Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Narcissist is Like a Black Hole


Narcissists are like black holes because they can drain others of their energy, light, and life. Narcissists may lack certain qualities in themselves, such as self-esteem, confidence, authenticity, and contentment, and may try to take those things from others. 

It's difficult to resist the pull of a narcissist, 
but people can learn to improve their 
ability to do so by resolving their own childhood repression. They also suggest 
educating oneself about narcissists and 
narcissistic abuse. 

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition that can cause people to have an inflated sense of their own importance, and to have an excessive need for attention and admiration. People with this disorder may also have trouble understanding or caring about the feelings of others.

are very difficult to recognize and even more difficult to expose. They appear wounded and gentle, even vulnerable and humble. They portray themselves as dedicated to a path of "enlightenment." but don't practise what they preach. They reel you in by appealing to your sense of empathy. The lack of overt arrogance will derail your fears and suspicions. they epitomize; a wolf in sheep's clothing. Beware.
- Author Unknown

Me too, I don't memorize anything. I can retrieve any information I want in books and in the internet. I'm very grateful for my ability to see, feel and think clearly. 

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