Sunday, May 19, 2024

Narcissists Technique Known as Baiting

Narcissists use a variety of techniques, known as "baiting", to manipulate and control others. Baiting is a form of passive-aggressive manipulation that aims to get a reaction from the target. Narcissists may bait their targets in many ways, including:
  • Insults: Mocking, taunting, and ridiculing with offensive jibes
  • Guilt-tripping: Playing the victim, such as blaming others for their own unhappiness
  • Intimidation and threats: Provoking fear or anxiety to keep the recipient compliant
  • Fear-provoking and scaremongering: Threatening physical harm, social consequences, or emotional abuse
  • Intrigue: Using vague comments 

Baiting typically triggers the target's anxiety, shame, and fear, making them easier to control and manipulate. The goal is to gain control or maintain power in the relationship, manipulating the partner or coworker into submission or compliance with the narcissist's desires and demands. 

Some ways to manage bait include: Recognizing the bait for what it is, Noticing how the bait makes you feel, Managing your own responses, Focusing on your own feelings and needs, and Practicing mindfulness and self-care.

Individuals with narcissistic traits or NPD may deliberately insult or provoke you with hurtful comments to elicit an emotional or defensive response. Narcissistic baiting is a manipulative strategy that narcissists use to cause emotional reactions and maintain control over their targets.

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