Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Trick To Remaining Untriggered By A Narcissist

The best way to remain untriggered and walk away with our integrity intact is to resolve our own childhood repression. As children, we could not walk away from our abusers but as autonomous mature conscious adults, we can walk away from anyone that does not respect our boundaries. These narcissists are standing in symbolizing our childhood abusers and once we resolve the repressed emotions of the child we once were within the context of our own childhood, can we remain untriggered, only then, can we deal with present narcissists/abusers without losing our adult consciousness and balance.

I was the target of a mob of malignant narcissists in the workplace after I published my book sharing my life experiences and psychological discoveries. If I was still blinded by the repressed emotions of the child I once was and I didn't see them clearly I would not be here today.

They treated me like a criminal, but exactly a year later, my ex-boss and an ex-sheriff, killed himself in a standoff with the local police after robbing a bank on March 11, 2016, that by coincidence was my birthday! If it was me, the little woman to commit a crime my name and face would have been splashed all over the news stations! And then all probably go on TV talking about how disturbed the little woman was -- to discredit me and my book --and make a name for themselves by standing on my head. And, all probably say that you need God in your life, my ex-boss was a Mormon, a man of God, but he was the one to lose his mind, but now is a big cover-up. I could see their lies, dirty games, and traps so clearly. I was their target to destroy, but when it was one of them to self-destruct, all became silent.

“Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you” -unknown

When A Narcissist Realizes You Refuse To Be Controlled

When You Do These To A Narcissist, They'll Ultimately Run With Their Tail Between Their Legs

The guy in these videos gives a lot of good suggestions on how to deal with narcissists. And I love his English accent. I don't ignore red flags anymore! Yes, they do run with their tails between their legs!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

A Child Cannot be Raised to be Loving

 “A child cannot be raised to be loving---neither by being beaten nor by well-meaning words; no reprimands, sermons, explanations, good examples, threats, or prohibitions can make a child capable of love. A child who is preached to learns only to preach and a child who is beaten learns to beat others. A person can be raised to be a good citizen, a brave soldier, a devout Jew, Catholic, Protestant, or atheist, even to be a devout psychoanalyst, but not to be a vital and free human being. And only vitality and freedom, not the compulsions of child-rearing, open the wellspring of a genuine capacity to love.” -

From the book Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child page 96

V: I was strolling in the gardens of an insane asylum when I met a young man who was reading a philosophy book. His behavior and his evident good health made him stand out from the other inmates. I sat down beside him and asked: ‘What are you doing here?’ He looked at me, surprised. But seeing that I was not one of the doctors, he replied: ‘It’s very simple. My father, a brilliant lawyer, wanted me to be like him. My uncle, who owns a large emporium, hoped I would follow his example. My mother wanted me to be the image of her beloved father. My sister always set her husband before me as an example of a successful man. My brother tried to train me to be a fine athlete like himself. And the same thing happened at school, with the piano teacher and the English teacher - they were all convinced and determined that they were the best possible example to follow. None of them looked at me as one should look at a man, but as if they were looking in a mirror. So I decided to enter this asylum. At least here I can be myself

Sunday, March 26, 2023

7 Signs That a Narcissist Is Done with You

 7 Signs of Narcssists Worsening As They Age

The Worst Feeling After Being With a Narcissist 

What Narcissists Misunderstand About Love

When Narcissist Become Sadistic 

10 signs that a narcissist is playing you for a fool

Friday, March 24, 2023

Prince Harry and Dr. Gabo Mate

 Dear H,

Last Saturday I received your beautiful birthday card. Thank you for the birthday wishes. 

I hope you are feeling better. I started writing this e-mail a long time ago but it seems I can’t get in the mood to write anymore.

I’m doing okay. I dealt recently with a difficult dominating woman or an overt narcissist but I created limits and boundaries and for now, it’s going well... I met another woman that is acting nice but I caught her in a few lies that were not necessary --this is a red flag that this woman lies and makes up shit for no reason at all and most likely is a covert narcissist acting as if personality pretending to be caring and friendly but will stab me in my back at her first opportunity, covert narcissists are the most dangerous because most people fall for their nice act that they are good people and will not believe the person telling the truth about them. The overt narcissists are so much easier to deal with -- the covert narcissists that you really have to be very careful with. 

