Thursday, August 22, 2024

6 Types of People you Can Not Trust

 6 types of people you can not trust:

1. A person who disguises insults as jokes.

2. A person who will never take accountability but has no problem always blaming you.

3. A person who says they want the best for you, but then works against you.

4. A person's whose words and actions don't match.

5. You can't trust a person who puts seeds of doubt in you, disguised as something else, like concern for you.

6. You can't trust a person who always tries to sabotage you, or make things harder for you. But always has an excuse for everything.

Yes, it is evil. 

No, they don't care. They only care about their image and exploiting others for narcissistic supply. 

Very true! But I don't get angry anymore. I have learned to walk away or distance myself from anyone that tells and believes in lies. 

I know they hate authentic people. They want to corrupt us to become like them. 

I know! 

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