Thursday, August 8, 2024

9 situations in life where a person’s true colors always come out, according to psychology

4) When they are in a position of power

Power can be a tricky thing. It can bring out the best in some, and the worst in others.

When individuals find themselves in a position of power, they are granted the ability to influence others and make significant decisions. This newfound authority can reveal their true nature.

Do they use their power to uplift and support others? Or do they misuse it to belittle and control? Are they fair and considerate, or do they favor certain people while undermining others?

Remember the saying, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Power doesn’t change people, it unmasks them. It reveals who they truly are when given authority over others. 

American professor Dacher Keltner argues that “True power requires modesty and empathy, not force and coercion.”

To read the other 9 situations in life where a person’s true colors always come out, according to psychology click on the link below:

Yes, I know.

Yes, the ignorant comments from emotionally blind people and their lack of outrage that is the most disappointing to me.

It's hard to live in a world where most people are asleep, especially with those who are asleep pretending to be awake and acting as if personality making a lot of noise and creating a lot of smoke and mirrors to hide the real state of affairs 

“It is not true that evil, destructiveness,
and perversion inevitably form part of
human existence, no matter how often this
is maintained. But it is true that we are
daily producing more evil and, with it, an
ocean of suffering for millions that is
absolutely avoidable. When one day the
ignorance arising from childhood
repression is eliminated and humanity
has awakened, an end can be put to the
production of evil.”
— Alice Miller, Banished Knowledge, p. 143

The conversation about the effects of childhood repression in our society needs to start happening in the stage of the world, sooner rather than later, if we want to save ourselves and humanity from falling off the cliff and committing mass suicide. 

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