That’s a wild dream you had I would love to hear the interpretation of your friend. It reveals a lot! But I don’t know how to put it into words. Maybe it’s time to stop the aimless searching and start really living and facing the facts/truth in your life and consciously feel the feelings that are triggered by present circumstances, otherwise, you might lose your soul completely and without our soul/feelings we are empty -- left with nothing…

The Aida story is the story of millions of people that rather lose their health and life than find the courage to face their own painful truth. It will only be the same for you if you let it happen. You just have to find the courage and strength to stand up for yourself and walk away if necessary for a while, while you heal or forever, some bridges are not meant to ever be crossed again for any period of time. You ask me: 

“When will we see films where they show the liberation of people, not choosing death and betrayal???”
Stories with true resolution at the end and freedom can’t be stolen and manipulated by those in power to use and exploit… and it threatens the power of those in power positions… sadly we live in a world where most people don’t want liberation for themselves and others. Most people's objective in life is not freedom for themselves and others. Most people's objective in life is to one day own their own slaves.
I’m sorry to hear you have issues with addiction; unfortunately, most people have issues with some type of addiction either chemical or non-chemical.

I’m not much of a fan of Dr. Gabo Mate either. I find him more of an enabler than offering real assistance in helping people gather the courage and strength to start on their journey to true liberation…
Many professionals out there, do great analyses and understand well the reasons for mental illness, depression, addictions, and chronic illness, that are linked to childhood loss and trauma, and I quote a few other professionals in my book to prove that are out there, other professionals saying what Alice miller says, but how they go about to heal those traumas, they use the same old tools like yoga, meditation, 12 steps, and controlled drugs, that all it does is manipulate people's feelings, and repress their authentic feelings all over again, and as long people go on repressing their authentic feelings, they will be driven by them into the state of repetition compulsion of doing to others, themselves or both, especially their own children, what once was done to them when they were defenseless little children.

It’s the repression of our authentic feelings that causes us long-term harm and not the trauma itself. 

I feel Dr. Gabor Mate enables people in a state of victimhood instead of showing them how to stand up for themselves and grow into mature conscious adults.

Also, years ago a lady in Arizona contacted me that had a serious addiction problem, and tried to manipulate money out of me and make me her scapegoat or poison container. She was a big fan of Dr. Gabor Mate and she told me that he told her that taking a drug feels like receiving a warm hug -- my response to her was:  why would you accept a warm hug from a substance that is going to betray you just like your childhood caregivers did?

I think that Prince Harry is valid in many ways. Obviously, he has unresolved repressed emotions from traumas suffered in his childhood. Also, he has a case of new-found intellectual knowledge and joined the cult of the woke pointing fingers at everyone else and not realizing he is still stuck in an emotional prison like the people he is pointing the finger at. He's still 12 in an adult body. His unresolved emotions from the trauma of losing his mother in such a tragic way have attracted a malignant narcissist as a partner who is exploiting him as all those around him are. He had the resources and didn’t need to lean on a woman or anyone else to free himself – all he needed was a truly enlightened witness and the courage and strength to learn to stand on his own two feet. He jumped from one emotional prison to another and now he brought two innocent children to his emotional prison --- it’s like he jumped from a hot frying pan to an even hotter frying pan.   And sadly, he has the illusion that he took a flight to freedom...
That’s all for now! Hang in there!
Hugs from Arizona,

Dear Sylvie,

I think more often writing to you, than really doing it.

I hope you are ok and are not targeted at the moment, not by anybody.

I am quite lost, with conflicts all around me and I feel responsible, because I avoid showing off, what I want, and don’t want. I ignore any sign or feeling, to improve/change my life, because this would mean connecting to my old self before "meeting" Alice Miller, etc., or giving up this self. I feel tired to write about all the details. it’s the same stuff, as I wrote earlier, just with other people. So embarrassing, watching myself.

Anyway, in my dream tonight, I was totally lost in a low-energy urban surrounding, wandering around, trying to avoid trouble with strange guys. No aim to go. Searching for what???? Finding out, that I don't have money, no mobile, no warm clothes. ... I came across an amount of stuff, lying on the side of a street. Leftovers of a household, what you would find on a flea market. clothes, decorations, etc. wondering if I choose something from this. It was near a big caraway bridge. From there, suddenly there came the sound of Verdi’s triumphant march. And somehow some people tuned in. I went along with this uplifting melody. Hadn’t chosen anything of the second-hand stuff. And trying to know where to go further.  And then I saw a cathedral in the far and thought of heading for this as a goal.

Now, after waking up with this melody, I tried to find it on YouTube. I wasn't sure about the name when waking, but it is very well known. So, I found it, watched it, read comments; and even, as I feel at a very dark part of my life, I had to laugh: if you find it, please read the comment from @ryanscarola. it is the second comment on this video. And it has 40 answers. There are many which gave me even more good laughs for some moments.

