Monday, July 4, 2011

Letter to D

Dear D,

Since your last letter you have been in my mind constantly and wanting to write to you, but because I am so busy these days and plus writing to someone that is directing their repressed anger at me it makes it even harder to sit down and write. 

I know the truths I talk about are very hard to face and feel, but in order for you to free yourself, you need your truth, like Alice Miller, says: "Pain is the way to the truth. By denying that you were unloved as a child, you spare yourself some pain, but you are not with your own truth. And throughout your whole life, you'll try to earn love. In therapy, avoiding pain causes blockage. Yet nobody can confront being neglected or hated without feeling guilty. "It is my fault that my mother is cruel," he thinks. "I made my mother furious; what can I do to make her loving?" So he will continue trying to make her love him. The guilt is really protection against the terrible realization that you are fated to have a mother who cannot love. This is much more painful than to think, "Oh, she is a good mother, it's only me who's bad." Because then you can try to do something to get love. But it's not true; you cannot earn love. And feeling guilty for what has been done to you only supports your blindness and your neurosis."

You feel betrayed by me, but the person that has really betrayed you was your father and mother when you were a defenseless little girl. I tried then, to make your mother see and take action to protect you, but I was not able to and now you are suffering because your mother lacked the courage to protect you from your father that was using and exploiting you to fulfill his emotional needs. 

You were betrayed by your parents not me, but now because I did not say the things you wanted to hear and I did not behave the way you like to, it triggers your justified anger, but that anger was caused by the betrayal of your parents and as long you directing your anger at scapegoats, you will stay trapped and it never gets resolved. 

Only when we feel our repressed feelings in the right context, they start to diminish get resolved and we free ourselves. 

On my summer vacations to Portugal, I would witness that instead of you relying on the father for emotional support, it was your father relying on you to get his emotional needs met and this is very damaging to a child; you were more to your father a partner than his daughter. 

I bought the books below thinking of you and they describe what happened to you as a small child to a T. I tried to share these books with your mother, but she too did not have the courage to open her eyes and see, she can’t use the excuse that she did not know English, because she like you had no problems learning the English language in school, me in the other hand, because of my learning disability I was not able to learn in school and if I had not left Portugal I would never have learned the English language and I would not ever have been exposed to this essential knowledge to help me liberate myself. I felt she learning English was a total waste, because if what we learned is not used to help ourselves why go through the trouble to learn it! What waste, I left the books in Portugal, if you gather the courage to read them; you will see yourself in them:

“Silently Seduced: When Parents Make Their Children Partners Understanding Covert Incest” By Kenneth M. Adams

“The Emotional Incest Syndrome: What to do When a Parent’s Love Rules Your Life” by Patricia Love

“Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy: and Reclaiming your Life” Susan Forward and Craig Buck ---

It’s amazing to me how a person goes to University and gets so much abstract knowledge, but they don’t get any self-knowledge the most important knowledge of all, because without self-knowledge we just deceive ourselves and others and with a degree from a University it’s just like getting a ticket to go into the world to spread their psychological virus to the masses and this is why we live in a world with emotionally blind people with degrees in power positions making decisions that put all of us in danger and this is why the world is in the position is in. Again these words by Alice Miller come to mind: “…society we live in continue to turn a blind eye to the facts of child abuse in all its forms. Among thousands of professors at hundreds of universities, there is not one single university chair for teaching about child abuse and cruelty to children. Why? Because that cruelty successfully masquerades as parenting and education” Alice Miller, taken from the book “The truth Will Set you free” page, 101

Reading your last e-mail is like a déjà vu, when I was growing up in Portugal, just because I did not say or do what people expected of me, it would trigger their anger and they would blame me for it, but I was not the cause of their anger, just like, NOW, I am not the cause of your anger, I am just the trigger, back then I did not understand these psychological mechanisms and I thought it was my fault, for not being able to be and do what they expected of me, but today I understand very well what is happening, even though it’s never pleasant to have people trying to make me their poisonous container or scapegoat, I am getting better every day at handling people’s transference. In the link below you can read a great article about transference:

I see clearly that me sponsoring you so you could leave Portugal is an illusion and I don’t feed people’s illusions anymore. Leaving Portugal will not solve your problems if you move to a new place without facing and feeling your painful truth first the only thing that changes is the scenery, but your unresolved personal issues will follow you everywhere you go, everywhere you go there you are! We can’t run from ourselves. Me leaving Portugal and coming to America did not solve my problems, the knowledge I acquire here helped me break free from the emotional prison I was born in and now I am bringing this knowledge, in a tray, to anyone in Portugal that have the courage to face and feel their personal painful truths. I can’t face and feel other people’s painful truths, if I could do it for you, I would do it, because you are my niece and god-daughter and nothing would make me happier than see you free, but I can’t do it for you, just like no one could do it for me, only you can do it, NOW, and if you ever gather the courage to do it and need someone to talk to, I am here to listen to you and give you support in your liberation, but I don’t have time to feed people’s illusions.

