Saturday, August 10, 2024

Abuse of Power


"Some common examples of abuse of power include bullying, harassment, discrimination, corruption, and coercion. One specific type of abuse of power is workplace harassment, where an employee uses their superiority to create a hostile working environment for colleagues."

Yes, covert narcissists do much more damage.

"A narcissist is actually 3 people 1. The False Self 2. The Dark Entity 3. The Hurt Inner Child" 

I don't walk away to teach people a lesson. 
I walk away because I learned mine.
I'd rather just my life to your absence than adjust my boundaries to accommodate your disrespect.

When there are more tears than smile, leave. When there are more fights than jokes, leave. When it hurts more than it feels good, leave.

They don't have the right to destroy your mental peace just because you love them. And loving them does not mean you have to stay.

"Narcissists don't experience shame or remorse when they are exposed for doing something deplorable, but they do experience regret and disappointment they were caught. They don't care that their abusive and deceitful behavior has harmed other people, but they do care very much that their true character was revealed and their image was tarnished." ....Jill Wise

"Covert Narcissists are very good at controlling and mistreating people using non verbal communication. They don't have to say a single word to you in order for you to know you are a burden, or unwelcome, or not liked or loved, or disliked or even hated. And if you address they are doing this publicly, they will attempt to gaslight you and everyone else, explaining they never said a word to you and they have no clue what you're talking about. When in reality, they know exactly what they did and it was absolutely intentional." ....Jill Wise

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