 Sylvie, I keep it here. I am quite desperate. But, avoiding to take help from X and XA, the dream worker person, who made me familiar with Alice Miller. The fear of growth is bigger than the suffering... this is so embarrassing. But maybe all of this is self-pity??? I don't know. I think that I even cannot trust the tears running down when writing this. There is something terribly wrong with me, with the world, whatsoever...  sorry

 Take good care, H

 Hi Sylvie,

Phew... I did try to understand the Aida story for the first time in my life

 How sad and disappointing :(

There is this guy, in a conflict, and finally, he has the choice between self-betrayal and being buried alive in a pyramid.

Well, he decided to die with the woman he loves.

He should have left his family home, not gone to war for his country, just walk away with his love. This would have been the best choice. But as he engaged for his father/ his land, he loses everything. Because he wanted to serve everything and everybody, without paying the price of giving up something.

Could be the same with me. even more, embarrassing... but fitting perfectly...

 we, humans, are crazy. There is a Lego animation film showing the opera in short. Unfortunately, there are no English subtitles, but I send it anyway.

 When will we see films where they show, the liberation of people, not choosing death and betrayal???

Dear Sylvie,

Thank you for your kind email. Well, yes, I might be too hard on myself. I am used to judge myself from early childhood on.

A friend of mine asked me, how I would honestly answer the question if I want to take care of my mother at all. There could be no more stress raised in me, than exposing me to questions like this. Do I want to be in contact with whom? this is so deep and so scary and I, to be honest, don't dare to find an answer in no relationship I am in.

this is just weird. Sorry to write this.

 I hope you are ok.

Long ago I subscribed to the newsletter from Gabo Mate because I have issues with addiction f.i with sugar, certain behaviors. I liked, that he didn`t judge people who suffer from addiction. To be honest I don`t find him that convincing. Maybe because of a certain kind of spirituality, he recommends.

funny enough, I pushed the button unsubscribe, when seeing his latest email and then discovered an earlier one. and felt to send it to you.

I don´t want to offend you by sending it to you. maybe if you don't appreciate his work at all then just ignore it...

 Sylvie, we live in an absolutely irritated, life-disrespecting world. it is hard to find one's place.

I hope you can keep your safety and autonomy and find some pleasure in small things...

I will write again

 take care, 


When we turn to a drug, a behavior, or another person to take care of an uncomfortable feelings, we run the risk of developing an unhealthy dependency. If a person has come to represent relief from uncomfortable feelings, we can become desperately dependent on her/him. She/he is our "fix."

Seductive Stalking

 "The period of influence consists in leading someone, without argument, to think, make decisions, and behave other than he would spontaneously on his own. 

During the "seductive stalking" period, the targeted person is unable to freely consent a priori because his sensibilities and vulnerabilities are influenced and manipulated.  

As in any manipulative process, the victim must first be made to believe he is free, even when he is insidiously deprived of the freedom to act. 

There can be no question of a discussion between equals; the abuser must subtly impose himself while preventing the other from becoming aware of the process and from discussing or resisting it. 

The victim's ability to defend himself is withdrawn, and his judgment is negated, thereby eliminating any possibility of rebellion. We find here the types of situations in which one individual exerts undue and abusive influence over another without his knowledge. In daily life, we are constantly being manipulated, destabilized, and muddled, and every time it happens we are furious at the perpetrator but even more ashamed of ourselves." 

Except from the book Stalking the Soul: Emotional Abuse and Erosion of Identity by Marie - France Herigoyen, page 90.

Monday, March 20, 2023

On Daring to Doubt

The letter below articulates how I felt all of my life. It was liberating for me to read Alice Miller’s books because I too had the same doubts already as a child. Religion is a big lie! Sylvie

 On daring to doubt

Friday, December 05, 2008

I thank you from my heart for having opened my eyes to my childhood fears so I can now question everything I want to. THANK YOU!!!

I read with great interest your answer to one of the readers this month about religion.

