Friday, August 30, 2024

This is How Narcissists Spy on You

Tracking devices. Through flying monkeys stalking you, including your neighbors, friends, co-workers, and even family can be recruited under the guise that you must be watched for your own good. These might be extreme examples, but never underestimate what a narcissist is capable of.

What Does Gaslighting Look Like at Work?

#1. They blatantly lie and deny their promises, even when you have proof.

Gaslighters often go back on their promises and deny past claims. Even worse, they tend to place the blame on the victim. For instance, say you spoke with your boss on Monday, and they approved you leaving a few minutes early on Friday to make an appointment.

Friday rolls around, and you find yourself suffering from whiplash as your boss claims, “That never happened!” and even negates your memory of the conversation (“Why would I even say that?”). If this scenario sounds familiar, there’s a good chance that your boss is gaslighting you. Likewise, if you emailed a presentation due at the end of the week (and have the "sent" receipt to prove it), a gaslighting boss might question your sanity ("I never got it!" or "Obviously you forgot") regardless of any proof you have.

#3. They trap you in a push-and-pull cycle of abusive language and praise.

Many gaslighters utilize a wound-and-soothe cycle where they alternate between inflicting harm (such as using insulting or abusive language) and positive reinforcement. This often creates a never-ending cycle of doubt where a victim ends up dismissing their negative feelings as a result of the “soothing” that follows it.

In many cases, the gaslighter will withhold positivity until the victim reaches the very brink of their breaking point, leading to an overwhelming accumulation of emotion. As you can imagine, this is extremely detrimental to a person’s confidence and emotional well-being, and can quickly lead to fatigue, burnout, and poor mental health.

#5. They make you feel like you’re never doing enough, even when you’re doing everything.

Have you ever felt that you’ve gone above and beyond to earn your superior’s approval, yet it never seems to be enough for them? Maybe they don’t seem to understand your overflowing plate, let alone the superhuman skill that was required of you to fulfill their every wish.

Regardless of how thin you stretch yourself, gaslighters are rarely satisfied. Rather, they’ll always demand more from you—even if you literally work yourself into the ground. Setting boundaries in the face of gaslighting is one of the most difficult things an employee will face, but it’s essential if you hope to prioritize your mental health and emotional well-being both inside and outside of the workplace.

Click on the link below to read more:

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