Friday, June 2, 2023

Humanity is on the Path to Destroy Itself

To me, humanity has passed the point of no return

Go down trying to wake up humanity from the dangers of childhood repression in our society,  It's the stage I'm in also. but only when I don't have anything else I like to do, because I think it's too late, but if it helps one lost soul find freedom my work will not be a total waste. 

I lost hope for humanity in 2014 after I published my book sharing my life experiences and psychological discoveries. 

After that, I became the target of very bad actors in the workplace. 

I know a few young people very close to me who are in the tech world and believe me, I know they had a horrific childhood and are dangerously repressed.

Many people with unresolved childhood repression have grown into full-blown sociopaths, malignant narcissists, psychopaths, bad actors, or whatever you like to call them.

These "bad actors" are secretly suicidal and homicidal, but they don’t have the courage to do it themselves, so they play mind games trying to manipulate others to do their evil acts, so they can go out playing the ultimate victim role and they don’t care if innocent victims are hurt or killed in the process also, it’s all collateral damage in their eyes, they only care that they themselves to be seen in the public eye as the victim and their real victim to be seen as the abuser, so the more we try to educate the public about the malignant narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths' games and how they are wolves in sheep’s clothing, we will never know if we are preventing one more tragedy from happening in our world. Keeping silent can destroy lives and can kill. 

People in the tech world create IA to eventually destroy us all so they can unconsciously or consciously blame IA for it

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