don’t realize that are making each other scapegoats. Anger can never be resolved when directed at scapegoats, it only can be resolved when felt and understood within the context of our own childhood. 

These words by Alice come to mind also: “...It is only in the child that traumas are bound to lead to psychic wounds because they damage the organism in its growth process. These injuries can heal if one dares to see them, or they can remain unhealed if one is forced to go on ignoring them. The feminist movement will forfeit none of its strength if it finally admits that mothers also abuse their children. Only the truth, even the most uncomfortable, endows a movement with the strength to change society, not the denial of the truth. When men abuse their women and the women put up with it, both the violence of the men and the tolerance of the women are consequences of early child abuse. Hence young children, male as well as female, can become victims of adults of either sex. When sensitive, nonbrutal women (and men) are incapable of protecting their children from the brutality of their partner, one must attribute this inability to the blinding process and the intimidation experienced in their own childhood. That is the simple truth. Only when these roots of all violence are exposed is it possible to examine the phenomena without retouching or embellishing them. When a female therapist has been taught that men are solely to blame for all evil in the world, she will, of course, be able to support her female patients when they eventually discover that they have been sexually abused by their fathers, grandfathers, or brothers: Unlike the followers of the drive theory, she will not talk them out of this truth. But as long the truth about the mother who allowed the abuse to happen, who failed to protect the child and ignored her distress, is kept out of sight, the full reality is not allowed to be either perceived or acknowledged. And as long as the child’s feelings cannot be experienced, the rage against men---a rage she can already experience---remain impotent: it can even remain coupled with the undissolved loyalty and devotion toward the father or other abusive men. When mothers are defended as pathetic victims, the female patient will not discover that with a loving, protective, perceptive, and courageous mother she could never have been abused by her father or brother. A daughter who has learned from her mother that she is worth protecting will find protection among strangers too and will be able to defend herself. When she has learned what love is, she will not succumb to simulated love. But a child who was merely pushed aside and disciplined, who never experienced soothing caresses, is not aware that anything like nonexploitive caresses can exist. She has no choice but to accept any closeness she is offered rather than be destroyed. Under certain circumstances, she will even accept sexual abuse for the sake of finding at least some affection rather than freezing up entirely. When, as an adult woman, she comes to realize that she was cheated out of love, she may be ashamed of her former need and hence feel guilty. She will blame herself because she dare not blame her mother, who failed to satisfy the child’s need or perhaps even condemned it. Psychoanalysts protect the father and embroider the sexual abuse of the child with the Oedipus, or Electra, complex, while some feminist therapist idealizes the mother, thus hindering access to the child’s first traumatic experience with the mother. Both approaches can lead to a dead end, since the dissolved of pain and fear is not possible until the full truth of facts can be seen and accepted.” Alice Miller “Banished Knowledge” page 1, 2, 78 and 79

Read original Facebook comments here

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

For a sociopath, winning is all

“A sociopath has no conscience, no emotional attachment to others, and no ability to love. For a sociopath, Stout says, “life is reduced to a contest, and other human beings seem to be nothing more than game pieces, to be moved about, used as shields or ejected.”
So what does a sociopath want? According to Stout, a sociopath wants only to win.” Read more here

When I found out about my ex-boss was robbing banks on the side and shot himself in a police standoff on  March 11, that by odd coincidence was my birthday, unconsciously he gave me a little justice on my birthday! 

I sent the e-mail published on my blog Hornets’ Nest of Corruption to some of the residents in my emailing list to inform them that I had been treated like a criminal, but NOW there was proof that they were the criminals' ones, but instead of hiding in shame, the sociopaths came after me viciously. 

The security community that employed me sent me a Cease and Desist letter trying to intimidate me and silence me and the sociopaths at the community started sending the letter below to my friends in the community telling them lies accusing me of doing what they themselves do. My friends in the community and a few others were grateful I shared with them this information, but the sociopaths in the community became even more fired up.

My ex-boss, a middle-aged white man, and an ex-sheriff! They treated me like a criminal and they accused me of making threats, but look who was the criminal and going around making threats to kill people if they didn't comply with his commands! 

If it was me, the little woman to commit a crime my name and face would have been splashed all over the news stations! And then all probably go on TV talking about how disturbed the little woman was -- to discredit me and my book --and make a name for themselves by standing on my head. 

And all probably say that you need God in your life, my ex-boss was a Mormon, a man of God, but he was the one to lose his mind, but now is a big cover-up. I could see their games and traps so clearly. I was their target to destroy, but when was one of them to self-destruct, all became silent and no one cares that these criminals with their projections and lies -- I lost my job and more than half of my income  -- AND they could have destroyed my life completely. 

