Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Trash Taking Itself Out

I don't know if I've already shared it with you the link below. When I think of you, I feel feelings of sadness.

Hi F,

Thank you for writing and finding the courage to drop your charming mask to show me your unresolved repressed hatred NOW directed at me, trying to make me your scapegoat.

I’m used to people trying to make me their scapegoat since I was a small child.

I’m very aware when people are not able to consciously feel their feelings in the context of their own childhoods that will be a matter of time for them to try to make me their scapegoat.

It took you and MC over 20 years!  As a child, I didn’t understand these psychological mechanisms, but as an autonomous free adult I do and I don’t take in and feel responsible for other people’s unresolved hatred, no matter what they say to me and how hard they try to transfer it into me.

“But when you talk about me to other people you use words like "you're all fucked up"”

Your words above show me that you have joined your repressed unresolved hatred with MC’s unresolved repressed hatred and NOW you both are together directing all your hatred towards me and the words above are really what this person used to say too.

How do you think I know that while your son was still a small child you rather go to Porto’s night clubs chasing men to have sex with to run away from yourself than be still to feel your pain and be present with your small child?

This is a pain NOW for your adult child to feel if he wants to be free and stop the chains of compulsion repetition that his mother is not capable of authentic love and all the love he got from his mother was the illusion of love. It’s in his hands now. If I were in your son’s shoes I would ask CA, the man who has been playing the role of his father, for a DNA test to find out if he is his biological father too.

The truth is only fucked up people will chase after men and leaves their small baby with a stranger and leans on a man she has no feelings for, has a child with him, and after leaving him uses the welfare system to survive because of her unresolved childhood repression can’t hold on to a job for very long. Most people in our world are fucked up and that's why humanity is doomed.

“Also, send messages that I wrote to other people, making me lose trust in you. When I think about you I also feel feelings of sadness.”

Show me proof and evidence that I shared your messages.

Maybe I’m a little guilty of sometimes sharing too much when talking but I only do it as examples in hopes of inspiring people to stop their own compulsions and be still to consciously feel their own pain and stop running from themselves and making others their scapegoats. I don’t do it with malicious intent. And for that I'm sorry! But you can be assured without a doubt that if MC shows you anything I might have shared with her, she is being malicious trying to manipulate you to act the part she wants you to act in her twisted dramas.  

Why do you think she got mad at me?! Because I didn’t let her use me to join her hatred to satisfy her thirst for revenge and make MI her scapegoat. It’s easy to beat and step on someone when they are already down!

When MI had money everyone was around her trying to mooch of her and she helped pay for the car of CA that you crashed! It might have been some of my money too, because back then I was sending money to MI all the time and now I'm sure if you are leaning on MC is because she has money but it doesn't matter how much money she collects it will not save her, just like money didn't save her mother and her father. Money alone is a big illusion and saves no one. Actually, having too much money can create a lot of new problems.

If you trust me or not it doesn’t affect me. I trust myself and I don’t need other people to trust me! What matters is that we trust ourselves to handle what life throws at us and not become dependent on anyone or anything to cope with life. Just like my older sisters, you are trusting the wrong person, but it's your problem, not mine, my older sisters never trusted me either! Because they never trusted themselves and they put all their trust in MI and look how that worked out for all of them?!

The question you should ask yourself is whether you can trust yourself. You and MC don't trust yourselves to be alone for even one minute. You two deserve each other.

“And by the way, I don't know if I've already shared it with you, but the cats you killed when you didn't have money to feed them and the absurd words you said come to mind countless times: they died happy because they knew me and my love.”

Wow, your words above show me that is really you who can’t be trusted and you are twisting my words. I said that I rather die and euthanize my cats than ask ML and MC for money.  And yes, I do think it’s better to humanely euthanize an animal than to live in crowded homes and in cages suffering in horrible conditions. That’s no quality of life for the animals and the humans. It’s better to live one day with authentic love than 100 years with fake love or suffering scared on the streets and in horrible conditions.

I trust my love. Tell me how many people and animals you have truly loved in your life?

“And also take care of your childhood repression because when you feel all the repression the feeling you will have for L and E would be compassion..."

Yes, I have taken responsibility for my own childhood repression and I feel sad for everyone else, family or not, who is still stuck in the emotional prison of their own childhoods, but I’m only responsible for myself, and is not healthy for me to take in and let myself be used as poison container, it didn’t help them when they made me their scapegoat or poison continuer when I was a small child --- and it will not help them now either --- because hatred cannot ever be resolved by scapegoating. We only can save ourselves!

“And not from that petty enjoyment that you feel for what has happened and continues to happen.”

The words above are just yours and MC's projections, because nothing makes MC happier than seeing others suffer, she only wants good things for herself and no one else. 

I hope the little crumbs you might get from her to buy you to use you to exploit your unresolved repressed hatred to join her hatred towards me and other scapegoats to temporally and superficially feel better are worth it to you.

"When you talk to me you think you are in a superior situation"

This is how most like you and MC see yourselves, you feel superior or inferior depending on who you are with, and is just a projection.

 “you should read the dunning-Kruger effect and you will see yourself in this complex because as you started from a very young age hearing that you were a zero on the left, that you were worthless, compounded by not being able to learn to read, this left very deep feelings ingrained in you of inferiority and now that you have learned things about psychology, you feel in a position of judge of the total and absolute truth.”

