Friday, August 9, 2024

6 Strategies for Addressing a Bully/Manipulator (DARVO)

"Reverse Victim and Offender

In this stage, the manipulator flips the narrative, portraying themselves as the victim and casting the actual victim as the offender.

This reversal aims to confuse and manipulate perceptions, making it challenging for the victim to defend themselves.

Recognising DARVO

Identifying DARVO tactics is the first step in effectively addressing them. Here are some common signs that someone may be using DARVO against you:

Denial of Responsibility

The individual consistently denies any wrongdoing or refuses to take responsibility for their actions when you raise your concerns.

Blaming the Victim

The manipulator shifts blame onto you, making you feel guilty or responsible for the situation. This is an extreme form of gaslighting.

Aggressive Counterattacks

Instead of addressing the issue at hand, the manipulator responds with aggression, attacking your character or credibility.

Playing the Victim Card

The manipulator portrays themselves as the victim, emphasising their supposed suffering at your hands to gain sympathy and divert attention."

Click on the link below to read the full article.

False accusations and projections are confessions of what they are trying to do to you. 

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