There is no humanity! Most people are all fake and pretenders -- acting as if personality pretending to be good people -- but are wolves in sheep's clothing. I'm done with humanity! Humanity is on the path to self-destruct and with the aid of technology is going to happen much faster! 

And there is nothing I can do besides smile and wave at those that pass by me following leaders and charlatans taking them to an abyss. 

I will keep sharing my experiences and psychological discoveries with anyone that listens, but who wants to listen to someone that once made a living as a topless dancer and now as a gate attendant to upscale gated communities that in most people's eyes are nobodies and could not possibly have anything of importance to tell anyone! So I just smile and wave! AND enjoy my newfound freedom. Sad for them, but happy for me!
Cease and desist letters are sometimes used to intimidate recipients and can be "an effective tool used by corporations to chill the critical speech of gripe sites operators."[3] A company owning a trademark may send such letter to a gripe site operator alleging a trademark infringement, although the actual use of the trademark by the gripe site operator may fall under a fair use exception (in compliance with, in the U.S., the protection of free speech under the First Amendment).[3]”

" When Exposing a Crime is Treated as Committing a Crime, You Are Ruled By Criminals."  Yes, I was ruled by criminals! And even faced with this evidence  I'm still the one being treated like I'm the criminal and the real criminals are being protected! 
The quote above could not be truer!

“MESA, AZ (KPHO/KTVK) -A Chandler bank robber shot and killed himself inside his vehicle Friday morning after he pulled into a gas station several miles away in Mesa, police said.
SWAT officers from Mesa Police took over during negotiations while the suspect sat in his car with a gun in his hand. At one point, the suspect exited the car, but then he got back in the vehicle.
Officers were seen with guns drawn crouching behind their police unit.
A gunshot was soon heard coming from the suspect's car. There was never any exchange of gunfire.” Read more HERE 

Today, 3-5-22 I noticed that AZFAMILY. COM  link above no longer exists, most likely the Security company asked them to delete it because they don't want people to be making the connection that this story is true and real. But I just googled it and abc15 still has the story available in the link below.

Isn’t interesting that the media never revealed the bank robber’s name! I’m sure they are protecting the security company he worked for, it would not look good for a security company that one of his top managers was robbing banks on the side! After finding out my ex-boss was the bank robber I contacted the media again, but once again the media remains silent, they are protecting the sociopaths! I wonder what will take to get the media's attention. Make the connection here

At least the security company signed their letter.

 As you see the sociopaths in the gated community didn't sign their letters to my friends in the community, because they know, they are lying and they don't want to put a face to their letters, they are a bunch of cowards, they wish I confronted them in an intimidating manner, they would love to have something on me to pin me down with! But all they have is their lies!!!

Yes, they have mastered the art of projection to perfection. 

Yes, I danced with Lucifer. If I truly had not resolved my repression I would not have seen clearly the evil games the sociopaths at my job of nine and half years were playing -- trying to get me to self-destruct -- very few people will ever know what feels like having a mob of sociopaths conspiring together to try to get you to act against yourself! They literally wanted me dead, in Jail or mental hospital. After this experience, I will never again look at another human being in the same way. I danced with Lucifer! Not once, but twice! The first time was just one, but this last time was a mob of evil people. If I had not truly resolved my repression -- I would probably be dead right now.

The words below from the article "20 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths Use to Silence Youcould not be truer: "Toxic people will gossip behind your back (and in front of your face), slander you to your loved ones or their loved ones, create stories that depict you as the aggressor while they play the victim, and claim that you engaged in the same behaviors that they are afraid you will accuse them of engaging in. They will also methodically, covertly, and deliberately abuse you so they can use your reactions as a way to prove that they are the so-called “victims” of your abuse." 

This blog was triggered by Marianne Krivan's Facebook post: "I'm starting to wonder about the policies and procedures with the FBI. New stories emerge about the shooter. His elementary schoolmates remember him as someone who threatened to bring a gun to school and kill his classmates. He had many confrontations with his teachers. In high school, he actually cheered while 9/11 was happening. The FBI never uncovered this information?"

Sylvie Imelda Shene: I have worked with troubled people and I too quit or lost the job for reporting it.
Last March my ex-boss robbed a bank and shot himself in a police standoff. Security business attracts a lot of troubled people like this shooter.
Now tell me why the media never revealed his name? Who are they protecting?!
Marianne Krivan: Sylvie ...this is crazy!

