Monday, August 8, 2022

I Will no Longer Be on Social Media

"The emperor's new clothes" is a fairy tale. In reality, the kid that points out that the emperor is naked will get murdered.

And this is why I have been harassed, prosecuted, and ostracized by very bad players most of my life, starting with my first-grade teacher and especially in the workplace, since I published my book because with my book I point out that the emperors of the world are naked. In this world seeing and feeling people are the most discriminated against, no matter what color or background. I have been the target of bad players in every color and background. 

Never too late to get real! First with yourself and then if you choose with the whole world, but what's important is that you must become real, at least in private, with yourself if want to die free and not in an emotional prison. 

If you do choose to go public with your story make sure you really have resolved your childhood repression and you are no longer blinded by the repressed emotions of the child you once were.

Otherwise, you might not be able to see clearly the mind games and the traps the sociopaths of the world targeting you put in front of you to trap you and bring you back into an emotional prison. 

And you will be endlessly stuck in your story in an emotional prison with little chance of ever escaping. If I had not truly resolved my childhood repression I would not have survived a mob of sociopaths targeting me after I published my book. 

I don't have the patience and time any longer for people that use their sharp intellect - to go around in circles in their heads - to avoid facing their own painful truths.

All of my life I feel like I have been working undercover to witness the depths of humanity's repression and corruption.  I have learned humanity's corruption or evil it's bottomless -- it's very ugly -- most people are acting as if personality pretending to be good people but are wolves in sheep's clothing and if you trigger their unresolved childhood repression, their meanness, and cruelty, it has no end. Publishing my book was the ultimate test that gave me all the proof.

My work undercover is coming to an end and I will be retiring soon and walking into the sunset and live happily ever after in peace and tranquility!  I have given up on humanity and I consider myself divorced from humanity. 

I think Russia might have started world war 3 and we all might get nuked soon, anyway, so I'm going to enjoy all my days left on this Earth away from toxic people.

I'm tired of dealing with sociopaths at every corner I take and I will not get out of my way anymore to try to reach others that are in the same place I once was; if people want the naked truth and leave behind the world of lies and illusions, they will have to go underground and dig for the naked truth like I did because without the naked truth -- true liberation and healing --  is not possible. I will still try to write back to anyone, and mean ANYONE, family or not, that finds me and reaches out to me -- you might not like my answers, but you can be assured I will give you an honest answer. but I'm done with social media. Social media is all about creating pretty illusions and pretty seductive lies. 

If you have read my book you know who Marty is! Before I met Marty I used to be a very private person, sharing very little of myself with others. Now I'm going back to being the very private person I once was. 

For now, I will just keep this blog, if there is anything I like to share with the world I will only share it here, and if people find it and helps them gather the courage to leave the world of lies and illusions behind, and liberate themselves, great! Being a support to others that's all I ever wanted,   

I have deleted most of my social media accounts. Twitter and Linkedin I had no trouble deleting them but Instagram and my personal Facebook page are giving me a hard time deleting them. 

When I click the button to deactivate accounts I keep getting a query error which is very annoying because I feel like I'm being held hostage by Facebook/Meta and they are forcing me to just abandon my pages. 

They like to control and block my truthful posts but they don't want me to deactivate my accounts because I'm sure they just want to keep the numbers of subscribers up because that's how they make money -- it's all about the math for them -- and they could care less about truth and humanity. 

I have been on Facebook for over 10 years and have not gotten much out of it! With any other relationship, I would have broken up a long time ago. I can't believe I stayed with Facebook this long without getting much back.

All they care about is money, power, and control. Facebook/Meta blocks the truth -- and allows the lies and illusions to spread like wildfires feeding the violence and all the wars around the world, therefore, Facebook is part of the problem and is evil. 

Facebook has been censoring me for many years as you can see in the link below:

The wall of silence is everywhere, and why would it be any different online?! And yes, self-censoring means a lot of important information never gets shared, but seductive pretty lies and illusions with disconnected half-truths, and feel-good disconnect stories that work like medication to keep us numb, they get a lot of sharing and likes. 

People love to be distracted from their own painful truths and from doing the most important work in their lives -- doing their own emotional work. 

“This kind of self-censoring can mean that important information is never shared. Some had hoped that social media might provide new outlets that encourage more discussion and the exchange of a wider range of opinions. But we see the opposite – a spiral of silence exists online, too.”

Where there is 'control' there is ALWAYS abuse.

On youtube, I only left the big brother video and deleted all others. 

As long as people are too afraid to face their own painful truths and consciously feel the repressed emotions of the child they once were within the context of their own childhood, they will be driven by the dead hand of their own repression into the state of repetitive compulsion and no matter what anyone says or does, and how well someone articulates great ideas and pretty theories -- nothing matters in this world -- humanity is on the path to self-destruct -- and with the aid of technology -- it's going to self-destruct much faster -- humanity it's doomed. And is nothing anyone can do or say to change this.

