Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Be Okay with Being the Villain In the Narcissist's Fabricated Story of You


"You are not their partner, you are a SUPPLY. You are not an equal. you are something they OWN." Very true! I want someone to stand next to me, not to compete with me to feel superior or inferior. 
When dealing with a narcissist, you don't have to accept their version of events, especially if it makes you the villain:
  • Baiting
    Narcissists may deliberately provoke emotional reactions to distract from their manipulation and shift blame. They may use accusations, even if they know they're the ones at fault, to make you feel wrong. Don't accept their false accusations.
  • Blameshifting
    Narcissists may use "crazymaking" arguments to distract you from their true selves and manipulate you.
  • Narcissistic supply
    Narcissists may try to get you to react emotionally to "bait" you. Don't give them anything, as anything you do can be used against you.
  • Public shame
    Narcissists may become enraged by public embarrassment and lash out.
  • Calling them out
    Experts say that calling someone a narcissist, even if true, can cause more harm than good. 
 Narcissists can be sly and manipulative, using lies to alienate their targets

are very difficult to recognize and even more difficult to expose. They appear wounded and gentle, even vulnerable and humble. They portray themselves as dedicated to a path of "enlightenment." but don't practice what they preach. They reel you in by appealing to your sense of empathy. The lack of overt arrogance will derail your fears and suspicions. they epitomize; a wolf in sheep's clothing. Beware.
- Author Unknown

Just because a person doesn't put hands on you, that doesn't mean they aren't abusive. Abuse is control, blatant disrespect, and also hurtful words. 

Don't settle for emotional abuse thinking it's ok because it's not physical.

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