Sylvie Imelda Shene I know Marianne! It's very crazy! We live in an upside-down world! In the workplace, sociopaths are protected and honest and authentic people are the ones that lose the job if they dare to report it. Even with evidence that one of the sociopaths harassing me was a true criminal, they still treated me like I am the criminal.
Lourdes Pertierra:  It's crazy

"Sociopaths hate us. All sociopaths know in their “heart-of-hearts” (so to speak) that we are the ones with the real power. We have the advantage of being real people who can love and feel. We are flexible, reasonable. We have wisdom mingled in compassion. A potent elixir for the ills and sorrows of life; the stuff human kindness is made of. Sociopaths hate us – they are loveless, and without conscience. – They also know while they hate us and use us – we can ruin them by exposure. This evokes rage.
When individuals operate without a conscience they are able to do horrible things we would never dream of doing – and there is no moral compass or guilt feelings to stop them. ~ Dr. Deborah Ettel, PhD. Psychology
Sociopaths are limited. Sociopaths are reactionary, defensive, and grasping for what they perceive as power in money, and position. Whatever ‘status’ they seem to hold is always fake. They have nothing without hijacking other people’s lives. This can be on a grand scale involving millions of dollars, or at a low economic level for basic needs: housing, food, internet, clothes, a phone – and all else in between. They crave a good reputation. Sometimes in the heat of being discovered, or in fear of losing a gain, they’ll take unplanned, improvised actions that may even cause themselves harm directly or indirectly in over-the-top criminality. Their weakness is a constant fear of being unmasked. This and their limited minds makes them predictable. This leaves gaps and leverage for our escape from these monsters." Read more  here

Mass Shootings: We are all responsible
"We have reached no definitive conclusions,” Obama said at a news conference, adding: “What is clear is that he was a person filled with hate.”
How come no one ever asks the question where this hate comes from and why?! The shooter seeing two men kissing is just the trigger of his intense hate and not the cause, gay people are just the shooter's scapegoats.
There are a lot of people walking around with time bombs in their brains -- until the bombs explode.

They don't like it that I call them sociopaths, but if you go out of your way to destroy a life, just because you don't like the truth, I'm sorry, but that makes you a sociopath!

These words by John Lennon could not be truer. The sociopaths at my job of nine and half years were hoping I would react to their lies, mind games, and smear campaign and I would become violent in some form. The system is thirsty for blood, but I don't play their game. "When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system's game. The establishment will irritate you - pull your beard, flick your face - to make you fight. Because once they've got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don't know how to handle is non-violence and humor." John Lennon

To read more about my experiences with the mob of sociopaths or narcissists at my last job read my blog Experienced Knowledge  

Very good question, Christa Van Vuuren. At my job of nine and a half years. I too was treated like a criminal and my locker was broken into in search of anything they could pin me down with. They destroyed all the evidence I had collected of their emotional harassment. But when one of them exactly a year later got caught committing a crime and killed himself in a police standoff, an ex-sheriff and a middle-aged White man -- now they all became silent and is a big cover-up by the FBI, the US Marshals, and the media, but if it was me, the little woman to committed a crime, my face and name would have been splashed all over the news stations everywhere. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sociopaths Hate Us

Yes, they hate us for being real, authentic and truthful. And yes, our very existence can ignite their erratic defense mechanisms. I found out that the last sociopath I worked with in Paradise Valley, got angry and walked out on the job on Friday, June 3! The truth always comes to the surface sooner or later! They got a dose of his poison! And yes, I have learned how dangerous sociopaths are -- after being targeted by a mob of sociopaths at my job of nine and half years! I will never look at another human being the same!

"That said: Do not tempt a sociopath’s rage. Sociopaths hate us. Our very existence can ignite their erratic defense mechanisms. I do not want to downplay the danger with a sociopath. Do not argue, challenge or threaten them. When you see what they are, do this: Zip it. Stay silent. Get them out. Or go yourself.
Stand up! See the sociopath for what he or she is! Reframe the entire debacle from the viewpoint of a sociopath’s mind. Use their weaknesses to leverage them out of our lives and minimize the damage."

Sociopaths Hate Us 

Very true! This is exactly what the bullies, assholes, sociopaths or whatever you like to call these very toxic people are trying to do to me! But the more they come after me with their lies, the more their true colors come to the surface and the more pathetic they look.

