Sunday, March 13, 2022

We Must Learn to Stand Alone

 "There's a reason narcissistic and psychopathic individuals withhold support, validation, healthy praise and credit from those they feel threatened by but "gush" over people they perceive won't threaten their ego and will make obedient members of their harem. Make sure you validate and reparent yourself so you stay away from these types of harmful types of people and are repelled by their lack of authenticity. You never have to seek the approval of toxic people, especially those doing less than you." Shahida Arabi, MA. @selfcarewarrior

Thank goodness NOW I have two healthy legs to stand alone on my own two feet.

And this is why I survived a psychological warfare in 2015.
"The ideal outcome for the abuser is to succeed in making the other “evil,” which transforms the evil into something more normal because it is now shared. He wants to inject the other with what is bad in him. TO CORRUPT IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL" 

The world is full and run by sociopaths -- they will not change -- It's us that have to become enlightened to see clearly the traps, mind games, manipulations and become  emotionally strong --  to not let ourselves be corrupted and manipulated by sociopaths -- their goal is to corrupt others and drive others to commit crimes -- so they can point the finger at others to cover up their own crimes. 

They hate real authentic people and they want to corrupt us so we become corrupted and soulless like them. 

We live in a world of puppets and puppeteers.  
I just wish sociopathspsychopaths and malignant arcissists stopped targeting me and left me alone --  gave up on trying to bring me back into an emotional prison -- but I understand that nothing triggers their jealousy and hatred more than a seeing and a truly happy and free person and are driven blindly by jealousy and hatred.   And to protect myself I have to keep long bridges from people and not cross it too often in order to enjoy my freedom and peace for the rest of my life.

Being on the receiving end of a person who lacks empathy shows a reality to the human condition that we didn't want to believe existed. Watching people side with your abuser, disbelieve you and even worse, bully or smear you along with the narcissist is highly traumatic and isolating. It's within our human nature or socialization to side with the crowd. The abuser gains momentum by getting to the crowd earlier and then playing up to them which is their perverse talent.

Narcissist n): a more polite term for a self-serving, manipulative, evil asshole with no soul.

Isn't it freakin' Frustrating when you're the only person who can see how evil and manipulative someone is, and everyone else is blind to it?

Just a friendly reminder that abusers don't abuse/target everyone they come in contact with, so placing doubt on the people being targeted by the abuser based on your experience with that person is irresponsible and unkind. Thanks.

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