Wednesday, May 15, 2024

How a Dying Narcissist Behaves and Treats Others

Yes, the narcissist punishment is living all of their lives and dying in an emotional prison.

"You can’t concentrate on external things and status symbols and be happy. You can’t be happy and abusive at the same time. You can’t mistreat and manipulate others and be happy. That’s not what real happiness is about.

Real happiness comes from within, from a strong sense of self, from growing as a human being, and from being a decent person. So if your core self is rotten, if you are severely disconnected, if you are not growing, and if you are a hurtful person, it’s impossible to be genuinely happy. The best you can do is desperately manage your shaky and skewed false self.

So what’s a malignant narcissist’s punishment? It’s their existence. It’s their inner prison. It’s waking up every day into their life that—despite possessions, power, and status symbols that they may have—they hate deep down. And then one day they die, and it’s all over. That’s the sad reality of a wasted and miserable life. And that’s their natural punishment." Read more at the link below:

An Educated Empath Is a Sociopath’s Worst Nightmare

I'm the sociopath's worst nightmare! I agree with almost everything the author of this article wrote. But I don't agree that some psychopaths, sociopaths, malignant narcissists, assholes, or whatever you like to call these evil people -- that they use their psychopath traits --- to help people -- these malignant people make sure all the good acts they do are in the public eye -- to cultivate a good image and gain power over others -- so if anyone dares to expose their true nature -- no one will believe them because they do so much "good"! Like I always say: most "helpers" are helping themselves! When there are no witnesses they enjoy hurting others -- they are sadists -- they don't care about anyone else but themselves. They only want good things for themselves! Hurting and destroying others' lives is their painkilling drug. It's an addiction that keeps their own childhood repression intact. Just like I wrote in my book A Dance to Freedom page 118: "... as long our pain remains repressed we will unconsciously and compulsively do to others what was once done to us."

Some people would push you off of a ledge just to catch you and say they saved your life. 

"I want to debunk the misconception that sociopaths and narcissists are smarter than empaths. To many people’s surprise, empaths are absolutely intellectually superior to sociopaths and narcissists. Empaths are grounded in reality, capable of abstract thought, and they are creative.
Narcissists and sociopaths lack all three of these traits. Empaths have the intellect and the creativity to manipulate and even exploit the narcissist 1000 times worse than they could ever imagine. Just because targets don’t exploit does not mean they can’t, or that they couldn’t, do an even better job than the sociopath.
Empaths don’t exploit narcissists or sociopaths because we have morals and values. And moreover, empaths are not in the business of hurting people.
I certainly don’t want targets to abuse their abuser, but I do want to encourage targets to start engaging in self-protection by utilizing their creativity to come up with nonviolent strategies to counter-manipulate narcissists into staying away from them. Counter-manipulation is used by targets to STOP the abuser from manipulating them. This is not something to feel guilty about, but it is, in fact, a very healthy behavior called self-care.
If you are a target, please remember, that you are smarter than the narcissist, because you are grounded in reality, and that in itself is a huge intellectual advantage.
I personally pity the fool who tries to mess with an enlightened empath full of self-knowledge!" Read more HERE

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