"Once we see them for who they are – and they know we know – the sociopath drops all pretense. The sociopath behind the mask comes out to play. The monster steps out front and center. There’s nothing like looking into the eyes of infinite, bottomless inhumanity."
Totally! Once they knew I knew that's when they came after me viciously! And I saw pure evil!
While I understand both men and women can be the victims of smear campaigns at work, women in positions of power face an especially tough time. Having been the victim of a workplace smear campaign, by another woman to boot, I can attest that the author's summation here is spot on:
"If you've attempted to speak truth to power, to stand up for tough decisions, or even if you've reported work-place will most likely end up with a target on your back. Smear campaigns are often a cowardly tactic utilized to victimize women, with the ultimate goal of forcing them out of their positions -- or into silence." 
I have met a lot of cowards lately! Too afraid to make a stand and they let the sociopaths get away with an attempt to destroy a person! Since being a target of a mob of sociopaths at my last job of nine and half years. I will never look at another human being in the same way! "Bystanders now possess the ultimate responsibility in standing up for our collective fight against injustice, bullying, violence, and intimidation. "IT'S ON US" a new campaign spreading, to suggest that bystanders should no longer look the other way. And to reiterate that proverb that we all know to be so true, "Silence is never neutral. You must always pick a side". In this case, we hope you will choose courage over fear.
Please think long and hard before you agree to look the other way when someone is victimized by violence or abuse. And instead of passing around gossip like it's candy on Halloween -- consider the source and the motive -- and choose to rise above it. Consider the role you would be playing in perpetuating a character damaging smear campaign. And realize that smear campaigns are most often the handy work of cowardly and insecure personalities. Otherwise, open dialogue and healthy confrontation, in the light of day, would replace these dark, brutal tactics."
Good comments on the Psychopath Free Facebook page.

Totally! They are so good at playing the victim role! All the sociopaths at my last job of nine and half years accuse me of doing of what themselves do! And they act like they are my victims! They are beyond pathetic!!! They went to the trouble this last Friday of sending a letter to one of my friends in the community telling him lies about me. It's kind of funny because I'm the one that picked up the letter at the gate and hand delivered it to my friend. We just laughed of how pathetic they are!!!
Yes, they do! 

The pity play

Tip-off trait of a sociopath
Look for the pity play

Is there any mannerism, any type of behavior, any use of language, that can identify a sociopath?
According to Martha Stout, Ph.D., author of The Sociopath Next Door*, the best clue that you are dealing with a sociopath is the pity play.
“The most reliable sign, the most universal behavior of unscrupulous people is not directed, as one might imagine, at our fearfulness,” Stout says. “It is, perversely, an appeal to our sympathy.”
The combination of consistently bad or inadequate behavior and frequent pity plays, Stout continues, is the closest thing to a warning you’ll ever get that you are being manipulated by a sociopath.

Sociopath manipulation techniques

In her book, Stout also describes other techniques that a shameless sociopath will use to keep the rest of us in line. They are:
  1. Charm
  2. Risk-taking, and convincing others to do it with them
  3. Recognizing a person who is decent and trusting—the perfect target
  4. Sexual seduction
  5. Crocodile tears—especially when sociopaths are about to be confronted
  6. Righteous indignation—Plan B when sociopaths are about to be confronted
  7. Exploiting social and professional roles
  8. Gaslighting—making victims doubt their own perceptions
The term “gaslighting” comes from a 1944 movie called Gaslight, in which gold-digging husband marries a rich, innocent woman and tries to make her feel like she is going insane. Sociopaths are experts at it.

For a sociopath, winning is all

A sociopath has no conscience, no emotional attachment to others, and no ability to love. For a sociopath, Stout says, “life is reduced to a contest, and other human beings seem to be nothing more than game pieces, to be moved about, used as shields or ejected.”
So what does a sociopath want? According to Stout, a sociopath wants only to win.

Now looking back I have been singled out since my childhood by sociopaths or people that have masted the art of repression and transference to perfection and the moment they discover I see through their chirpy facade I become their target to destroy. I remember my first-grade teacher hating me because she knew I could see through her and she always put on in front of parents and others outside the classroom. I didn't mean to let her know that I saw through her chirpy facade, but I realize now looking back that I did and she hated me for being a seeing child and bullied me and humiliated me in front of the class to an extreme. 

Groups dynamics don't change much from grade school all the way to adulthood. Most people remain stuck in childhood without realizing it. And this is why I don't join groups because as seeing and compassionate person I tend to be overlooked or attacked and ostracized by the sociopath in the group aided by all the emotionally blind people.  
To read more about my experiences with the mob of sociopaths or narcissists at my last job read my blog Experienced Knowledge