Monday, May 27, 2024

What Is Narcissistic Baiting?

The video above articulates beautifully the narcissist's baiting tactic. 

I have learned not to take the bait and not to react. 

I have been the target of these evil people too many times in the workplace since I published my memoir  A Dance to Freedom: Your Guide to Liberation from Lies and Illusions, sharing my life experiences and psychological discoveries. 

At my job of nine and a half years, I was treated like a criminal after I published my book but a year later, we saw who the true criminals were. If it was me, the little woman to commit a crime my name and face would have been splashed all over the news stations! 

I was their target to destroy, but when it was one of them to self-destruct, all became silent and it became a big cover-up and no one cared that these professional criminals with their projections and lies -- I lost my job and more than half of my income -- AND they could have destroyed my life completely.

My ex-boss had the perfect cover, he would rob banks and go take cover at Securitas, the Security company that employed me at the time! Perfect cover! But on March 11, 2016, which by coincidence was my birthday, he chose the wrong day to rob banks, because he never made it to his cover at Securitas office, he killed himself in a police standoff after robbing a bank. 

My birthday was the wrong day to go out robbing banks! 

When they know that you know their true nature you get a target on your back. 

With their lies and mind games, they hope you react and you do something crazy so they can point the finger at you, label you as crazy and paranoid, and accuse you of being the narcissist to discredit you to cover up their true nature. But a truly free mind cannot ever be played with or manipulated and cannot ever be captured again. I might have to walk away and leave a job but they can't manipulate me or use me to hide their true nature. Free at last!

I see their games so clearly now that I have resolved my own childhood repression. 

 As I wrote in my book on pages 172, and 173  "Resolving childhood repression is the vaccine against the charlatans [or nartissists] of the world who exploit those who are still emotionally blinded by the unresolved, repressed emotions of the children they once were.

Once you’re free, your whole outlook on life is going to change. This quote, from a patient of Alice Miller’s, expresses what happens perfectly: “The world has not changed. There is so much evil and meanness all around me, and I see it even more clearly than before. However, for the first time, I find life really worth living. Perhaps this is because, for the first time, I have the feeling that I am really living my own life. And that is an exciting adventure. On the other hand, I can understand my suicidal ideas better now, especially those I had in my youth — when it seemed pointless to carry on — because in a way I had always been living a life that wasn’t mine, that I didn’t want, and that I was ready to throw away.”80

I’ve removed all the barriers of false morality and am totally free to experience all my feelings, take them seriously, and decide whom, if anyone, to share them with. I’ve faced my past and can deal with my present circumstances in the context of growing awareness instead of childhood fears. These words by Alice Miller express how I exactly feel: “If I allow myself to feel what pains or gladdens me, what annoys or enrages me, and why this is the case, if I know what I need and what I do not want at all costs, I will know myself well enough to love my life and find it interesting, regardless of age or social status. … I will know that I have
lived my own, true life.”81

It really is a powerful feeling, and you’re likely to find yourself possessing a power that will be threatening to a lot of people. Society is on the side of the status quo, so be prepared. As Alice Miller writes in Free from Lies, going against the parents “is a source of major alarm for others … They will sometimes mobilize all the forces at their command to discredit the former victim and thus keep their own repression intact.”82

But thanks to Alice Miller, I’m content to be who I am regardless of what other people think. This passage, from Breaking Down the Wall of Silence, sums it up so well: “To live with one’s own truth is to be at home with oneself. That is the opposite of isolation. We only need confirmation when we are alienated from ourselves and in flight from the truth. All the friends and devoted admirers in the world cannot make up for the loss.”83

When I die I will not be sad because I have truly lived and will die in freedom, no longer scared and no longer a captive of the emotional prison into which I was born." 

After I published my book all the sociopaths at my job felt threatened by my knowledge and sure enough, they all gathered the forces at their command to try to destroy me and discredit me and my book.

"D. Escalation of manipulation tactics
When faced with fear, narcissists often intensify their manipulation tactics. They may gaslight, deceive, or engage in emotional manipulation to regain control over the situation and neutralize the perceived threat.

Coping with Narcissists’ Fear Reaction
A. Setting boundaries and protecting oneself
It is essential to establish clear boundaries when dealing with narcissists. Setting limits on their behavior and refusing to tolerate manipulation can help protect oneself from their fear-based tactics."

Read more in the link below:

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