After having gone further into your work and ideas the last months and focusing more on my childhood reality I surprisingly find myself with a total lack of respect(I haven't done anything at all deliberate thinking!) whenever I see priests, bishops, and religious programs on TV. I just feel astonished by these people's "forced goodness", and hypocrisy and I even feel disgusted sometimes (and I remember myself as a child I never trusted religious people who always had to make a point out of it. I didn't like them). Yesterday I found myself laughing when I saw a bunch of dressed-up priests on has all suddenly become TOTALLY absurd to me and all the ceremonies and bullshit theatrical talk are just funny! But I haven't done anything else than look into my childhood. It's not like going to the university and reading academic critical articles and then feeling like you've balanced something. It's rather something deep inside that has changed place and now everything that craves respect seems absurd and comical to me. The other day I was watching my favorite movie; Bergman's Fanny&Alexander, and I have seen it tens of times before. But this time when Alexander speaks about the personality of the God of the bishop I smiled and laughed heartily: Alexander says something like this:" If God is getting upset for what a little person as Alexander is saying or doing in his little life then he's just that piss and shit God that I've always suspected him to be".

Well. Alexander knew this point that it was ridiculous and absurd for a father to be obsessed with punishing a child for his utterances and honest opinions. He doesn't give in to Our Lord or anyone when the bishop punishes him, he just knows that the bishop is dangerous. The really interesting thing is that Alexander has to be this good father to himself because of the mother's betrayal, telling himself that he's just a child and can't possibly know all the things that God knows, so why should God be upset with Alexander?

<p></p><p> </p><p> </p>

 AM: It was great fun to read your letter because it happens rather rarely that my trust in my feelings and in my healthy reasoning succeed in contaminating so quickly another person. First, they react with fear and resistance, especially if religion is at stake, but sometimes, after a while, they say AHA!.  I can imagine that these thoughts were liberating for you because you dared to have your doubts already as a child. But without any support, we are afraid to take our feelings seriously if all people around believe the same lies.

W: I have never respected any religion, and for that minor deviation one is an outcast!

N: I remember this letter, having read it a long time ago on Alice Miller's site. Now I know it was yours. Indeed, the freedom to DISRESPECT people who don't deserve our respect is the freedom to respect our own wisdom and spirit. But in childhood, we are often intimidated into showing respect to adults even when they are absolutely ridiculous and stupid.

Sylvie: N, I didn’t write this letter, but I could have because that’s how I felt also all my life. I had the honor to write to Alice Miller many times before she left this world, actually, before she left I was writing a letter to her, but because at the time my work was very busy with all the snowbirds in town, I never finished it and of course never sent it. She was the most significant person in my life and without her books and website, I would not have made it through. I will be forever grateful to her and I will carry her torch as far as I can go. I have shared some of her letters here on fb and she published three of them on her website.

Here is Alice Miller’s answer to the third letter: AM: Thank you for your letter. I am sorry that my answer to your previous letter didn't appear on the website under your text. I wrote: "Congratulations to your understanding. You are right, you can't make someone to see who DOESN'T WANT to see."
Alice Miller wrote this message

Sylvie: W, Yes I have been an outcast all of my life and I am proud to be one! I have the memory; I was probably 4 or 5 years old, my mother and I, we were walking through the village and we passed by the church where the village priest was sitting outside in the sun and my mother was all gaga over him and tried to make me say hello to him, but I did not want to and I remember thinking to myself: why can’t my mother see that this man is not any more special than any other men! Another time I remember being about 10 or 11 walking with my older sister that wanted me to do something that I didn’t want to do she asked me to sacrifice myself for god and I answered her: if god wants me to sacrifice myself, fxxx god. My family was always praying for me because I was a rebel and they thought I was going to hell, but they are the ones still in hell and I got out. Religion is the biggest trap that keeps you in hell and I am amazed at how so many people fall into it! I remember another time my older sister was listening to the pope on TV and I was making noise she asked me to be quiet, so she could listen to the pope, and told her: why do you listen to that guy with a costume on, He is full of crap. I will quote again N’s words, he says beautifully: “Indeed, the freedom to DISRESPECT people who don't deserve our respect is the freedom to respect our own wisdom and spirit. But in childhood, we are often intimidated into showing respect to adults even when they are absolutely ridiculous and stupid.”

W: I will pick up where you left off, "and so, we can conclude that most 'adults' who have formed us -- and those who still control us through the state and other organizations -- are still stuck in their childhood intellectual/emotional state." They are still children, afraid, confused, subservient, and needy (in a psychologically dependent way).
Thanks for sharing. Yes, fxxx god. 

Sylvie: thank you W, exactly.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Hard Evidence of My Ex-Boss Being the Chandler's Bank Robber in 2015/16

Finally, I got some hard evidence of my boss at Securitas Kyle Wilson of being the Chandler bank robber

T: Figured this may be something you would want or at least would want to see. I was finally able to get proof and figured I’d share.

