Wednesday, May 29, 2024

12 Tactics to Put a Narcissist in Their Place - How To Put A Narcissist In Their Place


The malignant people at my job of nine and half years were hoping I would react to their lies, mind games, and smear campaigns, but I don't play their game. By refusing to play and walking away that's how we stay free. It does matter what people say or think about us. Once we have truly resolved our childhood repression, all we care about is being free and staying free. 

True learning only comes from real experience and an open mind that has not been hijacked by a malignant OR corrupted system.

As long as people remain repressed, they have no free will; the dead hand of their own repression will drive them endlessly into the state of compulsion repetition.

Rise above their bullshit, because reacting to their lies and bullshit, that's what they want and that's what gives them power. I no longer give my power away like that. Marty is the only one in my life I gave my power away to like that, I only wanted his love but instead, after being in a relationship with him for 10 years I got a master's degree in psychology. 

My book is a strong mirror and they don’t like their own reflections, so they want to try to bring me down. How dear of me, an ex-topless dancer and now a gate attendant put such a strong mirror in front of them. And like my family, they are using the same tactics..., but what they want to do is to put me in my place and show me who is in charge to manage their own fears and keep their own image, repression, and little illusions intact.

Just as Alice Miller says: “Conditioning and manipulation of others are always weapons and instruments in the hands of those in power even if these weapons are disguised with the terms education and therapeutic treatment.” For Your Own Good, P. 278

And of course, just like my teachers and older sisters, they want to destroy my spirit so I will be like them. They are allergic to my aliveness.

Just like Donald wrote in the discussion about my book: “The passage below from the Alice Miller interview How To Combat Denial came to my mind right away when I read of your sisters blaming your mother for your being so difficult and rebellious:

Borut Petrovic Jesenovec: I notice that a lot of people become allergic when they see a truly childlike child unburdened by guilt and abuse. They just can’t stand it. They repeat that every child must be socialized as soon as possible, in other words, taken away from parents and put into kindergarten so that he/she becomes "available" to anyone. They preach the benefits of socialization as if it were a most sacred, noble cause. I find this social pressure enormous. But in this context, socialization equals adaptation to cruelty. Why is a child who is alive, genuine, and pure, in their eyes unbearable, even sinful, and must, by all means, be mutilated so he/she would become similar to them?

Alice Miller: Because the child’s creativity and liveliness trigger in the parents the repressed pain of being suffocated. They are afraid of feeling the pain, so they do whatever they can to avoid the triggers. By insisting on obedience they kill the lively child, they victimize him or her as they themselves were victimized before. For that reason, they absolutely need information. This is why we talked and worked on this interview. Most parents don’t want to hurt their children; they do it automatically, just by repeating what they themselves learned as children. We can help them to stop this destructive behavior by explaining to them why it is actually destructive. So that they can wake up and make a choice.

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