Every time a person goes off the deep end and takes others with them like many dictators and mass shooters do. People say the need to raise awareness about mental health, remove the stigma and make mental health a priority. But don't be fooled most people even those in the mental health field don't care about your mental health, if they did, they would not lie to you, they would not play mind games with you and they would find the courage to tell you the naked truth -- because without it -- true liberation and healing is not possible. 

"Children who are told the truth and are not brought up to tolerate lies and cruelty can develop as freely as a plant whose roots have not been attacked by pests (in our case, lies)" Alice Miller 

"Unfortunately, narcissists in positions of high visibility or power-particularly in the so-called helping professions (medicine, education, and the ministry) -often do great harm to others."

Communities are micros of the world and If people cared about mental health I would not have been the target of a psychological warfare by a mob of bad players at the community where I worked for nine and a half years after I published my book sharing my life experiences and psychological discoveries -- at this community -- they were medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrist doctors and even the ones that were not part of psychological warfare, they stayed silent on the sidelines looking at me stone-faced waiting to see if I would burn and crash. The silence from those on the sidelines is worst.

If it was me, the little woman to commit a crime, and self-destruct my name and face would have been splashed all over the news stations! And then all the "experts" would come out of the woodwork and take ownership of my story to spin it in any direction they wanted. 

Probably all go on TV talking about how disturbed the little woman was -- to discredit me and my book --and make a name for themselves by standing on my head. And all probably say that you need "God in your life", my ex-boss was a Mormon, a man of God, but he was the one to lose his mind, but now is a big cover-upI could see their games and traps so clearly. I was their target to destroy, but when was one of them to self-destruct, all became silent and no one cares that these criminals with their projections and lies -- I lost my job and more than half of my income  -- AND they could have destroyed my life completely.

Most people's objective in life is not freedom for themselves and others. Most people's objective in life is to one day own their own slaves.

Most people only care about themselves and create bubbles around themselves to feel safe. They don't realize that their unresolved childhood repression will catch up with them and their bubbles and illusions will burst from within sooner or later in one form or another.

If you truly break free and the system finds out, it will gather all the forces at its command to try to bring you back into the emotional prison --- remember the system doesn't want you to be free -- the system wants to keep you in an emotional prison and treat you with medications and manipulative therapies to keep you subdued, obedient and well behaved without a chance of breaking free from your emotional prison --- your freedom is the last thing the system wants --- It's a game they are playing, a cat and mouse game, a very dirty game they play to keep their own fears at bay of having to face and feel their own tragic repressed childhoods.

There are many people online articulating very well how the narcissist's mind works and how to deal with them, but very few mention the reason why people become full-blown narcissists and sociopaths?! So most likely, many are narcissists, themselves - talking a good talk without doing the emotional work and liberating themselves first.

The reason many people become narcissists and sociopaths is that they grew up with lies and had very tragic traumatic childhoods and because they can't face and feel this painful truth and consciously feel the repressed emotions of the child they once were within the context of their own childhood -- this is why people grow into full-blown malignant narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths...

Most people rather idealize their parents and childhoods, and to survive, they have learned the art of projection and transference to perfection -- they go through life unconsciously and compulsively looking for scapegoats to use as poison containers to temporarily and superficially alleviate their own repression -- so they can have the illusion that they are perfect, better and superior to others and they rather kill and be killed than face and feel their own painful truths. 

They endless are driven by the repressed emotions of the child they once were to hurt themselves, others, or both. I don't see many saying that there is people's denial and the repressed emotions that turn many into -- people of the lie -- and become full-blown sociopaths, malignant narcissists, assholes, bad players, or whatever you like to call these evil people.  

Just like I wrote in my book on pages 144 and 145 "Thanks to Alice Miller, I came to understand that the widespread repression of early traumas is the great malady of
our society. If we look close enough we can see that this repression is responsible for most of our individual troubles, as well as our societal ills. It appears symptomatically in
illnesses, obsessions, addictions, violence, greed, deceit, and loss of meaning. And it can lead to cruelty, violence, and criminal behavior. So many of us carry on as if all this perverse behavior is normal, while most of us who really want to find a way out go down the wrong path. All too often, we follow false prophets who get us to believe that eradicating individual
symptoms is the way to solve our problems. Little do we know that in doing so we always fail to get to the real heart of the matter — the denial and repression of childhood suffering."

Let me make it clear if you have unresolved childhood repression you will be blind by the unresolved repressed emotions of the child you once were and if you become the target of a sociopath or a malignant narcissist you will not see the emotional manipulations and traps these bad players set up for you -- and no matter -- how many very well articulated advice and tips you get on how to deal with these bad players -- you will fall prey into their traps and it will be very hard to escape from and you might not survive.

Also, in my book on pages: 172, and 173  "Resolving childhood repression is the vaccine against the charlatans of the world who exploit those who are still emotionally blinded by the unresolved, repressed emotions of the children they once were.

