Thursday, December 29, 2022


The article below describes exactly my last boss. 

11 Ways to Spot a Psychopath at Work

1. Emotional manipulator

Playing on sympathy is a favorite weapon of choice for psychopaths.
While they are confident, outgoing, and mentally resilient and rarely feel sorry for themselves, they are master manipulators -- are extremely proficient at eliciting pity and compassion.
Poor performers with psychopathic tendencies may frequently appeal to extenuating circumstances and pleas for support and understanding in order to shift the focus from their own behavior.

2. Control freak

If you feel like you are being micro-managed, you probably are!
Moving people around, making them jump for the sake of it, unnecessary rearrangements of workspaces, the sudden imposition of unsocial working hours, monitoring toilet breaks, and the promise of favors in return for ratting out your colleagues are just a few psychopathic favorites.

3. Charming

Psychopaths are past masters at making brilliant first impressions and charming your socks off.  They know only too well the value of turning on the charm early in a relationship and then slowly turning it off to make you start doubting yourself and feeling less worthy.
If you have been swept off your feet and made to feel like you are the only person in the room, if you have felt that someone is speaking just to you, only to be left feeling confused and insecure afterward, then you may have been faced to face with a corporate Psychopath!

4. Bloodsucker

Psychopaths are corporate vampires who take you into their confidence only to suck out all the valuable new ideas that may have been weeks and months in the planning.
A typical approach is to use reciprocity, a potent influencing tool.  A Psychopath might ‘confide’ in you about some ordinary idea of his/her own in the hope you then offer one of your own that is better.
Before you know it, your idea has become theirs” and they are getting the credit for it.

5. Liar Liar

If your relationship with your boss has been plagued by ‘false starts’, ‘misunderstandings’, and ‘wrong assumptions’ then you may have a Psychopath on your hands.
A tendency to misrepresent the facts while appearing plausible and reasonable, along with a lack of guilt or anxiety over telling lies is another hallmark of psychopathic behavior.
But they are hard to spot because the lies often contain just enough truth that a spurious cover story can be concocted if they are scrutinized too closely. Read more HERE

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