I’m glad that reading the theory above brought you comfort and gave you the information to diagnose me. Yes, your words reminded me of the pain I went through, but is just a reminder because I have already been through it, if I hadn’t the sociopaths at my job of nine and half years would have succeeded in destroying me after I published my book with their mind games and very well-orchestrated psychological warfare, but instead was one them to self-destruct.  And by coming after me, they exposed themselves and they showed their true colors, just like you are doing right now.

All of my life people have tried to use me as a scapegoat or poison container like you are trying to do NOW and the sociopaths at my job did also, you and MC joined forces to do the same, so you and MC are not much different. Now, if I can ever picture a person that if they were at my job of nine and a half years, they too, would have played a role in the campaign to destroy me I don’t want to be associated with these types of cowardly people in any way, shape or form.  Thank you for giving me evidence that you and MC are these type of of people.

Yes, many doctors are writing great theories and making great analyses. 

Many professionals out there, do great analyses and understand well the reasons for mental illness, depression, addictions, and chronic illness, that are linked to childhood loss and trauma, and I quote a few other professionals in my book to prove that are out there, other professionals saying what Alice Miller says, but how they go about to heal those traumas, they use the same old tools like yoga, meditation, 12 steps, and controlled drugs, that all it does is manipulate people's feelings, and repress their authentic feelings all over again, and as long people go on repressing their authentic feelings, they will be driven by them into the state of repetition compulsion of reenacting their disastrous childhood dramas sooner or later in one form or another with anyone they get involved with. It’s the repression of our authentic feelings that causes us long-term harm and not the trauma itself.

As long as people's childhood repression goes unresolved -- they will be shackled into the chains of compulsion repetition -- and it doesn't matter how well anyone articulates very nice ideas...

The problem is not a lack of knowledge and educated people, there are plenty of educated people with intellectual knowledge, the problem is an emotional blockage with the so-called “professionals” or “educated people” hiding behind their rationalizations and seductive theories to protect themselves from having to face and feel their own emotional pain.  It takes courage to see, face, and feel our painful truths, intelligence alone is not enough; but it rather helps create seductive, rationalizations, theories, illusions, and lies.

The words below Alice Miller wrote to me before she passed come truer every day: “I have learned over the years of my work on the internet that there are readers who SEEM to understand SOME of what I have written, at least intellectually, but they are still so afraid of their very cruel parents and of their repressed FEELINGS of rage towards them that they are constantly looking for scapegoats. They thus live in a continual confusion pretending that they are healed and even offering help and empathy to others. But eventually they use unconsciously other people (even the ones who are quite friendly to them) as a poisonous container like their parents did to them, and if the offended people begin to defend themselves they can become very mean. I can only urge you to trust your feelings and to NOT offer your empathy and interest to everybody just because they say they read and understood everything I have written. In most of the cases, it is a lie. To understand my books means to overcome the fear of one’s parents, to honestly feel the justified rage TOWARD THEM and to no longer use others to getting free from the accumulated rage.”

 “Think about a really good guy to have sex with, Imelda, that life is made up of many things and not just your morbid interest in watching the circus burn down, in your family in Portugal, while you're far away because that's easy.”

I will do my best not to think about you anymore. Yes, it makes it easy to detach from the war at home with a continent and an ocean between us. Sometimes when people ask me why I left Portugal I tell them jokingly that I’m a refugee from Portugal and they look perplexed because Portugal is not involved in any wars, but I'm indeed a refugee from the war at home. 

Dr. Julio Machado Vaz prescribed also sex in my youth and it was not helpful at all. You have been using sex as an escape – how does that work for you?!

I am very proud of the little girl I once was, in spite of her wounds and having a severe learning disability like dyslexia she was courageous enough to face the world all by herself and fight for her freedom and autonomy and is not dependent on others or drugs prescribed or not. I didn't believe what was said about me and I believed in myself, otherwise, I would never had developed the courage to leave home.

I’m free and I’m staying free!

MC showed you all the messages she wrote to me about you. She never said anything nice about you and you never said anything nice about MC either. But show me screenshots. So it's MC and you who can't be trusted. I'm just guilty of freely sharing with other people information that was useful to me and now my work is done and what others do with this information it’s their responsibility. It's time to say goodbye. This is the last message I write to you.

When somebody hands you the scissors to cut them off, it's like the trash taking itself out.

I thank MC for removing herself and F from my life. It’s so freeing!

Since I published my book A Dance to Freedom: Your Guide to Liberation from Lies and Illusions many have been trying to pull me back into their emotional prisons. If they can't be free, they don't want me to be free either! But once a mind is truly free cannot ever be captured again! What I have NOW cannot be bought with money and cannot be stolen! And this is why I’m hated so much!

With my book and all my writings, I give people a map, and the keys, to liberate themselves, if they ever find the courage to leave the emotional prison of their childhood, as the quote below says this journey is theirs to take.

"You can't heal the people you love. You can't make choices for them. You can't rescue them.

You can promise that they won't journey alone. You can loan them your map. But this trip is theirs." Laura Jean Truman

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