Wednesday, January 4, 2023

My Face when someone tries to manipulate me


My face when another person tries to manipulate me, but I have already been through many sociopaths, malignant narcissists, assholes, or whatever you like to call these malignant people. I have faced and resolved my childhood repression and, therefore, my emotions cannot ever again be manipulated. 

There will come a time when you cross that bridge and realize that they are a liar, a fraud, and a rather pathetic individual who failed to mature emotionally. And when you get to that place, blow the hell out of that bridge so it can never be crossed again.

For the narcissistic abuser the words, compromise, resolution, apology, or remorse do not exist. Their sole purpose is to win. They see you trying to discuss the relationship as a competition, which they have to win. Their trophy is your life and soul. Their grand prize is control.

Pay attention when people react with anger and hostility to your boundaries. You have found the edge where their respect for you ends.

People have to pretend you're a bad person so they don't feel guilty about the things they did to you. God forbid they be accountable for their bullshit.

A narcissist will tell you exactly how they are mistreating you by accusing you of their actions.

"Narcissistic Abuse Cycle
The narcissistic abuse cycle refers to an abusive pattern of behavior that characterizes the relationships of people with narcissistic traits. It involves first idealizing a person, then devaluing them, repeating the cycle, and eventually discarding them when they are of no further use."

Unless you have felt the extreme, intense, and excruciating pain of mental and physical abuse, please do not sit in judgment over me. Don't tell me to simply move on and get over it when I am being attacked by a sadistic and malicious individual after escaping the abuse. Please understand that even after you leave; they attack and use every means possible to destroy you. From the outside looking in you will never understand, but from the inside looking out, I owe you no explanation, I will continue to speak out against abusers and manipulators of the truth. Ultimately that is what sets me free.


No Empathy -- A narcissist will demonstrate a significant lack of empathy. A lack of empathy is one of the most defining characteristics of a narcissist. He/She cannot put themselves in another person's shoes or understand the other person's feelings. The narcissist did not develop this ability as they were growing up. Do not expect that he/she will develop empathy as an adult.

Narcissistic abuse can kill you! I am not talking about domestic violence and the risks involved with physical abuse. I am talking about the torture to your mind and soul.
It can kill you. It can drive you to a point of feeling as if ending your life is the only solution

Narcissists have secret lives. They lie effortlessly. They are two-faced - appearing with a perfect public image that most people believe. In the shadows, when no one is looking, they do tremendous damage to family, friends, and those who work with them. 

"The thing victims need to understand is that narcissists don't think like normal people, they have different agendas. A narcissist's goals are things like controlling you, getting their narcissistic supply, or anything that feeds their dysfunctional appetite. So while you are trying to have a conversation with them about, let's say, the problems in your relationship, they are doing things like stonewalling (ignoring you, or looking at you with that blank stare, and saying nothing at all.) or diverting your attention, and manipulating the conversation a different way. You have to understand, They don't want to talk about the relationship. They don't want to take responsibility for their part in anything, and they definitely don't want to work things out. They want to continue to do what they want, without repercussions. You have to clearly understand, they don't want the same things you do. That is why they play games, manipulate, lie, and do everything else they do, it's a way to divert responsibility, keep control, and make you feel unimportant and unworthy. That is why none of it ever made sense to you, they have a completely different agenda. One you don't know about or ever agreed to." -Maria Consiglio

Let's get something straight! If you hurt people and lie to cover up your abuse, If talking about your actions is strictly forbidden, If you lie pathologically about those you blame for what you do onto others, If you share information meant to educate others about what you do, pretending that you're a victim, You're actually a Hypocrite, a troll, AND A COWARDLY MALIGNANT NARCISSIST!

Malignant narcissists know exactly what to say to keep you hooked and to keep you exactly where they want you to be. They have mastered the art of manipulation to perfection. They instinctively know exactly what to say, write, and do to get the action or reaction, to fit their agenda. With malignant narcissists, it is always about them and what they want, and they will lie, cheat, and steal to manipulate an individual to achieve their desired outcome. All this effort is to feed their ego and desire to feel powerful and in control.

At its very best, a relationship with a narcissist is an unfortunate tragedy that will change your mind body, and soul. At best, a narcissist is an atrocity capable of crimes against humanity. We're lucky to have made it out alive. The existence of such an evil being is unfathomable until you meet one. Then it's fuckin' scary...And now you know. You'll forever be picking your jaw up off the floor...

The narcissist doesn't want your love, they don't know what love is. They want your admiration and your obedience as a player in their fake make-believe world.

Formal education is how “Talking heads” or” parrots” are formed! “This is how many “experts” and "authorities" are formed! Idiot with diploma and degree and proud of it!”
"I think the worst thing for a school is primarily working with fear-based methods, the obligation by force and artificial authority. Such procedures destroy the good feelings, sincerity, and confidence of students. Produce submissive subjects." Albert Einstein 

It’s so sad when people are lost in projections and attack their own projections on other people.

Treating symptoms is a very profitable business – so let’s make it clear – if you are focusing on a symptom of society’s problems -- instead of the root cause --childhood repression – then you are nothing but an opportunist and a charlatan.

I wish everyone on this planet could experience life without the repressed emotions of the child they once were

And then we wonder why the world is messed up?! Because those in charge that are supposed to care for and protect the voiceless and defenseless are the abusers themselves.

Careful in confusing judgment with discernment, all who smile are not friendly. Mindfully breathing and looking them in their eyes without words, let's one know who is who. There's no hiding from the mind's eye. See?" ~ Al Bailey

Yes, I was targeted by pure evil after I published my book in the workplace not once but twice. Most people cannot imagine it. Too difficult for many to believe. These evil people are masters at tricking, illusion, and disguise on every level. Masters molding the perception of others. Since I published my book has been a constant dance with Lucifer in the workplace. Lucky that I got out alive and with my integrity intact.

If you only follow the money, you will never have enough, no matter how much money you have. Follow your heart and you will always have enough money to live. Of course, people without a heart will always just follow the money and they are doomed.

When a narcissist cry is always because all they can think about is how they've been wronged, how they've been hurt. The tears they shed are always for themselves.

The narcissist feels self-pity, they don't feel empathy.  Empathy requires us to consider someone else's feelings. Narcissists only consider their feelings. Only they deserve the best and only care about themselves and no one else. Their selfishness is disgusting.

I will never be silent and I will speak up against abusers and manipulators of the truth until the day I die. And that's what keeps me free!!!

Yes, Alice Miller tells it like it is, based on facts and evidence, but very few people want to hear it and everyone just wants to change the world without looking at the root causes -- without dealing with the root causes everything we do will just be a superficial and temporary fix --- and this is why humanity remain endless stuck going from one extreme to the other.

“We don't yet know, above all, what the world might be like if children were to grow up without being subjected to humiliation -- if parents would respect them and take them seriously as people.” ~ Alice Miller

"Writing is utter solitude, the descent into the cold abyss of oneself." - Franz Kafka

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