Sylvie: Thank you so much for sharing. It's nice to have some hard evidence! 
How did you find it?!

T: Requested the info using

Sylvie: Thank you! I thought about contacting the FBI but I just assumed they would ignore me and give me the run around like everyone else.  Again thank you for sharing this hard evidence. Sylvie

My boss treated me like a criminal but here is hard evidence that he was the criminal one! 

I just went through a similar experience again at my last job of almost 8 years and once again I had to change jobs. It’s so crazy!  My last boss worked with Kyle Wilson at Securitas in 2011 and 2012 and he too used to be in law enforcement -- he just like Kyle treated me like a criminal -- but we know who the true criminals are -- hiding behind badges and titles -- he is just like Kyle -- a lying and deceitful man. 

Actually, I think my last boss is even worse than Kyle Wilson and much more arrogant! He knew what had happened with Kyle Wilson, but he thought was a much more talented sociopath and assure of himself that he would be the one to get me to self-destruct with his very well-orchestrated psychological warfare! Some sociopaths love a challenge! These people are predators and I was their ultimate prey! Their grand prize! Most police officers are corrupt and so are most security companies. We live in a very sad world. 

This quote from the movie Spinning Man is so true: “Police don’t ask questions, they plant land mines.” That's my last boss, an ex-police officer, every time he was coming around was trying to plant a land mine...

When Exposing a Crime is Treated as Committing a Crime, You Are Ruled By Criminals


is when the narcissist gets other people to abuse you. That way the narcissist gets to abuse you but indirectly through the flying monkeys who might reject you or make you feel not good enough.

Maybe they'll shame you or put you in a bad situation, maybe they'll extract information from you or maybe they'll even tell you that you're crazy. Abuse by proxy allows the narcissist to look clean, appearing to not be involved, when really they've orchestrated it all."

Yes, I have seen this play being played before. I know who is the director that orchestrates it all. And I have to be on the lookout for all the flying monkeys he sends my way.

All malignant narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths love to play the victim card and make appear their real victims to be the abusers, but when their targets are able to see clearly the games they play and articulate the real situation of what really is taking place; the targets of the malignant narcissists cease of becoming a victim. 

Unfortunately, was not my first rodeo

If it was me, the little woman to commit a crime my name and face would have been splashed all over the news stations! And then all probably go on TV talking about how disturbed the little woman was -- to discredit me and my book --and make a name for themselves by standing on my head. 

And all probably say that you need God in your life, my ex-boss was a Mormon, a man of God, but he was the one to lose his mind, but now is a big cover-upI could see their games and traps so clearly. 

I was their target to destroy, but when it was one of them to self-destruct, all became silent and no one cared that these criminals with their projections and lies -- I lost my job and more than half of my income  -- AND they could have destroyed my life completely. 

There is no humanity! Most people are all fake and pretenders -- acting as if personalities pretending to be good people -- but are wolves in sheep's clothing. 

I'm done with humanity! Humanity is on the path to self-destruct and with the aid of technology is going to happen much faster! And there is nothing I can do besides smiling and waving at those who pass by me following false heroes and leaders taking them to an abyss. 

I will keep sharing my experiences and psychological discoveries with anyone that listens, but who wants to listen to someone who once made a living as a topless dancer and now as a gate attendant to upscale gated communities that in most people's eyes are nobodies and could not possibly have anything of importance to tell anyone! So I just smile and wave! AND enjoy my newfound freedom. Sad for them, but happy for me!

My ex-boss had the perfect cover, he would rob banks and go take cover at Securitas, the Security company! Perfect cover! But on March 11, 2016, on my birthday, he chose the wrong day to rob banks, because he never made it to his cover at Securitas office. My birthday was the wrong day to go out robbing banks!

T: I was doing research online about the bank robbery from 2016 involving KW and came across your blog. From what I can tell, there is nothing online that publicly named KW as the culprit. Do you have anything official that names him as such? I only know specifics through acquaintances

Hi there,

You will not find anything online that publicly names him because it's a big cover-up!

Everything I know it's in my blog! You can make the connection that the day he robbed a bank and kill himself is the same as his obituary! 

Don't you think it's a big coincidence?! 

I'm sure if it was me the little woman to commit a crime my name and face would have been all over the news stations. 

Call the FBI and the media, and ask them why they won't release his name to the general public?

I contacted the media many times but I never heard back from them!

Feel free to share with me what you know.


