Friday, May 17, 2024

If there isn’t chaos, narcissists will create it

Narcissists may thrive on chaos because it allows them to gain control and keep people focused on themChaos is energy without direction, which narcissists can use to create confusion. When people become confused, narcissists can blame them for the chaos.
Narcissists may also create chaos to:
  • Relive turbulent pasts: Narcissists may create chaos to relive turbulent times with early caregivers.
  • Find gratification: Narcissists may find gratification and satisfaction in chaos.
  • Have attention: Narcissists have an insatiable need for attention and validation, and conflict allows them to be the center of attention.
Narcissists may also create chaos by:
  • Forcing people to think
  • Forcing people to reflect
  • Forcing people to doubt and question
  • Introducing the unpredictable, incomprehensible, senseless, and cruel into people's lives -

Narcissists are often immature, insecure, and abusive people who are terrified of exposure. They may also have a sense of entitlement that voids the opportunity to fit in. 

Narcissists will actually manufacture the chaos and confusion if there isn’t any.

Narcissists regularly:

1. Instigate crazymaking arguments

2. Ruin holidays & special occasions

3. Provoke jealousy & use triangulation

4. Give you the Silent Treatment

5. Steal your time & energy

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