Thursday, August 1, 2024

Always be Cautious of Strings Attached


"Narcissists don't want honest relationships, they want cheerleaders. They want people who always give them the right. They want blind loyalty. They want unconditional acceptance, no matter what they do. As long as you don't question anything they do, or give them the wrong on anything, they might just leave you alone. But watch out, if you disagree with them, or go against them in any way. In their eyes, this is the deepest betrayal. And it never goes unpunished. Narcissists are spiteful and vindictive." Yes, I know! 

"Empathy without boundaries is self-destruction. Unconditional love doesn't mean unconditional tolerance. You gotta train your boundaries to be stronger than your soft heart and your mind to be stronger than your feelings. Otherwise, you'll be drained. So be kind and take no shit."

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