Friday, May 17, 2024

Why Narcissists Get Married

Narcissists may get married for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Validation and approval
    Narcissists may seek validation and approval from their spouses to boost their self-esteem.
  • Supply
    A spouse provides a constant source of narcissistic supply, and narcissists cannot function without it.
  • Image boosting
    Marriage can help narcissists boost their image.
  • Money
    Narcissists may get married to get money from their partner or their partner's family.
  • Social status
    Narcissists may get married to attain higher social status, such as marrying into a certain family or ethnic group.
  • Ownership
    Narcissists may view marriage as ownership of a source of narcissistic supply, which their spouse is required to give them 24/7.
  • Contract
    Narcissists may view marriage as a contract that proves they will never be alone or abandoned.
  • Attention
    Weddings come with lots of attention, which may be appealing to narcissists. 
Narcissists may also marry people who are: Weak-minded, Submissive, People-pleasers, and Targets already vulnerable people. 
Some say that narcissists and people-pleasers may have a dynamic where one person maintains and asserts their power, while the other person does whatever they can to ensure that power stays in place. 
The narcissist fears abandonment, if you agree to marry them, the narcissist feels more secure and more in control. They need an assistant. The narcissist loves being taken care of. Having a spouse to a narcissist often means having a live-in house cleaner, chef, secretary, accountant, and errand-runner.

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