Friday, February 6, 2015

Silencing and Suppressing others to Manage Repressed Fears

Since writing this blog, exactly a year later, my ex-boss, who the property manager recruited to do her dirty work, killed himself in a standoff with the local police after robbing a bank on March 11, 2016, that by coincidence was my birthday! So, the property manager does have blood on her hands after all, because I know without a doubt, if she had not started this psychological warfare against me, he would still be alive – he was her collateral damage – when people start wars someone always gets hurt or killed!!! I was her target to destroy, but when was one of her helpers to lose his mind and self-destruct, everyone involved became silent, and now is a big cover-up that involves the FBI, the US Marshals, and the media. It's a shame he was not strong enough to stand up to do the right thing and let himself become a puppet of the property manager -- he paid a high price for it. Puppets never have a good end. If it was me, the little woman to commit a crime my name and face would have been splashed all over the news stations! And then all probably go on TV talking about how disturbed the little woman was -- to discredit me and my book -- and make a name for themselves by standing on my head. And all probably say that you need God in your life, my ex-boss was a Mormon, a man of God, but he was the one to lose his mind, but now is a big cover-up. I could see their dirty games and traps so clearly.
Read more in the link below:  

Yesterday G asked me how I was doing and how the board was treating me and I told her that I have been told by X Board and S not to discuss anything with anyone and she told me: every time you are in a situation where people tell you not to talk, it means they fear you! And I said: totally I triggered their fears! In a way, X Board and the Security Company are reenacting their childhood drama and reminding me of mine, but the difference now is that I see clearly what’s going on and I am not as defenseless I once was. Just like I wrote on my book page 59: “It only occurred to me after reading Alice Miller that my family was also scared of me. I was a threat to them because I came close to shattering their own illusions. The only choice they had was to try and control me so they could avoid their own pain — the pain they feared the most.”  Now again I am too close to shattering X Board and S’ illusions and I triggered their fears, so now to manage their repressed fears are trying to silence and control me by throwing a bunch sand or bullshit at me to blind me, but I can see so clearly that I just smile at it.

It also occurred to me the Security Company was also happy to get rid of me, just like M B, they too saw that I don't any longer have the X board support like I once did, so they thought they would join M B in his plotting and put a new person in charge paying her/him much less and save $5 or $6 an hour, so they can keep more money for themselves.

Thank you for your help and for being my friend.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,


If you like to read more about my experience with a mob of sociopaths also read my blog post Experienced Knowledge 

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