I wish you much courage and strength to face and feel your painful truths and I hope one day you can liberate yourself,


Also, read the conversation with D in the post before this one 


  1. hello sylvie,

    searching for people who appreciate alice miller`s insights, i found you out there and breathlessly read your conversation with your niece...

    unfortunately, the main reason for myself being so touched by reading this is, that i feel like having such a niece inside myself but still lacking the clear voice inside like yours...

    anyway i was stunned by your clearity, courage and inner freedom to communicate like this.

    i wonder how it went on with you and i wish us all a clear sigth on truth and some people around us, who are willing to see the truth, too.

    sincerely "splitbrain"

    1. Hi Splitbrain,
      Thank you for writing! I was just going through all the comments and read your comment for the first time! I am glad reading the conversation with my niece helped you see yourself more clearly. It’s kind of ironic to reread this post after that niece just blocked me on Facebook, I was going to block her, but she beat me to it! The truths I talk about are too much for her to bear and sadly I think she has bloomed to a completely psychopath. It’s very sad when we have sociopaths/psychopaths in the family. I posted in all my family’s Facebook wall the post below, but in Portuguese to try to raise awareness in Portugal and my niece D send me the message below. She says I am a liability! Psychopaths/sociopaths biggest fear is of being exposed and they will use any means to block truth and facts from themselves and others, if they fear it might expose them. I guess for psychopaths/sociopaths I am a liability.
      Wish you much courage and strength to face and feel the painful truths in your life and one day you are able to liberate yourself.
      Best wishes,

      August 20 D: I don´t want u to post anything in my page, because I am not posting that u are a sad person either. get lost and don´t waste my time with your BS.
      August 20 Sylvie Imelda Shene: so you don't want nothing to do with truth and facts. So you must be a psychopath/sociopath, because they hate truth and facts. Very sad to have a psychopath in the family. You don't have to worry anymore of me posting things on your wall, because you are going to be blocked.
      August 20 D: thank god! I don´t like people like u in my network.. u r a liability...
      "Psychiatric case histories clearly show a direct correlation between the amount of abuse and punishment suffered in childhood and the degree of psychopathic behavior in later years: today's psychopathic adults were yesterday's abused children. We cannot take a time machine back to help yesterday's children, but we can help the children of today to become responsible adults of tomorrow who will treat their children with respect and empathy. We can "bear witness" in public to the children. We can let them know we value them, and that we do not believe they should be mistreated. If the community does not make it clear that child abuse is unacceptable, abusive practices will only continue from one generation to the next. If we are careful to intervene in a way that shows empathy for the parent as well, we have done the job we intended."!/2012/08/intervir-em-favor-de-uma-crianca-em.html
      The link for the English version:

    2. Hi again Splitbrain,
      I like to congratulate you on your courage to open your eyes to see and also for your honesty.
      Take good care,

  2. dear sylvie...

    it is monday, november 12, 2012, and this evening i found your answer to my comment...hard to believe, after all this time...i'm highly exited about this...


    as i still almost daily read on "sylvie's place", i suddenly had the impuls to visit your other web- appearances and were almost stunned to read this above on your myspace-site...

    it means a lot to me! i "wrote" some more comments to your issues in my mind, but didn`t want to bother you, as still having my own psycho/ sociopath inside of me...and just realizing and accusing myself is not enough...that's why i'm shy in contacting you.

    i´ve been raised in the cult of christianity and i still always feel, that i betray the good, the beauty and truth, which i was told there...they go for love, peace, harmony, care for environment and so on, as your new and old president does, but on what basis??? it is so different from alice millers and your sight...
    it is very hard for me to distinguish between authentic feelings and an idea of an ideal feeling...

    i'm afraid of going some more further steps to free myself, because very often i feel guilty to my family and my niece and nephews, which i haven't seen for about more than one year.
    they don't understand what i do and why i do this to them and my mother...
    and i feel, that it won't work to explain; i gave up this idea, although most of therapists and other "happymakers" would blame me, that i'm the one, who blocks conversation...and hindering peace and growth...

