Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Can't fake it forever

A narcissist will be angry at you for finding out the truth about them


These words by Alice Miller go right to the heart! Yes, the amnesia of politicians or leaders of sects does afflict countless people. We are witnessing how Putin's amnesia of his childhood repression is hurting the Ukrainian people! "Kafka was hardly aware of the fact that the main sources of his imagination were deeply hidden in his early childhood. Most writers aren't. But the amnesia of an artist or writer, though sometimes a burden for their body, doesn't have any negative consequences for society. The readers simply admire the work and are rarely interested in the writers' infancy. However, the amnesia of politicians or leaders of sects does afflict countless people, and will continue to do so, as long as society remains blind to the important connections between the denial of traumatic experiences in early childhood and the destructive, criminal actions of individuals.”

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