Thursday, July 4, 2024

Obsession with Money

"Obsession with money or other external goals—such as a higher job title at work or a better car or a bigger house—is not always a good thing. Studies have shown that preoccupation with external goals can be detrimental to physical and mental health (Werner et al, 2019). It is perfectly normal to want to upgrade your phone or work towards a promotion, but there must also be an inner desire for personal growth and improvement."

“MY MAIN CONCERN in this present book is with the effects the denial of our true and strong emotions have on our bodies. Such denial is demanded of us not least by morality and religion. On the basis of what I know about psychotherapy, both from personal experience and from accounts I have been given by very many people, I have come to the conclusion that individuals abused in childhood can attempt to obey the Fourth Commandment* only by recourse to a massive repression and detachment of their true emotions. 

They cannot love and honor their parents because unconsciously they still fear them. However much they want to, they cannot build up a relaxed and trusting relationship. 

Instead, what usually materializes is a pathological attachment, a mixture of fear and dutiful obedience that hardly deserves the name of love in the genuine sense of the word. 

I call this a sham, a façade. In addition, people abused in childhood frequently hope all their lives that someday they will experience the love they have been denied. 

These expectations reinforce their attachment to their parents, an attachment that religion creeds refer to as love and praise as a virtue. 

Unfortunately, the same thing happens in most therapies, as most people are still dominated by traditional morality. There is a price to be paid for this morality, a price paid by the body. Individuals who believe that they feel what they ought to feel and constantly do their best not to feel what they forbid themselves to feel will ultimately fall ill---unless that is, they leave it to their children to pick up the check by projections onto them the emotions they cannot admit to themselves."
From the Preface, the Body Nerve Lies, pages 14, 15

freedom ain't free. Most of the time you have to walk away cut your losses, and mourn what you thought it was but never was if want to be free and stay free. 

If you had the good fortune to be introduced to enlightened information you will be tested in life. I'm sad someone close to me failed the test big time. All because of money.😿 If you are free and healthy you can always make more money! Freedom isn't free!
I see people connected all the time by fear, hatred, and by money, but seldom do I see people connected by love.

Addiction greed, and obsessions, are all the same thing.  Greed, obsessions, or addiction means that whatever the object of our affection is, we can never get enough of it.  Addicts live in constant fear of losing the object of their affection and go to any lengths to protect it.  They will lie, cheat, steal, go to war without thinking twice, and exploit others even their own children.  No wonder so many young people are so angry; for when we feel used and exploited we get angry

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