T: Yeah, I figured it was a long shot. I assume it’s not public info because he was a former cop. If it was released that he was a criminal, his previous arrests would likely need to be retried. Due to the headache that would cause, the FBI probably just kept that all sealed/quiet. Again, thanks for the reply. I appreciate it.

Hi there!

He was previously arrested?! Please tell me what you know about his previous arrests.


T: My bad. I must have worded my reply poorly. He was a cop before. Because he was caught robbing banks, I assume the FBI kept his identity a secret to prevent arrests made when he was a cop from needing to be retried. That’s my best guess as to why nobody can find info naming Kyle as the culprit. 

Hello there,

Thanks for clarifying! You worded it just fine. I just read it wrong. That makes a lot of sense! I can imagine how many people he hurt with false reporting. Me, he only hurt me financially and caused me to suffer for a while from PTSD, the goal of their very well-orchestrated smear campaigns was to see me dead, in jail, or in a mental hospital. 

My very last boss who also worked with Kyle Wilson at Securitas with his false reporting to HR also was hoping I would react to his lies and mind games and drive me insane. 

These monsters in power positions over others destroying lives need to be exposed everywhere. I wonder how many lives my last boss destroyed during his career as a police officer because he is a bigger monster than Kyle Wilson.

Society at large doesn't seem to care. As long doesn't affect them personally no one cares.

 We live in a very sad world. 

"The goal of abusive individual is to gain or maintain power by whatever means possible or else to mask his own incompetence. In order to accomplish this, he must get rid of anyone who impedes his progress or sees through him."  Stalking the Soul: Emotional Abuse and Erosion of Identity by Marie-France Hirigoyen page 71

Friday, March 3, 2023

Cycle of Narcissistic Rage

Narcissistic rage is a term that was first coined by author Heinz Kohut in 1972 to refer to the tendency for people with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) to fly into a rage with what might seem like the slightest provocation or no obvious provocation at all.

People with NPD require that others give them consistent admiration and positive feedback. When this doesn't happen, it can elicit underlying feelings of shame that trigger an instant angry response and cause them to lash out without considering how it impacts the recipient.

It is the narcissist’s thin skin and sensitivity that leads to this rage because of a deep-seated fear of being "found out" for not being the person they portray themselves to be

Signs of Narcissistic Rage

Are you wondering if someone you know might be exhibiting signs of narcissistic rage? Or are you somewhat aware that you may have this tendency yourself? If you’re not sure, take a look at this list of the signs and symptoms of narcissistic rage. While it might feel as though the attack is calculated, most often, narcissistic rage is reactive in nature.

An episode of narcissistic rage derives from a threat to a person's sense of self and is characterized by intense anger.1 In a relationship, for example, this could manifest in physical or verbal abuse, manipulation, or passive-aggressive behavior.2

Narcissistic rage is different from other forms of anger in that narcissistic rage is disproportionate to the perceived slight; it’s as though the person has a hair-trigger response. It’s completely out of proportion to what provoked it and often takes the other person by surprise.

Narcissistic rage can be active or passive with corresponding outward or inward signs of the problem. Read more HERE

Also, click on the links below to listen to Dr. Grande's short videos that articulates beautifully the cycle of narcissist rage.

Sociopaths target amazing people. They are parasites. They need a strong host with values, beliefs, loyalty. They seek & snare committment minded men & women who bring a lot to the table. A sociopath needs us to prop up & propel their fake & sickening, weak lives forward. They need people who will defend them when past s#it hits the fan as it inevitably does. -

Loving a malignant  narcissist/sociopath is loving a monster - The shell of a human being housing a remorseless maniac.

Malignant narcissists are so jealous of you. They may tell you that you are inadequate and below them, but trust me, they are consumed with jealousy. Do you know why? Because as hard as they try to mimic your qualities, they cannot become like you. Their jealousy is of your realness, your empathy and your soul. The longer you stay, the more dangerous it becomes, because this jealousy consumes them.

"Narcissist v. Sociopath

A Narcissist sees others as a means to validate his existence. The less validating you are, the less use you are to a Narcissist.

A Sociopath views others as entertainment. The less entertaining you are, the less use you are to a Sociopath.

Both the Narcissist and the Sociopath need to dominate and control others. They will both exploit you with no remorse and have no conscience. My advice? Do not validate the Narcissist and do not entertain the Sociopath. Stay clear of them. Once they suck you in, it is hard to get away. Avoid them both at all costs and if they manage to bring you into their den, run like hell." Lisa E. Scott