Once you’re free, your whole outlook on life is going to change. This quote, from a patient of Alice Miller’s, expresses what happens perfectly: “The world has not changed. There is so much evil and meanness all around me, and I see it even more clearly than before. However, for the first time, I find life really worth living. Perhaps this is because, for the first time, I have the feeling that I am really living my own life. And that is an exciting adventure. On the other hand, I can understand my suicidal ideas better now, especially those I had in my youth — when it seemed pointless to carry on — because in a way I had always been living a life that wasn’t mine, that I didn’t want, and that I was ready to throw away.”80

I’ve removed all the barriers of false morality and am totally free to experience all my feelings, take them seriously and decide whom, if anyone, to share them with. I’ve faced my past and can deal with my present circumstances in the context of growing awareness instead of childhood fears. These words by Alice Miller express how I exactly feel: “If I allow myself to feel what pains or gladdens me, what annoys or enrages me, and why this is the case, if I know what I need and what I do not want at all costs, I will know myself well enough to love my life and find it interesting, regardless of age or social status. … I will know that I have
lived my own, true life.”81

It really is a powerful feeling, and you’re likely to find yourself possessing a power that will be threatening to a lot of people. Society is on the side of the status quo, so be prepared. As Alice Miller writes in Free from Lies, going against the parents “is a source of major alarm for others … They will sometimes mobilize all the forces at their command to discredit the former victim and thus keep their own repression intact.”82

But thanks to Alice Miller, I’m content to be who I am regardless of what other people think. This passage, from Breaking Down the Wall of Silence, sums it up so well: “To live with one’s own truth is to be at home with oneself. That is the opposite of isolation. We only need confirmation when we are alienated from ourselves and in flight from the truth. All the friends and devoted admirers in the world cannot make up for the loss.”83

When I die I will not be sad because I have truly lived and will die in freedom, no longer scared and no longer a captive of the emotional prison into which I was born." 

After I published my book all the sociopaths at my job felt threatened by my knowledge and sure enough, they all gathered the forces at their command to try to destroy me and discredit me and my book. 

I'm sure the sociopaths at my last job never had met anyone before me that truly had resolved childhood repression. And thought my knowledge was just intellectual, like theirs, 
They didn't believe what I wrote in my book that I had faced and resolved my childhood repression and I had broken free from my emotional prison. And I'm sure they were confident that they could bring me back into an emotional prison. Big mistake! Underestimating me has always been people's biggest mistake.

"Narcissists aren't inconsiderate of your feelings. On the contrary, they are extremely considerate of your feelings. Your feelings are exactly what they are trying to affect. They closely observe how you react every time they do something to hurt you. And they are like sharks, able to smell a drop of blood a mile away. Why? Because your hurt feelings are their pain-killing drug. They are addicted to it. Ever since childhood. That's what their illness is, an addiction." Kathy Krajco

Hurting and destroying others' lives is their pain-killing drug. It's an addiction that keeps their own childhood repression intact. Just like I wrote in my book A Dance to Freedom page 118: "... as long our pain remains repressed we will unconsciously and compulsively do to others what was once done to us." 

As long as people's childhood repression goes unresolved they will endless unconsciously and compulsively look for scapegoats to take revenge for the wrongs done to them when they were defenseless little children to temporary and superficially alleviate their childhood repression...

And as Alice Miller wrote in the answers below to one of her readers:

"I am also glad that you have the hope that we can pass on our knowledge to the masses. I had this hope 30 years ago when I wrote the Drama. I thought that showing the truth can change so much. Meanwhile, I became more skeptical or just more impatient after I discovered the fear of the beaten child in all of us that built up the omnipresent resistance against the truth." Alice Miller

(Me too I had the hope with the writing of my book would help pass this knowledge to the masses, but like Alice Miller, I have become skeptical and with the writing of my book I too learned that people's repressed fears at the parents build omnipresent resistance against the truth. And people rather destroy others than face and consciously feel their own repressed fears to see the truth. And this is why I have been harassed, prosecuted, and ostracized in the workplace by bad players since I published my book. I understand people's fears of their childhood pain that have been trying to keep repressed all of their lives, but it is still disappointing that pretty much everyone I meet doesn't have the courage to face their fears and become real)   

I don't know a single person in this world I would like to switch places with! Until the day I die I have created a little heaven on earth for myself. And no one can steal that from me. I'm at home at last. 

"Sometimes people try to destroy you, precisely because they recognize your power - not because they don't see it, but because they see it and they don't want it to exist." Yes, this is another reason I get targeted by bad players since I published my book. They don't want me and my power to exist. 

"Imagine growing up treated as if you're hard to love... later realizing you were the most worthy of them all... finding you've been surrounded by toxic people full of self-hate who gained light by putting out yours. An insight that makes you invincible"  Yes, realizing that others are not more worthy and superior to me was very liberating.  

"Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses." ~Plato~

I have to agree. “A writer writes not because he is educated but because he is driven by the need to communicate. Behind the need to communicate is the need to share. Behind the need to share is the need to be understood. The writer wants to be understood much more than he wants to be respected or praised or even loved.” ― Leo Rosten

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