    "who am i, to dare to be so mean to such nice people?" this is a question inside of myself...

    phhew...sylvie...sorry, these are fights, that i have to struggle on my own...
    and as i read in one of your texts, i realize, that i still look for someone to take away the struggle and the frustration from me, like the small child...just not to face the truth on the other side of the wall...

    but YOU are still there!!!
    thank you!!!
    i whish you well and take care, too!!!!

  3. Dear Slipbrain,
    Thank you for writing. In order for me to get an e-mail to inform me someone left me a comment I need to subscribe to my own posts and I keep forgetting to do that. Thank goodness I subscribe to my last post and got and email notifying me someone left me a comment and then reading your last comment I found out you had left me a comment on this post also.

    Your comments mean a lot to me too, it’s nice to be acknowledged, and please feel free to write me anytime, it’s no bother at all, I enjoy reading your comments. I might not answer you right away, because I have what I call a real job that that takes a lot of my time and plus writing is one of the hardest things in my life to do, but you can be assure eventually I will answer you!
    I don’t like labels period, especially the label of psycho/sociopath, because is nothing more than people’s repressed emotions of the wounded child they once were driving them blindly into actions that hurt themselves or others or both, and by reading your comments you seem to be very aware of the wounded child in you and taking responsibility for it, so I don’t think you are a psychopath/sociopath. To me a true psychopath/sociopath are those that memorize good knowledge but they don’t use this knowledge to help themselves first and remain wolves inside wearing sheep’s clothes deceiving themselves and others, so they don’t have to face their internalize parents going on idolizing their parents and childhood so not to face and feel their fears of being alone with the painful excruciating feelings of the child they once were and Like parrots use this good knowledge to manipulate others, posing as loving caring people, but under their illusion of love, they misguide their followers into a deeper trap making it harder for true liberation to ever be possible to them and for the people blindly following them.

    I too was raised at first in the cult of the catholic religion and then my older sisters became involve with a destructive cult that believes in the insane reincarnation theory. And I too went through the feelings of betraying them, but you are not betraying them, but going along with their illusion of love and seductive lies would be betraying yourself. The more you get in touch with the feelings of the child you once were and feel them in the right context the more you will be able to distinguish between genuine and pretend feelings and never again be deceived by people masquerading with the illusion of love.

  4. Feeling afraid is normal and before you can feel the painful feelings of the child you once were you have to make it safe for you, create a safe place “ a home” were you are safe and free to feel. Guilty feelings are the reins unconsciously our parents and society install on us to control us and to keep us chained into their emotional prison for eternity. This quote by Alice Miller explains how these guilt feelings are installed: “If we were always punished by our parents for the slightest offense, then we integrated a very different kind of knowledge: that owning up to our mistakes is dangerous because it loses us the affection of our parents. The legacy from this experience can be permanent feelings of guilt.”
    We must find the courage to remove these reins and feel the pain that we were not loved, because real love does not keep us chained by guilt feelings.
    It took me years to give up the idea of trying to explain to my family. I wrote many letters to them before I realize that I was talking to deaf years and let them go, but then I transferred this illusion or false hope into my boyfriend a substitute figure and took a few more years to give up this illusion that no one in the external world could ever make up for what I need as a child, but did not get and now the only way to free myself was to feel the pain of the child I once was. Just as Alice Miller’s says: "Pain is the way to the truth. By denying that you were unloved as a child, you spare yourself some pain, but you are not with your own truth. And throughout your whole life you'll try to earn love. In therapy, avoiding pain causes blockage. Yet nobody can confront being neglected or hated without feeling guilty. "It is my fault that my mother is cruel," he thinks. "I made my mother furious; what can I do to make her loving?" So he will continue trying to make her love him. The guilt is really protection against the terrible realization that you are fated to have a mother who cannot love. This is much more painful than to think, "Oh, she is a good mother, it's only me who's bad." Because then you can try to do something to get love. But it's not true; you cannot earn love. And feeling guilty for what has been done to you only supports your blindness and your neurosis."
    I wish you much luck, courage and strength in your journey to liberation,
