Friday, July 12, 2024

Narcissists are Stuck in Childhood Forever


Yes, it will! Narcissism is an epidemic! Just like I said to the ex-wife of one of my nephews. "The truth is only fucked up people will chase after men and leaves their small baby with a stranger and leans on a man she has no feelings for, has a child with him, and after leaving him uses the welfare system to survive because of her unresolved childhood repression can’t hold on to a job for very long. Most people in our world are fucked up and that's why humanity is doomed." Yes, narcissists are endlessly stuck in the emotional prison of their childhood. The narcissist punishment is living all of their lives and dying in an emotional prison.

Just like I wrote to a family member: "You keep saying you thought I was your friend. I don't know what your interpretation of friendship is, but it seems to you friendship means to go along with you all the time and kiss your ass -- you just want to be surrounded by people that kiss your ass -- and go along with you all the time -- and tell you only what you like to hear. Just because I didn't go along in joining you in satisfying your thirst for revenge NOW I'm your number one enemy!

You really didn't know me if you thought I would just go along with you all the time and I would kiss your ass just because you are well off financially!

You are like the person riding the donkey in the picture above, you use your money as the carrot on the stick to control the people in your life so you don't have to face and feel your fears. I have been saying to people for a very long time: face your fears or they will keep biting you in the ass.  

I'm everyone's friend. I write back to everyone that writes to me and if you wrote to me asking any questions I would answer you back! I'm a friend forever! You might not like what I have to say but you can be assured that you will get an honest answer. "

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